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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

kippy1040;1320613; said:
Tressel does not have a vendetta with NW. Him and Randy Walker were great friends and he enjoys playing against Fitzgerald, he thinks alot of him too. If you saw the disgusting look on Jims face as Herron took off for the TD with the clock running down, you knew that was not the intention of a Buckeye coached team. But do-do occurs once in awhile and its over and done with. Coach Fitzgerald I hope understands what Jim Tressel is all about.
IMO, that was bull shit. If you don't want to score, take a knee. I'm starting to lose faith in Tressel.

I've noted several times this year, and Steve seems to be picking up on it as well as some other posters, he seems to be getting pressure from somewhere.

Between the way he's handled press conferences and his demeanor on the field - this isn't your grandfathers Jim Tressel. And I don't like it.

I thought JT's face - or "grimace" - after a great run by Herron was a bunch of shit. Why? If your going to get upset over your team scoring - take a knee. Don't fake a punt. That really got under my skin and haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else.

I'm guessing I'll get flamed for this post - so be it.
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Bleed S & G;1321070; said:
IMO, that was bull [censored]. If you don't want to score, take a knee. I'm starting to lose faith in Tressel.

Why exactly are you "starting to lose faith in Tressel?" When OSU got the ball back on that last drive, we passed the ball exactly zero times. And guess what? Everybody in the stadium knew that the run was going to come every single play. It's not OSU's or JT's fault that NW rolled over and died, giving up around 50 yards rushing when they knew that the only question regarding what play we would run is whether it was a run right or a run left. If you're going to blame him for NW's players' failure to show a little pride and stop the most vanilla of all playcalling on that last drive, it just goes to show that no matter what JT does, there will always be people who cry about it and criticize him.
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buckeyesin07;1321087; said:
Why exactly are you "starting to lose faith in Tressel?" When OSU got the ball back on that last drive, we passed the ball exactly zero times. And guess what? Everybody in the stadium knew that the run was going to come every single play. It's not OSU's or JT's fault that NW rolled over and died, giving up around 50 yards rushing when they knew that the only question regarding what play we would run is whether it was a run right or a run left. If you're going to blame him for NW's players' failure to show a little pride and stop the most vanilla of all playcalling on that last drive, it just goes to show that no matter what JT does, there will always be people who cry about it and criticize him.

I'm not losing faith in JT at all and I don't actually blame him for the fake punt or the TD that resulted from that drive. However, I, like JT, wish they had not scored that last time. JT probably feels in retrospect that he should've take the knee...his expression seems to indicate as much. He seemed to acknowledge his own mistake...no biggie, we all make them.
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buckeyesin07;1321087; said:
Why exactly are you "starting to lose faith in Tressel?" When OSU got the ball back on that last drive, we passed the ball exactly zero times. And guess what? Everybody in the stadium knew that the run was going to come every single play. It's not OSU's or JT's fault that NW rolled over and died, giving up around 50 yards rushing when they knew that the only question regarding what play we would run is whether it was a run right or a run left. If you're going to blame him for NW's players' failure to show a little pride and stop the most vanilla of all playcalling on that last drive, it just goes to show that no matter what JT does, there will always be people who cry about it and criticize him.
Read the post again. It's not about running up the score. It's about the facial expression after the fake punt, and after a knee would have served the purpose of running out the clock.

If you want to run out the clock, then take a knee. If you want to run up the score, then do that. Just don't kick someone in the nuts and act like you didn't mean to do it.
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buckeyesin07;1321087; said:
Why exactly are you "starting to lose faith in Tressel?"
The faith I'm losing in JT has nothing to do with wins and losses. It has to do with the demanor, smoothness, and control of his emotions that has made him known as "The Senator." Thats where my faith is going away quickly.

If you're going to blame him for NW's players' failure to show a little pride and stop the most vanilla of all playcalling on that last drive, it just goes to show that no matter what JT does, there will always be people who cry about it and criticize him.
Don't be stupid. I like that we scored. I like that we ran a fake punt. I did not blame him for NW being a joke.

What I don't like is him getting upset that our second string scored.

I'm not crying.. I think it's BS to make a face when your team goes out and preforms. Learn how to read before having a knee-jerk response.
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Bleed S & G;1321106; said:
What I don't like is him getting upset that our second string scored.

