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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

BuckeyeNation27;1321181; said:
Anybody who thinks behind-the-curtains-Tressel is the same as press-conference-Tressel is very mistaken IMO.

Agreed, and in my eyes running up the score is a necessary component when you are leading a football powerhouse.

Look at UF, they run up the score and everyone starts to talk about them as the best team in the country
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matt_thatsme;1321153; said:
I honestly don't think that he thought Boom was going to score from 10 yards (or whatever it was) out. I believe that his facial expression reflected that fact that he realized how that extra score was going to be perceived. Of course, I am just speculating, just like everybody else outside of JT himself.

On a final note I really feel like JT has been placed in a "Damned if I do, Damned if I don't" situation. First he gets [censored] for not scoring and now he is getting [censored] for scoring too much. All I can say is "great job Tress, thanks for a great show last Saturday, please do the same this week."

Exactly what I was thinking....

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Bleed S & G;1321106; said:
Don't be stupid. I like that we scored. I like that we ran a fake punt. I did not blame him for NW being a joke.

What I don't like is him getting upset that our second string scored.

I'm not crying.. I think it's BS to make a face when your team goes out and preforms. Learn how to read before having a knee-jerk response.

Step back off the ledge, buddy. If you're losing faith in Tressel after the Northwestern game for what you perceive as his being less than forthright in his emotions following our final TD, you either haven't seen all of this year's OSU games or you have a pretty poor memory (see Minnesota and Purdue). Either way, as for claiming that my response was knee-jerk, Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle.
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How many times do I have to tell you people that Tressel with stomp a mudhole in Northwestern every chance he gets? Seriously. What part of 48-7, 54-10, 58-7, and now 45-10, don't you all understand? As long as James Tiberius Kirk, er, Tressel, is head coach, he will ape-fuck Northwestern with prejudice while saying to them, "33-27 this, bitch"....
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IronBuckI;1321099; said:
Read the post again. It's not about running up the score. It's about the facial expression after the fake punt, and after a knee would have served the purpose of running out the clock.

If you want to run out the clock, then take a knee. If you want to run up the score, then do that. Just don't kick someone in the nuts and act like you didn't mean to do it.

You are assuming that it's either one of two choices for Tressel--take a knee or score a TD. Nothing could be further from reality. Tressel likely thought Northwestern had enough pride, athletic ability, etc. to stop the Buckeyes when they were 50 yards from the goal line and everyone in the stadium knew we were going to run the ball right up the middle. I think Tressel's actions in that last drive were completely consistent with not trying to run up the score, and I can understand his surprise (and hence his reaction) when Boom scored on a very difficult 16 yard TD to end the game. I was absolutely shocked that he scored, given that prior to the play, I knew OSU would run it again for the sixth straight time.

In short, I believe that Tressel didn't mean to run up the score, didn't think that Boom would score from 16 yards out on what would have been the last play, and was honestly surprised (and a bit disgusted in hindsight, given he likely knew he would have to deal with the ridiculous knee-jerk, scathing comments made by Andre Ware and others as a result). I fully understand the original post that was made, and I think that given the circumstances, Tressel deserves the benefit of the doubt, not someone jumping the gun and claiming that, as a result of a chance event, they're "starting to losing their faith in Tressel."
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The reason that we never turn into Notre Dame is because, instead of leaving our starters on the field all game during a blowout to rack up stats, we give our second and third-string guys live-game reps so that, when they are the first-string guys, they have the confidence and comfort level needed to go out and perform to the best of their abilities. Thats basically what happened here.

This is football. If the defense can't stop the offense, the offense scores. Pretty simple.
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MililaniBuckeye;1321262; said:
How many times do I have to tell you people that Tressel with stomp a mudhole in Northwestern every chance he gets? Seriously. What part of 48-7, 54-10, 58-7, and now 45-10, don't you all understand? As long as James Tiberius Kirk, er, Tressel, is head coach, he will ape-[censored] Northwestern with prejudice while saying to them, "33-27 this, bitch"....

you've been beating this drum since your post of the last 3 years' scores. you actually brought my attention to this issue (if you even want to call it that). that is why i made my original post that got this convo started. IMO he has it out for them. it's really that simple.
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fourteenandoh;1321521; said:
you've been beating this drum since your post of the last 3 years' scores. you actually brought my attention to this issue (if you even want to call it that). that is why i made my original post that got this convo started. IMO he has it out for them. it's really that simple.

I thought it was because he wasn't offered any chicken broth last Saturday at midfield when he met Fitzgerald. This explains everything.
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chillinvillian;1321433; said:
I thought the ending was great I think we need a mean streak every once in awhile. Dont get me wrong I like JT I like what he is about but every once in awhile we have to get mean and let people know we mean business!!!!:oh:

Yes you are right that we need to have a mean streak every once in awhile, but lets set the standards of a MEAN STREAK in the beginning of the game and keep it going. Don't let the opposition hang around deep into the 3rd quarter. In the days of woody Hayes Football we could do that but now the game has changed alot since then. The Spread rules. Quarterbacks have the option to look for the open seems to gain 7 to 8 yards for a possible 1st down. Now football is a game of chess done in 24 seconds of time. The mean streak has to go on for more than "every once in awhile", IMO.

Getting mean at the end of the game does not mean we are taking care of business. We did set the standard in the 1st half of having a mean streak. Our defense set the tone the rest of the way. When Herron went 14 yds for a TD was not meant to be "mean Business"

Lets hope Ohio State can carry this business of a "Mean Streak and we mean business against the Illiani next week. We still have issues with the Offensive Line and we all know that. This game for the O/L will be a defining moment for 2008.
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I really think that Tressel does have it out for NW. I believe that's part of the reason he ran the fake punt. He probably also wanted to give Trapasso something fun to do other than just punt the ball 60 yards. The run at the end of the game was not an intention to run up the score, obviously, and it just shows how good Herron is going to be in the next couple of years.

That being said, I hope James takes the same approach to Champaign and completely dominates Illinois for how they acted after their win at the Shoe last year. It really pissed me off when they tried to dance on the O in midfield.
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I said it Saturday and I'll say it again: the idea of Jim Tressel being chastised for running up the score is hilarious. I love it. :tongue2:
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I've watched it over and over again, and to me the Tressel reaction after our last TD was nothing more than,

"Aw man...com'on Northwestern, I need to get my guys more snaps and all, but yer making me look bad...seriously, SUCK LESS!!!" :biggrin:

I don't think "the look" was faked. I don't think he owes anyone an apology for giving our back-ups 'live snaps'. And I'm glad he wasn't jumping up and down with glee after our 2nd / 3rd string guys scored (i.e. I think he was at least trying to show a little bit of sensitivity in his reaction, whether it came off as contrived or not) Pretty much what I expected out of coach Tress in the situation (other than the fake punt, but after the explanation I get that too)

Actually based on our lack of Offensive production, I'd be upset if we hadn't taken advantage of every snap possible in that game or the remaining two.
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