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Johnny Manziel (unemployed)

Three-sport athlete? Johnny Manziel drafted again -- by Harlem Globetrotters

Manziel hasn't gotten a call from an NBA team yet (though that draft is Thursday), but he was selected Tuesday by touring exhibition basketball team the Harlem Globetrotters. He even has his own jersey.


Entire article: http://msn.foxsports.com/ohio/story...-drafted-again-by-harlem-globetrotters-062414

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And here we go. Damn, that was fast.


There won't be any false pretense about what Teddy Bridgewater's initial role will be in Minnesota.

Vikings coach Mike Zimmer told NFL Media's Albert Breer in an interview for Friday's edition of "NFL Total Access" that the team's first-round pick will take first-team reps on Day 1 and compete for the starting quarterback job.
"Teddy's been great," Zimmer said. "He's had a good command of the offense. I like his leadership. I like his determination. He's throwing the ball well. He's got good, quick feet. I think he's a good athlete. So he's progressing at a good pace."

Don't know if that's a glaring endorsement of Bridge or a glaring non endorsement of the other guys up there at QB right now.

How's Johnny doin?


Some people -- like Browns coach Mike Pettine -- don't care what Johnny Manziel does in his free time. Others -- Brady Quinn, for example -- have issues with how the rookie quarterback comports himself away from the field.
On Tuesday, former Cowboys running back and Hall of Famer Emmitt Smith offered a more nuanced take on Manziel's brief NFL existence and hopes that the rookie quarterback will grow into the responsibility that comes with the job.
"That lifestyle is going to be a short lifestyle -- a short career lifestyle -- if he continues that,” Smith said during an interview with 105.3 The Fan. “As we used to say, you can't keep burning the candle at both ends of the stick. The candle gets small fairly quick. Johnny is going to have to figure it out.

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I found this old (2013) article about Kosar, it was kind of funny:

Bernie Kosar Refused A Sobriety Test Because His Offensive Line Sucked

More details have emerged about former Browns quarterback Bernie Kosar's DUI arrest from this past weekend, and most of them are depressing. One of them, however, demonstrates that despite his problems, Kosar's sense of humor is still intact.

Kosar was pulled over for speeding on SOM Center Road at 2:42 a.m., and police officers smelled a strong odor of alcohol coming from the vehicle, according to a press release from the Solon Police Department.

He took sobriety tests, and was then taken to the Solon Police Department without incident, the press release said.

Kosar was the car's only occupant.

The officer asked Kosar if he had any problems that would prevent him from standing on one leg or walking and turning, and Kosar said he's had several surgeries on his knees and ankles because his line couldn't block, the report said.:rofl:



As Johnny Football will undoubtedly find out, the Brown's offensive line still has a problem blocking.
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