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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

BB73;1300775; said:
JT sporting the scarlet blazer at the press conference today.

From the Ozone front page.


October 21, 2008 2:45 PM
Football: In support of the "Scarlet Fever" promotion for this weekend's game against Penn State, Head Coach Jim Tressel arrived at the weekly press lucheon in scarlet attire. He also brought props. He showed the towels that will be handed out to the first 80,000 fans through the gates, and he let everyone know that if it rains on Saturday, bring your red ponchos.
We'll have full coverage of today's coach and player interviews later today.

Check out the photo credit in article/link below. :biggrin:

Courtesy: Scott Terna

All Buckeye fans attending the Penn State game are encouraged to wear scarlet.

In case you didn't see this:

The Ohio State men?s basketball team will scrimmage from 4-5 p.m. Saturday at Value City Arena. The event is free and open to the public. Fans will be able sit anywhere in the lower bowl. The seating area will open at 3:30 p.m.

Entire article: http://www.ohiostatebuckeyes.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1607833
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Tressel coaching at 90?

By Kyle Nagel | Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 03:10 PM

The question on the Big Ten teleconference was obviously a play on Joe Paterno?s age. A reporter wanted to know what 55-year-old Jim Tressel thought he would be doing in 25 years, which would match him with Penn State?s 81-year-old Joe Paterno as an 80-something college football coach.
?Maybe sitting in the press box at Ohio Stadium watching the game,? Tressel said. ?I?m trying to get through this week. Lord willing, I?ll be around in 25 years.?
Paterno has spent his time lately in the PSU press box because of injuries that make it difficult to walk the sideline. It?s a big change in his 43rd season as Penn State?s head coach.
Tressel is in his eighth season with the Buckeyes, which means if he coaches Ohio State for as many season as Paterno has led the Nittany Lions, Tressel would be talking about an opponent on a teleconference at age 90.
Can you imagine, Ohio State fans? Hasn?t it already seemed like an eternity since a much darker-haired Tressel gave his famous speech at the OSU basketball halftime?
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Paterno, Tressel create own fashion standards

By Caitlin Cox
Collegian Staff Writer

Fashion fads like Crocs and leggings may come and go, but head coaches Joe Paterno and Jim Tressel of Ohio State have carefully managed to elude every fashion faux pas that comes their way.
The two football fashion icons will both strut the sidelines Saturday when Penn State and Ohio State face off at 8 p.m.
Eighty-one-year-old Joe Paterno is known for his cuffed khakis, athletic shoes, plain white button down and double-knotted tie. On colder days he tends to don a Penn State windbreaker or jacket.
"There are always a few kids at every game dressed as JoePa," said Kristin Lopez (junior-kinesiology).
Head coach Jim Tressel, however, is famous for wearing a vest to games. His usual game day attire includes a sweater vest -- Nike Scarlet or Nike Gray, earning him the nickname "The Vest" and inspiring T-shirt slogans such as "Fear the Vest." In an ESPN Sports Nation interview, Tressel said he wears scarlet when his team is wearing white, and gray when the team is wearing red so the players can spot him on the sidelines.
Similar to how Penn State fans are inspired by JoePa's look, Ohio State students are doing the same with Tressel.
Juliana Boiarski, an employee at the Ohio State University Bookstore, said the store has been selling the coach's vest for the seven years she worked there.

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Coaching legend

Today will be one of Tressel's better days.

We will see some good rushing game but I sincerely believe we will see Pryor's highest yardage and attempts statistics today.

It's right there for the taking. Everyone so freaking focused on the run, and we have a 6'6" quarterback with a point guard's vision of what's happening in front of him... and I just think we're gonna see the old Quarterback (Tress) open up the playbook a little bit.

I think we're gonna see a lot of tight ends, slants and the occassional long post.

OSU will win oh, about 33-16, and what everyone will be talking about tomorrow is the play calling.

BTW I'm going to a Halloween party tonight (just from 7 to 7:30 next door, I have to make an appearance) and since I live in Meatchicken I decided to wear my scariest costume: sweater vest, white shirt, OSU tie, and some flour mixed in with the hair gel to give me the full Tressel look. I hope scUM loses today cause then they'll really be pl$$ED OFF!

Go Tress! Let it all hang out!
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Vote Tressel? For now, Buckeyes coach keeping politics (and endorsements) at arm's length

by Doug Lesmerises Monday November 03, 2008, 9:54 PM

Al Goldis/Associated PressFramed by a blue autumn sky, it's not hard to imagine Jim Tressel eventually being the subject of a political campaign in Ohio. But for now, the OSU football coach is keeping modern-day politics at arm's length.
Coaches who back candidates

COLUMBUS -- Tressel for McCain? Tressel for Obama? Ralph Nader maybe? One of Ohio's most prominent citizens is keeping that to himself. While the state of Ohio once again plays a vital role in the selection of America's next president, Tuesday's votes will be cast without the public opinion of Ohio State's football coach.
"When it comes to political endorsements about candidates," Jim Tressel said last week, "it's out of bounds."
Tressel said he discussed this policy with OSU president Karen Holbrook in 2004, during his first presidential election at Ohio State, and reached an understanding that was agreed upon again with current OSU president Gordon Gee. So the state's highest-paid employee, making more than $3 million a year, has no say in making Ohio a red state or a blue state -- he's just scarlet and gray.

"When it comes to candidates, I think it would be stretching, from an ethical standpoint, what I should do," Tressel said.
In wouldn't be unprecedented. In 1988, Penn State coach Joe Paterno gave a speech for George H.W. Bush at the Republican national convention and has endorsed other Republican candidates. This political season, his son, Jay, Penn State's quarterbacks coach, has been an active backer of Barack Obama.

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November 4, 2008

Relaxed Tress, and some politics

There was not a lot of news out of Jim Tressel's Tuesday luncheon -- no major injury updates or pending lineup changes, at least none he wanted to announce.
The most interesting observation I have is how relaxed Tressel was. Is this just a bye week thing -- having a week to recharge?
I think it's bigger. I've noticed in general, for the past year or two, that he has been "looser" and more willing to joke around -- with the media, at least. Clearly, you can't tie it to his team's performance, because he's been acting this way through a national-title game berth last year and, well, not a national title game berth this year.
It also goes against how many of OSU's fans are reacting to a two-loss season. The natives are restless, calling for some heads, if not Tressel's (yet), at least a coordinator or two.
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scarletngray;1317176; said:
Actually, he was standing, so he didn't get up, and I thought he handled it well. People kept asking the same basic question, no one asked anything about the NW game, and so Tress felt he had answered all the quesitons for the day. I don't blame him a bit.



Again, JT's demeanor has changed this season. Not saying I blame him..
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scarletngray;1317176; said:
Actually, he was standing, so he didn't get up, and I thought he handled it well. People kept asking the same basic question, no one asked anything about the NW game, and so Tress felt he had answered all the quesitons for the day. I don't blame him a bit.



Absolutely 100% don't blame him! he answered 5 minutes of Ray questions and no one bothered to keep it moving towards the NW game or anything else. He hinted around at and tried a couple times to move the questions to football but it stayed on ray and he wanted to keep it succint.

On a side note it does appear to be a one game suspension...for now.
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