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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

From everything I have seen about him in the press and public interviews, JT places incredible importance on his religious values. From everything I have seen about RR in the press and public interviews, his actions appear to be guided more by situational contingencies.

That comment shows us a lot about JT's state of mind about the coaching change at TSUN and perhaps reveals a lot about what has been going on behind the scenes between he and RR. I mean, have you ever heard JT slag off another coach like that , especially in the Big Ten?

JT is too professional to let this get personal between him and RR, but anyone who had any doubt about JT's impression of RR now has some guidance! :wink2:
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Let the snowball roll ... at least one national writer picked up on the CPD article:

ESPN.com - Blogs - Bruce Feldman Blog
Jim Tressel might've taken a jab at new Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez, wonders Doug Lesmerises, after the Ohio State coach fielded the following question at a spring football preview luncheon to benefit Alzheimer's research:

"Is there a gentleman's agreement between Big Ten coaches that once a player verbally commits to a school, the other coaches are supposedly hands off?"

This was Tressel's answer, Lesmerises reports in his blog, after about a one-second pause. "I guess only between the gentlemen."

The quip comes on the heels of Purdue coach Joe Tiller calling Rodriguez "a guy in a wizard hat selling snake oil" after Purdue recruit Ray Roundtree switched his oral commitment from the Boilermakers to Michigan. I doubt this is Tressel trying to be snarky. That kind of thing has never been part of his m.o. and I doubt he's starting now.
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The Columbus Dispatch : Home

Notebook: Tressel's book on winners not just about sports

Fans and opposing coaches might gain more insight into the ways and means of Ohio State coach Jim Tressel starting in mid-July.

That's when his book, The Winners Manual: For the Game of Life, written with Chris Fabry, will be released by Tyndale House Publishers, it was announced yesterday.

It promises to be more about Tressel's philosophy, and about what he has learned from others, than a tell-all about his career.

"Throughout my coaching career, I have enjoyed studying from the great coaches throughout the country in order to create my plan for success on and off the field," Tressel said in a statement released by the publisher. "Of course, the players and coaches that I have had the good fortune to work with have shaped my approach the most."

Cont'd ...
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Tressel book to benefit. . . .books

Some of you may have caught Tim May's notebook today about Jim Tressel's new book coming out this summer.
When I heard that the proceeds will be going to help the OSU library, I thought back to a story I did on Tressel in May 2006. He had just signed a contract extension that would pay him an average of about $2.5 million a year, but the story was about how much he and his wife, Ellen, and her family donated to libraries and university needs that had nothing to do with sports.
That's impressive, in my opinion. But it goes along with Tressel's values. Our own Rob Oller and Todd Porter of the Canton Repository have done profiles of Tressel in the past few months -- sorry for no links, because they are archived in those respective newspaper's systems and would cost you to read them.

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Sporting News


Tom Dienhart ranks the top 66 BCS coaches....

Top 5.....

1. Pete Carroll, USC.
2. Jim Tressel, Ohio State.
3. Rich Rodriguez, Michigan.
4. Bob Stoops, Oklahoma.
5. Jim Grobe, Wake Forest.

Big Ten coaches.....
18. Joe Tiller, Purdue.
26. Kirk Ferentz, Iowa.
40. Bret Bielema, Wisconsin.
43. Ron Zook, Illinois.
44. Mark Dantonio, Michigan State.
48. Joe Paterno, Penn State.
61. Pat Fitzgerald, Northwestern.
62. Tim Brewster, Minnesota.
65. Bill Lynch, Indiana.

Other Laughables....
51. David Cutcliffe, Duke.
56. Charlie Weis, Notre Dame.
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Good point MD Buckeye. Who's to say if whatever Tom Dienhart thinks is important, but if you want an explanation as to whats up with the Big 10 in a nutshell, just look at where the other coaches in our conference rank.

18. Joe Tiller, Purdue.
26. Kirk Ferentz, Iowa.
40. Bret Bielema, Wisconsin.
43. Ron Zook, Illinois.
44. Mark Dantonio, Michigan State.
48. Joe Paterno, Penn State.
61. Pat Fitzgerald, Northwestern.
62. Tim Brewster, Minnesota.
65. Bill Lynch, Indiana.
Yeah. Not that I've thought otherwise for one second since 2001, but I'm glad we got Tressel.
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This was forwarded to me by my step mom......... I dont know where its from or anything but I thought it was sweet

