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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)


This morning during a.m. drive time, WTKA in Ann Arbor was getting their jollies making amendments to the Jim Tressel wikipedia entry. I'm happy to say that they said as soon as they changed something Ohio State fans were changing it back.

They were just having fun but still they were flooded with calls and emails from Buckeye fans.

One more illustration about how badly Tressel has gotten under their skin...

Go Buckeyes!
Go Coach Tressel!
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BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : College Football: No such thing as a gentlemen's agreement in recruiting

No such thing as a gentlemen's agreement
Individual circumstances outweigh unwritten code in applying recruiting etiquette in Big Ten
Thursday, April 17, 2008 6:51 AM
By Ken Gordon

Last December, Melvin Fellows orally committed to play football for Illinois, declared his decision final and said, "This is the end of the process for me."

According to a vague, unwritten Big Ten code of conduct, at that point Fellows was off limits to other league coaches. That's how it is supposed to work, at least -- once a kid commits, back off.

Far from backing off, though, Ohio State came after him hard. Just weeks after his Illinois commitment, the Buckeyes offered Fellows a scholarship. And on Saturday, the big defensive end from Garfield Heights will stand on the Ohio Stadium sidelines, watching the Buckeyes' spring game instead of the Illini's game, as he had originally planned.

Cont'd ...
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Tressel over Michigan: There's no stopping it
Jason Lloyd Journal Register News Service

Justin Boren clipped his own wings. Inadvertently, he might have just kicked off another 10-year war.
Boren's transfer from Michigan to Ohio State, which was made official Wednesday, makes this the busiest offseason in the history of the heated rivalry. Just like on the field, the Buckeyes have dominated off it, too.
First, Jim Tressel plucked Terrelle Pryor away from Rich Rodriguez in the much-publicized recruitment of the best high school player in the country.
Pryor was the first person Rodriguez called after taking the Michigan job. Pryor's high school coach thought Michigan was the best fit. His adviser, backup Steelers quarterback Charlie Batch, thought Michigan was the best fit.
Pryor felt otherwise, and left Rodriguez with a gaping hole at the most important position on the field.
Then Tressel took a vintage Tressel-like shot at Rodriguez with his veiled "gentlemen's agreement" remark. Asked if a gentlemen's agreement exists among Big Ten coaches when it comes to recruiting, Tressel replied "only among gentlemen" - a direct shot at Rodriguez for plucking away recruits who had verbally committed to other schools. Then Tressel seemed surprised when Rodriguez fired back.
Once again, though, Tressel seems to be getting the final word.

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3074326;1148974; said:
Reading these stories makes me want to meet the guy.
My grandfather had that pleasure in Kroger two seasons ago.

He saw JT and just waved and continued to walk not wanting to bother him.

Now my grandfather is one of the biggest Ohio State fans of all time, infact he used to broadcast the games on WMNI I think, not positive about what station he was on.

In the next isle, JT was there again and mt grandfather thanked him for the football he had signed for him as a birthday present (sort-of a tradition in the family, grandpa has birthday balls from Woody, Bruce, Cooper, and now Tressel) and JT spent about 5-10 minutes just talking football and about the old broadcasts with him.

I make sure to pass all these stories along to him.
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