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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

Yeah, I still think its absurd that people think he was running up the score. If you have your back ups in and they just so happen to score, then that's fine. If you score by throwing the ball late in the game when up big, then yes that's bad. But when you run a draw play up the middle and he just so happens to put N'western's jock straps on the ground and score, that's all him. There's a mutual respect between coaches and they realize that hey some days are going to be bad and some are going to be good. And when you put your backups in, it's just to get them some PT so that they can needed experience. And like what has been said before, JT's facial expression says all and us Buckeye fans know that is not JT's style to run up the score at all.
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BengalsAndBucks;1321272; said:
The reason that we never turn into Notre Dame is because, instead of leaving our starters on the field all game during a blowout to rack up stats, we give our second and third-string guys live-game reps ...
Wrong. The reason we don't turn into Notre Dame is because we don't have an arrogant twit like Charlie Weis for a coach who actually believes he is so much smarter than every other D1 coach that his team is afforded a "decided schematic advantage" over the opposition. Coach Tressel is a man who understands that every coach, including himself, has limitations and weaknesses, and that there's no substitute for hard work.

I'll get off my soapbox now. Sorry, everyone.
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Just got this in an email:

As a veteran, I wanted to do something on Tuesday as a sign of respect for those who served our country; so, I went to the statehouse in the morning to see the display honoring the Lima Company men killed and to say a prayer. As I was viewing one of the full-size paintings of three who died when they hit a roadside bomb, I realized that a tall man stood next to me observing the same painting. I recognized it was OSU quarterback Terrell Pryor. When I looked around further, I noticed a large contingent of OSU football players were also there. As Jim Tressel came to the center of the rotunda, his men gathered behind him and they all took a knee and said a prayer of they own. They were there for about 15 minutes and then all left together. It dawned on me that this was such a classy thing to do by the coach and team; especially considering there was no media there to cover this. It was not their intention to be rewarded with some kind of publicity. It was merely a wonderful, solemn gesture on their part to pay their respects without the expectation of being recognized in some way for doing so. We always hear about the negative aspects of a team; but seldom hear about the good.
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Bleed S & G;1324204; said:
Just got this in an email:

As a veteran, I wanted to do something on Tuesday as a sign of respect for those who served our country; so, I went to the statehouse in the morning to see the display honoring the Lima Company men killed and to say a prayer. As I was viewing one of the full-size paintings of three who died when they hit a roadside bomb, I realized that a tall man stood next to me observing the same painting. I recognized it was OSU quarterback Terrell Pryor. When I looked around further, I noticed a large contingent of OSU football players were also there. As Jim Tressel came to the center of the rotunda, his men gathered behind him and they all took a knee and said a prayer of they own. They were there for about 15 minutes and then all left together. It dawned on me that this was such a classy thing to do by the coach and team; especially considering there was no media there to cover this. It was not their intention to be rewarded with some kind of publicity. It was merely a wonderful, solemn gesture on their part to pay their respects without the expectation of being recognized in some way for doing so. We always hear about the negative aspects of a team; but seldom hear about the good.

Very Cool!!

How is TP's beard coming along??
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Tressel lends his voice to BWR's Nutcracker

Published:Sunday, November 16, 2008
Ballet Western Reserve is staging the famed work for the first time.
Vindicator Correspondent


Saturday is the big day for Jim Tressel.
The Ohio State University football coach will lead the Buckeyes against its hated rival, Michigan.
But the former Youngstown State University coach will also be in Youngstown Saturday ? at least in voice, and perhaps, in spirit.
That?s when Ballet Western Reserve stages ?The Nutcracker,? with a pre-recorded narration by Tressel.
?We were trying to bring some celebrity to the production and Anita Lin, being a good friend of Jim Tressel, took the initiative to invite him to narrate,? said Richard Dickinson, artisitc director of Ballet Western Reserve. ?Jim Tressel is a big supporter of the arts and he understands the hard work and discipline it takes to become a dancer. He believes that just like in sports it all depends on your level of commitment, so he immediately said yes ? no hesitation whatsoever.?

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808 Buck;1335995; said:
Another ten win season, another piece of the Big 10 Championship, and another win over Michigan. Amazing how we sometimes forget how tough this college football world is, and how fortunate the Ohio State University is to have Jim Tressel as head football coach.


Tressel owns TSUN!
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I have to echo 808. Take a moment to reflect on how this weekend felt during the Cooper years. We are living in an unusually successful period for Ohio State football. It looks to continue. Give thanks.
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Tressel currently has 218 wins, 83 at Ohio State.

Bowden currently has 381 wins.

Paterno currently has 383 wins.

At Tressel's current winning percentage at Ohio State of 82.178%, he is going to get 10.68 wins per year if playing 13 games, or for a more clear sample size, 32 wins every 3 years.

Let's give Bowden and Paterno wins to finish this season, and (for this example) consider them retired. That means 384 for Joe and possibly 3 more wins this year for Bobby, ironically landing him at 384. (Give JoePa the nod, he's won 7 out of 8 against Bobby.)

For the purpose of this post, they agree to end it with both having 384 wins. Tressel wins his bowl game, and starts next season with 219 wins, or exactly 165 wins behind both Bowden and Paterno. Eye opening, for sure.

Tressel would have to keep up his current pace of 82% plus change, and coach OSU for 16 more years to surpass JoePa and Bowden.

Any one of us could have a kid that is not yet conceived, preparing to get their driver's license, and JT would have to still be dominating at his current pace for the Buckeyes. Unreal.
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