By MfaninAtl on 15:59:30 04/04/08
Before I say anything, I want you to know I HATE, LOATHE, DESPISE Ohio State Football. I am a lifelong Michigan fan and there is no other way for a Michigan fan to feel. Ohio State fans should (and do) feel the same way about Michigan.
However, I can recognize Ohio State's success and reasons for it, and I can carry on a civilized conversation with intelligent Ohio State fans (the "intelligent" part eliminates about 98% of Ohio State fans from said civilized conversations). There are just as many stupid Michigan fans. They embarrass me.
Two years ago, I was teaching 7th garde Language Arts and I had a student who moved to the Atlanta area from Cleveland, Ohio. His name was Philip Dickson and he was living with his aunt, LaToya because his parents were out of the picture (mom, a drug addict and dad in prison). His aunt was a nurse and she was working her tail off to make him responsible and accountable.
It was obvious to me Philip was an Ohio State fan. The first day he walked into my classroom, which was decked out in everything "Michigan Football," he talked about his distaste for the Maize and Blue. That was when he told me about how much he loved Ohio State Football. He and I didn't see eye-to-eye on Michigan & Ohio State, but I liked Philip and I knew he needed to be pushed to be the best he can be.
As time went by, Philip got in trouble in some of his classes and he wasn't putting forth the effort he should have been. Teachers met with his aunt, she disciplined him, we disciplined him (although he was never a discipline problem in my class), but he just wasn't responding. I had an idea.
Without telling anyone, I sent a note to Jim Tressel. I told him about Philip and that Philip wasn't working to his potential. I explained that Philip was a huge Buckeye Football fan and I asked Coach Tressel if he would be willing to send a note to Philip telling him to work harder. The NCAA, which has the some of the most idiotic rules, told me it would be ok for Coach Tressel to send such a letter because Philip was a 7th grader.
Mind you, this was in late September, so Coach Tressel had a few more pressing things on his mind than some kid in Atlanta, Georgia.
About 10 days later, in my mailbox at school, was an envelope from the Ohio State Football office (It was addressed to Philip Dickson in my care). I was shocked, but I couldn't wait for Philip to get to my class. I got out the letter opener for him, so he could open it neatly. This would be a "keeper"!
Second period rolled around and Philip's aunt was at school that day to check in with us teachers on his progress. I told her to stick around to see what I had for Philip. I asked another teacher to come to my door and announce "This came 'Special Delivery' for Philip Dickson." The class stopped and stared at the envelope as I walked it back to him. I handed him the letter opener,
and since he had never seen a letter opener before, I opened the letter for him (very carefully)!

It was on the OFFICIAL Ohio State Football greeting card. His eyes opened wide and he was stunned! He just sat silently. He read it once, turned it over, picked up the envelope again and looked at it, and read the card again. It said (paraphrasing), "Philip, I understand you are a very big Buckeye Football fan! We are glad you support us! I want you to give your very best in all your school work and in being the best person you can be. I will be in touch with your teacher to see how you are doing. Keep cheering for the Buckeyes! Go Bucks! -Jim Tressel"
WOW. I love Michigan Football, but I am pretty sure the coaches they have had there in my lifetime (Bo, Gary Moeller, Lloyd Carr) would not have taken time out of their schedule, especially DURING THE SEASON, to do that for a kid.
Let me add another example of what Jim Tressel has done. Recently a friend of mine, Joe Links, who played for Tressel's father Lee, at Baldwin-Wallace College in Berea (just outside of Cleveland) was diagnosed with colon cancer. I can't imagine what that is like. Joe is a very intense Ohio State fan and his two kids, Greg and Gretchen both graduated from there.
I wrote to Coach Tressel to tell him about Joe and that I thought it would be a nice lift for Joe's spirits and those of his family if Coach Tressel were to send along a "get well" note. I also mentioned that I am a Michigan fan, but that I respect him and what he has done at Ohio State (I don't have to like it, but how can you not respect it?). Tressel remembered Joe and a
week later, the letter arrived at the Links house in Hudson, (ahem) Michigan. Joe and his wife Barb were not only surprised, but touched by Coach Tressel's thoughtfulness.

So am I.
I see this guy with his sweatervest, dry answers to reporters' questions, constant beating of Michigan and I think, "Man, do I hate that guy!" Well, I hate that he keeps beating us. I hate that he basically called Michigan out on National TV the day Ohio State hired him (and then backed it up). I hate that his offensive play-calling keeps Michigan completely off balance. I hate
that he successfully changes his coaching style and strategies based on the personnel he has. I HATE IT!!!

But I can't help but like WHO Jim Tressel is and WHAT he is as a person. He sets himself aside for others. He lives by the "What Would Jesus Do?" bracelet he wears. Yep, Jim Tressel sure does aggravate me every Saturday when I cheer against Ohio State (no matter who they are playing - even in bowl games). But, I (and every Michigan fan with a working brain cell) would take him as our coach and the face of our football program in Ann Arbor in a heartbeat (and that is not a slight to the great coaches we have had there and who we have there today).
Jim Tressel is just a good man.
Thom Dartt
Marietta, Georgia (Native of Toledo, Ohio)

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Jim Mountjoy
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bassbuckeye07;1139773; said:
This was forwarded to me by my step mom......... I dont know where its from or anything but I thought it was sweet
Tressel is starting to develop Woody-type legendary status with some of the stories that come out... And (knock on wood) there's a good chance he'll have more success on the field by the time his career is over... And he's doing it without some of Woody's unfortunate outlashes.

I cannot possibly imagine a better man or coach. He is the fantasy coach. Is there honestly anything that anyone would change about him?
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