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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

Difference-maker - Sports

I read this in the Lantern about Jim Tressel and Bob Mansfield. Bob is an acedemic assistant for coach and motivates the athletes with his story. There's a statement by Jim Tressel that speaks volumes about why he is so respected. He can motivate the team in ways others can't.

When the football players whine during practice, Tressel has Mansfield tell them his story.

"Many times when the players are whining and complaining about things, as players do, coach Tressel always calls me and says 'Tell them your story,'" Mansfield said. "Maybe they learn to be grateful and to be more appreciative of what they have."

Tressel thinks Mansfield's story helps players gain a new perspective on life.

"Life is about relationships," Tressel said. "He has such a zest for life and does a great job creating relationships with younger people."

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Overheard: Jets coach Eric Mangini, talking about Jim Tressel

Wednesday, April 30, 2008 3:08 AM

"I just have so much respect for his program, the way he runs his program, the different players I've met from his system. I think he does a great job." -- Eric Mangini, New York Jets coach, on Ohio State coach Jim Tressel. The Jets drafted defensive end Vernon Gholston this year after selecting center Nick Mangold in 2006 and kicker Mike Nugent in 2005.
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Question from Wikipedia: Is bad part of Jim Tressel?s YSU past relevant?

By Kyle Nagel | Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 12:00 PM

While scrolling through Jim Tressel?s page on Wikipedia, one finds a message just inside the section on his time at Youngstown State. It says:
The neutrality of this section is disputed.​
What you find when clicking on the link to discuss the issue is an interesting take on the extent of a coach?s responsibilities. Apparently, one user has twice added a paragraph into the YSU section that reads like this:
While at YSU, Tressel?s football program was investigated for major NCAA infractions. It was found that on numerous occasions during the period beginning August - September 1988 and continuing through the spring of 1992, a representative of the institution?s athletic interests, who was at the time a member and chairperson of the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees, gave at least $10,000 in cash and checks to a football student-athlete for his personal use. In the fall of 1988, the athletics booster instructed the football student-athlete to contact a business associate regarding the use of automobiles. The football student-athlete contacted the business associate who provided the free use of automobiles to the eligible football student-athlete.​
This story has become well-known and to some has called into question Tressel?s squeaky-clean image, especially after NCAA violations involving Maurice Clarett and Troy Smith. But, you can?t read it in Tressel?s Wikipedia biography.

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As an OSU fan, I'm extremely partial to the guy, but this reeks of a strawman. You can't pin anything on him, so you just assume that he's responsible for anything that has the words "Youngstown State" and "Football" in the title, then whack away at the guy. I'm not really interested in what people think of him; his players speak highly of him, as does everyone who gets to know him for more than 5 minutes, and he never has a bad word to say about anybody.

To top that off, he wins. A lot. JT can stay until he's a dried up 200 year old corpse that our players pray to for guidance for all I care. He's demonstrated that he's a class act and a winner, a combination rarely seen in football anymore.
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I posted this comment on the article...I'm sure they won't allow it on their website:

It must be a slow news day to write an article about a comment someone posted on Wikipedia that has been deleted several times. Shouldn't the DDN use this space to bash the Dayton Flyers or write another article on why Dayton should play Wright State?
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Fiu is doing nice work over there at CFN :wink:

Scout.com: ASK CFN (5/9) - Is Tressel An Elite Coach?

Prove to me that Jim Tressel deserves to be called an elite CFB coach without providing stats of how OSU has dominated an average Big Ten conference. The past two years have shown me a side of Tressel as either a poor clutch decision maker or a terrible motivator. Obviously, the Nat Champ games come to mind. The Florida game I can nearly excuse b/c they got blindsided by a majorly pumped up and ticked off team. Tell me?.how can you not have your team ready to play the next year after enduring that embarrassment for an entire year? Tressel sent the team home with videos of the Florida game to pump OSU up?.looks like that didn?t work. That game didn?t have as much poor coaching per se, but poor motivation. It is evident that when Tressel is forced to provide decisions outside the basic game plan (aka when trailing late in a game), he lays an egg. The other game that completely shocked me was the Illinois game. A team that is competing to play for a Nat Champ can?t beat a team AT HOME that won 2 games the year before? Ron Zook outcoached Jim Tressel. That should be all I have to say. - JW

A: First, prove to me that the Big Ten has been an average conference, and feel free to use stats. It?s not the SEC, but it?s been better than you, or anyone else keeps giving it credit for, or not giving it credit for.

Sorry, but I?m using stats; they don?t lie. I don?t care if the Big Ten sucks, if a coach goes 73-16 in seven years with five BCS appearances, wins three of those games, beats a supposedly all-timer Miami team for a national title, goes 6-1 against the arch-rival, and gets his team to two other national title games and that?s still not enough to make him and elite coach in your eyes, your standards might be just a weeeeee bit high.

Also, you, and most of the rest of the college football world, aren?t giving 2007 LSU enough credit for being a special team. You?re dead-on right about the Florida loss; OSU was fat, lazy and overconfident, and everyone from Tressel on down has admitted as much. An argument could still be made, even after the debacle in the desert, that the 2006 Buckeyes were actually a better team than those jacked up Gators. Last year?s LSU, when rested and close to 100% healthy, which it was by the time the national title game rolled around, was the much, much better team. Ohio State was supposed to lose.

As far as that Illinois game, yeah, Zook had a fantastic gameplan and his team executed an all-timer of a fourth quarter drive to pull off the upset. That?s not Tressel?s fault; Illinois simply won the game. Kentucky and Arkansas rolled up huge yards on LSU. USC lost to Stanford. Oklahoma lost to Texas Tech. West Virginia lost to Pitt. Should I keep going? Lots of upsets happened last year. Go off the long haul and Tressel doesn?t have to apologize to anyone.
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I'm trying to figure out how the letter writer expected the author to argue with him without using stats. I mean, they're the best quantifiable measure we have for football. Would he prefer the author use interpretive dance to make his point?

Regardless of that fact, unless the author of that letter is a USC fan I guarantee he would rather have Jim Tressel than their current coach. Tressel stacks up to anybody in CFB right now.
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