Yeah, I didn't like that reaction either. I'm guessing that look was just for "looks" and that afterward he shared a good laugh about it.

I mean that's an awesome feeling for your second or third string guys to get a TD. I'm sure JT wasn't happy about the perception it might have sent, but he had to be proud of his bench guys playing hard til the end and showing some pride. Everyone in the stadium knows what we're going to run and NW still can't stop us. That shows heart right there. I hope JT congratulated those guys big time behind closed doors.
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Bleed S & G;1321106; said:
The faith I'm losing in JT has nothing to do with wins and losses. It has to do with the demanor, smoothness, and control of his emotions that has made him known as "The Senator." Thats where my faith is going away quickly.

The slippery slope begins with making faces on the sidelines...

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Bleed S & G;1321106; said:
The faith I'm losing in JT has nothing to do with wins and losses. It has to do with the demanor, smoothness, and control of his emotions that has made him known as "The Senator." Thats where my faith is going away quickly.
Seriously? You're losing faith in Tressel because he's showing emotion?

Are you arguing that this team needs a more complacent, mild coach?
What I don't like is him getting upset that our second string scored.
He's not allowed to wince when they run up the score on the wildly outclassed Wildcats?
I'm not crying.. I think it's BS to make a face when your team goes out and preforms. Learn how to read before having a knee-jerk response.
The game is over. He's trying to end the game and save a classy coach more humiliation at home.

Instead, a wave of players JT deemed unfit to see the field when it mattered comes in and embarrasses NW further.
brock said:
I mean that's an awesome feeling for your second or third string guys to get a TD. I'm sure JT wasn't happy about the perception it might have sent, but he had to be proud of his bench guys playing hard til the end and showing some pride. Everyone in the stadium knows what we're going to run and NW still can't stop us. That shows heart right there. I hope JT congratulated those guys big time behind closed doors.
and I'm sure he did praise them in the film room. But there's no need to take pleasure in showing NW just how badly they suck when the game is over.
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jwinslow;1321139; said:
Seriously? You're losing faith in Tressel because he's showing emotion?
Re-read - I'm losing faith in more-or-less his image as the 'senator.' Not his ability to win games.

Are you arguing that this team needs a more complacent, mild coach?
Re-read - I'm happy we scored. I'm happy we did the fake. We need that. We need a killer instinct. Instead, we have a bunch of guys who don't worry because they are going to heaven anyways. Tressel should have been pumped we scored.

He's not allowed to wince when they run up the score on the wildly outclassed Wildcats?
After faking a punt and not taking a knee at the end of the game?


The game is over. He's trying to end the game and save a classy coach more humiliation at home.
Why not take a knee then?

But there's no need to take pleasure in showing NW just how badly they suck when the game is over.
IMO, theres no need to wince when your second team handles buisness.
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I honestly don't think that he thought Boom was going to score from 10 yards (or whatever it was) out. I believe that his facial expression reflected that fact that he realized how that extra score was going to be perceived. Of course, I am just speculating, just like everybody else outside of JT himself.

On a final note I really feel like JT has been placed in a "Damned if I do, Damned if I don't" situation. First he gets shit for not scoring and now he is getting shit for scoring too much. All I can say is "great job Tress, thanks for a great show last Saturday, please do the same this week."
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IronBuckI;1321146; said:
Your reading comprehension skill are better than that.
What is he saying then?
Re-read - I'm losing faith in more-or-less his image as the 'senator.' Not his ability to win games.
As in that appearance is wearing off?
IMO, theres no need to wince when your second team handles buisness.
I don't see him wincing against Michigan or the bowl opponent.

But those teams are not Northwestern, who typically do not have any OSU-caliber recruits.
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I can't believe there is so much being said about this. The 2nd stringers were in and the run was from 12 yards out for christs sake. Also, JT did not have the headphones on, so he likely was not even calling the plays at that point. Even still, let the backups play, it will give them more experience and maybe will help us out next year. I think way to much is being made of the grimmace. He probably just felt a little bad for the NW team at that point. I felt the same way.

Also, about earlier play calling: When you are up by a few scores, the first thing you do is work on weaknesses. Our main weakness this year has been in the passing game. So that's what the team worked on. It makes like you're rubbing it in but that's the nature of the college game.
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