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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

TheIronColonel;1159438; said:
I'm trying to figure out how the letter writer expected the author to argue with him without using stats. I mean, they're the best quantifiable measure we have for football. Would he prefer the author use interpretive dance to make his point?

Regardless of that fact, unless the author of that letter is a USC fan I guarantee he would rather have Jim Tressel than their current coach. Tressel stacks up to anybody in CFB right now.

I totally agree. As for Fiu, I've always thought he was one of the best covering the Bucks, although there may be an exception here and there along the way. Great article!

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I'm not sure you couldn't make that argument, gator. Head to head, it's incontrovertible that Florida was better on that night. Based on the body of work from that season, however, I think you could make the argument that OSU would win more than 50% of a hypothetical series with Florida. It's a moot point, however, because it's all hypothetical.

Edit: I should add this, as well. I do not necessarily think that a single head to head game is an indicator of which team is "better" (whatever that means, exactly). In 2002, I thought Miami was a better team than OSU. I still think that. OSU did, however, beat Miami fair and square in one of the greatest games ever played. I don't think that my opinion of Miami (that they were better than OSU) takes anything away from OSU's legitimacy as champion. OSU won in 2002, and they were the champ. Florida won in 2006, and they were the legitimate champ. I just don't happen to think that means they were better than OSU in 2006. Hope that clears it up a little bit.
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I think Greg Schiano is a terrific coach. Rutgers is essentially a team of 3 star recruits. Rutgers is starting to get some elite talent but that is just starting to get rolling. If you watch Rutgers play defense, you just get the impression that every player knows exactly what they are supposed to do and will leave their spleen on the field to get it done, like the 2002 OSU defense through the second half of the season. I was thrilled when Schiano turned down the Michigan job. He is the only coach in the game now that scares me against Tressel.
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B-W field ceremony planned

Thursday, May 15, 2008
From staff and wire reports
Dick Tressel (1970), David Tressel ('73) and Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel ('75) will attend the groundbreaking and naming of Baldwin-Wallace's football field Saturday at 10 a.m.
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Tressel legacy lives on at B-W

Sunday, May 18, 2008 Norm Weber

Special to The Plain Dealer
The turf at Finnie Stadium was given a name - Tressel Field - in honor of the late Lee and Eloise Tressel, as their three sons - Jim, Dick and Dave - were on hand Saturday for a special ceremony at Baldwin-Wallace College.
Jim Tressel, the current Ohio State football coach, wore a B-W jersey bearing his old No. 7, which he wore playing quarterback for the Yellow Jackets in the 1970s. He noted that May 17 is special for the family, since it was his mother Eloise's birthday.
Dick Tressel, the running backs coach at OSU, remembers their parents were married at a trailer park that stood next to where Finnie Stadium was eventually built and when Lee came back to become the coach they lived in the old Watts House that overlooked the old Watts Field in the 1950s.

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Tressels provide funds for turf Brothers giving back to Baldwin-Wallace, where their dad coached
By George M. Thomas
Beacon Journal sportswriter

Published on Sunday, May 18, 2008
BEREA: When football fans hear the name Tressel, it's usually associated with one college institution: Ohio State University. But to many in Northeast Ohio and the city of Berea, that surname is synonymous with Baldwin-Wallace football.
Three Tressel brothers ? Dick, Dave and, yes, Jim, the coach of the Buckeyes ? returned home Saturday morning to honor their late parents, legendary college football coach Lee and his wife, Eloise. The three brothers donated the funds to replace the turf at Baldwin-Wallace's George Finnie Stadium. Once finished, it will be dubbed Tressel Field at George Finnie Stadium. The donation is part of a larger $2 million renovation that will also upgrade the locker rooms, track and press box.
For the Tressels, making the donation to the school, which has buildings that dot Tressel Street, was a way to help the community remember their parents.
''You just hope that people will stop and think about what they did,'' Dick Tressel told the audience at Ursprung Gymnasium at the Lou Higgins Center.
In 23 seasons at Baldwin-Wallace, Lee Tressel amassed a 155-52-6 record and won a Division III national championship in 1978.
Football was an integral part of life in the Tressel home, but it was also a means to teach the Tressel boys greater lessons.

