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Johnny Manziel (unemployed)



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Paul Manziel isn't exactly circumspect with the media. He told the New York Times in November 2012 that he bought his son a car as a bribe to get him to stop drinking as a high school junior. And that it didn't work. In the July story, Paul Manziel told ESPN that his son drinks to deal with pressure.

Whether Paul Manziel ever expressed to Johnny his concern about the phone ringing -- and it's gonna be bad, real bad -- that concern is out there, in print, and uttered by an authority figure in Manziel's life. And less than a year later, after being drafted by the Cleveland Browns and coming into a combination of pressure, free time and serious money, this is what Johnny Manziel did to address his alleged immaturity:

1. Partied in Vegas with Rob Gronkowski.

2. Guzzled from a bottle of champagne while floating on an inflatable swan in Austin.

3. Appeared on an Instagram video at a party in Houston with Drake, presumably drunk and definitely using a stack of money as a phone.

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Paul Manziel isn't exactly circumspect with the media. He told the New York Times in November 2012 that he bought his son a car as a bribe to get him to stop drinking as a high school junior. And that it didn't work.

Sounds like Paul Manziel just might be the dumbest motherfucker on the planet. Giving a teenager a car to get them to stop partying is like giving somebody Twinkies to get them to lose weight.
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He told the New York Times in November 2012 that he bought his son a car as a bribe to get him to stop drinking as a high school junior. And that it didn't work. In the July story, Paul Manziel told ESPN that his son drinks to deal with pressure.

1. Partied in Vegas with Rob Gronkowski.

2. Guzzled from a bottle of champagne while floating on an inflatable swan in Austin.

3. Appeared on an Instagram video at a party in Houston with Drake, presumably drunk and definitely using a stack of money as a phone.


I just hope alcoholism doesn't run in his family.

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I see him using the "affluenza" defense at some point in his life (probably in the vehicular homicide trial after he passes out before seeing the intersection and slides into a family of 6.)
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The Dallas Cowboys may be America's Team, but they are no longer Tyler, Texas' team ... that is according to a billboard on Southwest Loop 323, not far from the Hwy. 155 intersection.

The billboard reads: TYLER, TX IS NOW CLEVELAND BROWNS TERRITORY and shows a player wearing No. 2 - Johhny Manziel's number with Cleveland - carrying a Browns helmet. Across the bottom of the billboard it reads: PAID FOR BY FORMER COWBOYS FANS.

The Cowboys, you may remember, passed on drafting Manziel with the 16th pick in the draft, selecting Notre Dame offensive lineman Zack Martin instead.

Entire article: http://www.dallasnews.com/sports/co...claims-city-is-cleveland-browns-territory.ece
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