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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

What's up with Tressel's personal vendetta with NW? Is he still trying to send a message from 2004? I've never seen him run up the score before, but he definitely did it on Saturday. It was pretty funny because the local news sportscaster in Chicago said the buckeyes showed no class by refusing to take a knee and scoring at the end of the game. I say who cares, but it was funny to hear the senator being called out for running up the score.
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fourteenandoh;1320608; said:
What's up with Tressel's personal vendetta with NW? Is he still trying to send a message from 2004? I've never seen him run up the score before, but he definitely did it on Saturday. It was pretty funny because the local news sportscaster in Chicago said the buckeyes showed no class by refusing to take a knee and scoring at the end of the game. I say who cares, but it was funny to hear the senator being called out for running up the score.

I already said this on the thread about the NW game but I would suspect that it would have something to do with the pressure on Jim Bollman, it's alot easier to deflect questions about your offensive coordinator when you've just thrown 45 points onto the board, regardless of the quality of opposition (or regardless of the fact that the offensive line play was still poor)
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Tressel does not have a vendetta with NW. Him and Randy Walker were great friends and he enjoys playing against Fitzgerald, he thinks alot of him too. If you saw the disgusting look on Jims face as Herron took off for the TD with the clock running down, you knew that was not the intention of a Buckeye coached team. But do-do occurs once in awhile and its over and done with. Coach Fitzgerald I hope understands what Jim Tressel is all about.
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kippy1040;1320613; said:
Tressel does not have a vendetta with NW. Him and Randy Walker were great friends and he enjoys playing against Fitzgerald, he thinks alot of him too. If you saw the disgusting look on Jims face as Herron took off for the TD with the clock running down, you knew that was not the intention of a Buckeye coached team. But do-do occurs once in awhile and its over and done with. Coach Fitzgerald I hope understands what Jim Tressel is all about.

so what about the fake punt? that's not very characteristic either.
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fourteenandoh;1320624; said:
so what about the fake punt? that's not very characteristic either.

Trapasso's got some moves!!! :wink:


Yeah i was surprised at this but I have a feeling maybe he was trying to get his team some confidence after the loss at home to PSU. Nothing like playing a great game to get the sour taste out of your mouth and pumped up for a revenge game next Saturday. Personally I wouldn't have cared if we put up 50, so that our guys get jacked up and ready. That's my opinion.
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205-34 against Northwestern since that fateful 2004 evening in Evanston.

I think the message has been sent. Now they have 2 years to lick their wounds, and decide whether they want to let us score with 8 seconds left or else grow a pair.

Nice game coach!
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fourteenandoh;1320630; said:
i think it was a good move to put up some points. i'm just curious what was behind it. i think the posts above have some good thoughts. it built some confidence, and it probably took some heat off the OC.

JT said the wind was coming at them and that they wouldn't have netted much from a punt anyways, so they tried the fake. Plus, he said they wanted to get another score to put the game away.
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BuckeyeTillIDie;1320647; said:
JT said the wind was coming at them and that they wouldn't have netted much from a punt anyways, so they tried the fake. Plus, he said they wanted to get another score to put the game away.

that makes sense. i did not hear that. the only coverage i saw was the local late night chicago news so i guess that explains why they didn't mention JTs comments.
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