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OSU's Tressel, brothers donate money for turf at Baldwin-Wallace

Sunday, May 18, 2008 6:11 AM

Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel helped Baldwin-Wallace College kick off a $2 million renovation at the college's stadium, where Tressel's father coached football for 23 years.

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Jim Tressel the Quaterback

That's pretty cool he dusted off the old #7 B-W Jersey.

I'd love to see a picture of him back in his playing days. back in the five step drop, looking downfield gettin ready to fling it Flutie Style.

I searched, but apparently cameras are not allowed on campus at B-W. Couldn't even find a recent team picture, let alone a 1970s JT action shot.
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TheIronColonel;1161023; said:
I'm not sure you couldn't make that argument, gator. Head to head, it's incontrovertible that Florida was better on that night. Based on the body of work from that season, however, I think you could make the argument that OSU would win more than 50% of a hypothetical series with Florida. It's a moot point, however, because it's all hypothetical.

Edit: I should add this, as well. I do not necessarily think that a single head to head game is an indicator of which team is "better" (whatever that means, exactly). In 2002, I thought Miami was a better team than OSU. I still think that. OSU did, however, beat Miami fair and square in one of the greatest games ever played. I don't think that my opinion of Miami (that they were better than OSU) takes anything away from OSU's legitimacy as champion. OSU won in 2002, and they were the champ. Florida won in 2006, and they were the legitimate champ. I just don't happen to think that means they were better than OSU in 2006. Hope that clears it up a little bit.

i think your looking for "more talented" team rather than "better" team. miami, imho, was more talented than tOSU was in 02. in 06, i think tOSU had more talent than florida. however, even if tOSU showed up lean and hungry... i think that becomes a damn interesting game, not a guaranteed win. expecially if ginn doesn't get hurt. i have 0 confidence our d could have stopped their O regardless. however, i think if barton and boone can at the very least hold their own. our O walks on their d. so who wins in a shootout? honestly i don't know. but in 10 games im thinkin someone wins 6.
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It has been a few years since JT passed anyone on the all-time wins list (Francis Schmidt - 39 wins) at Ohio State, but this year he'll move up two spots.

He currently has 73 wins.

  • John Wilce has 78 wins
  • Earle Bruce has 81
This will leave The Vest behind only Coop (111) and Woody (205).

So JT has to average exactly 11 wins a season for 12 years (or 12 wins for 11 years) to match Woody at 205. (He's averaged exactly 11 wins for the past 6 years.)

He has said that he doesn't want to coach that long; but I would bet we'll stay close enough to the aforementioned pace that the number (205) will loom very large over his impending retirement. It may or may not affect JT and his decision, but it will certainly be the subject for a good deal of discussion in Columbus.
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DaddyBigBucks;1166426; said:
It has been a few years since JT passed anyone on the all-time wins list (Francis Schmidt - 39 wins) at Ohio State, but this year he'll move up two spots.

He currently has 73 wins.

  • John Wilce has 78 wins
  • Earle Bruce has 81
This will leave The Vest behind only Coop (111) and Woody (205).

So JT has to average exactly 11 wins a season for 12 years (or 12 wins for 11 years) to match Woody at 205. (He's averaged exactly 11 wins for the past 6 years.)

He has said that he doesn't want to coach that long; but I would bet we'll stay close enough to the aforementioned pace that the number (205) will loom very large over his impending retirement. It may or may not affect JT and his decision, but it will certainly be the subject for a good deal of discussion in Columbus.

Given his awareness of traditions and symbols (i.e., Woody), I would be willing to bet that he would retire short of Woody's mark in order to protect Woody's image rather than to enhance his own. I just think he is that kind of guy.
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Steve19;1166428; said:
Given his awareness of traditions and symbols (i.e., Woody), I would be willing to bet that he would retire short of Woody's mark in order to protect Woody's image rather than to enhance his own. I just think he is that kind of guy.

And yet wouldn't that kind of selfless act to honor Woody's greatness be exactly the kind of thing that could push him over the top in a lot of Buckeye's minds?
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osugrad21;1165430; said:

OSU's Tressel, brothers donate money for turf at Baldwin-Wallace

Sunday, May 18, 2008 6:11 AM

Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel helped Baldwin-Wallace College kick off a $2 million renovation at the college's stadium, where Tressel's father coached football for 23 years.


Compare what Tressel has done for his alma mater to what RR is doing to his Alma mater.
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