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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

BayBuck;1101244; said:
:lol: at "a Yahoo reporter" -- seems like a pretty apt description.

I would be surprised if that combination of words was a coincidence. You gotta remember, these guys make a living with words. I doubt that one just happened to fall through the cracks. :wink2:
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Reynoldsburg schools
Tressel aims for 4-0 in levy campaigns

Tuesday, March 4, 2008 3:01 AM
By Charlie Boss

Even in the off-season, Ohio State University football coach Jim Tressel scores wins. His record is 3-0 in endorsing property-tax increases that voters subsequently OK'd for Columbus, Gahanna-Jefferson and South-Western schools.
His latest effort: Reynoldsburg schools' $56 million bond issue for new schools and building improvements.
Voters received recorded phone messages from the coach yesterday, asking them to vote for the bond issue that would pay for a new high school and elementary school and upgrades for six buildings. Voters rejected a similar request in 2006.
Tressel lives in Upper Arlington and won't have to pay the new tax -- about $150 annually per $100,000 of home value -- if it passes. Still, his support matters, said Len Hartman, co-chairman of Reynoldsburg's campaign group Citizens for R Schools.

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Ohio State football
Tressel fundraiser to go on
Even with changes, coach's appearance dogged by questions
Wednesday, March 5, 2008 6:50 AM
By Ken Gordon

Despite controversy, the show will go on tonight for the 300-some people who purchased tickets for "An Evening with Ohio State coach Jim Tressel." Invited by officials from Cincinnati LaSalle High School, they will pack the Receptions, Banquet and Conference Center in Fairfield. Those who paid a premium will sit with Tressel at the dais, have their photo taken with the coach and leave with an autographed football.
But because of concerns that such events might violate murky NCAA rules, this decades-old tradition of inviting college coaches to school fundraisers might soon come to an end.
"Like everything else, most things work for a while and then get cut out because somebody abuses it, or there's a concern of abuse," said Grant Teaff, executive director of the American Football Coaches Association. "It's a slippery slope. I'm sure (the NCAA) will take a look at this."
The NCAA prohibits coaches from speaking at an event that raises money for a high school. The concern is that a coach could gain a recruiting advantage.

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I was fortunate enough to attend this event last night (Mrs. Briegg sprung for the premium tix for valentines day:biggrin:). Not only was it awesome meeting Jim Tressel, but we spent much of the evening talking with George Jacoby and his wife Nina (my wife flirting with him didn't hurt). George played on Woody's first team (1951) and was a captain and all American Tackle in 1953.

What a great evening - it'll be a shame if these type of events are brought to an end.
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Rob Oller commentary | OSU football: Fundraisers put NCAA in a tough spot

Thursday, March 6, 2008 3:36 AM
By Rob Oller


Boosters kept trying to lure the Ohio State football prospect with flattering phone calls and promises of free meals and transportation. The money men finally got their wish last night when the blue chipper attended a fundraiser organized by Cincinnati LaSalle High School.
It was a somewhat controversial visit, and the NCAA continues to monitor the situation, but no sanctions are expected at this time.
The prospect? Jim Tressel.
Even as the OSU football coach is out recruiting high school players, their schools and communities are out recruiting him -- an extra benefit even the NCAA is slow to punish.
Tressel receives about five requests a day from one group or another asking him to appear at their function. He agrees to about 50 a year. The groups figure if they can land Tress for their awards banquet or fundraiser, then everyone goes home happy, which is what worries the NCAA. Leave it to the de facto policing agency to find a loser in a win-win situation.

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Columbus International Auto Show
Racers, Tressel to make appearances

Thursday, March 6, 2008 3:30 AM

Vehicles ranging from work trucks to exotic cars will take the spotlight during the Columbus International Auto Show beginning this weekend. American, European and Japanese automakers will have cars on display. Guests making appearances will include funny-car drag racer Mark Thomas from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday, Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday and NASCAR driver Clint Bowyer from 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday.

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Tressel speaks on faith
Buckeyes coach addresses local church group
The Marion Star

CALEDONIA - The Ohio State University flags adorned the stage and a guitarist led the crowd in a rendition of "Hang On Sloopy" and head football coach Jim Tressel wore his scarlet sweater vest. While football crept its way into conversation at times, the main focus of Tressel's speech Monday at Marion Salem United Methodist Church was understanding the Christian way and living the Christian life.


Tressel used linebacker James Laurenitis, who was among several Buckeye players who opted to stay for another year at Ohio State instead of going to the NFL, as an example of living within the moment. "They didn't want to leave Ohio State and the relationships they have here," he said. "Staying had more value than what the NFL could offer and they can wait because they think other things have value."
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OSU's Jim Tressel spends day helping kids in Stark County
[FONT=Verdana,Times New Roman,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Coach attends fundraisers at two sites[/FONT]
Thursday, March 13, 2008
By Todd Porter

On a day that Jim Tressel could have spent recharging his batteries, he instead plugged into two Stark County organizations for kids. The Ohio State head coach spent all day Wednesday ? and some of the night ? giving three speeches at a pair of fundraisers.

His lunch talk to the Northeast Ohio Celebrity Luncheon Club at Raintree Country Club helped raise money for area Boys and Girls Clubs of America, and more than 400 turned out for that. Later, 200 people paid $125 to have dinner with Tressel, and an estimated 600 paid between $25 and $45 for an evening event that benefited the Lake YMCA.

"They're both good causes, because they're putting kids in situations to make good decisions," Tressel said, noting a recent study that 91 percent of adults who took part in the Boys and Girls Clubs as kids said they felt good about themselves.

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Tress molds his offense to his players.....

Just to springboard from Jwin, Tress (at Youngstown St) won four national championships, each using a different offense based on the skill set of his quarterback. No doubt he can dig back through his playbook and bring forth some 'run-n-gun' formations that Pryor can utilize to his advantage.

If not, then he and Bollman can go to Univ of Texas, and get Mack Brown's old offensive sets, that were used for Vince Young, cuz Texas won't need them anymore.....:biggrin: and I'm sure Mack would like to see them get some use.

The groundwork is laid with the o-line, wide-outs, and now the guy that pulls the trigger. The backs are in the stable, and the defense also looks like the building blocks are there. Sure, no one knows who will flunk out, get injured, or transfer, but with what I see it looks very promising. Plus, all the 08 recruits see that also, with what, 23-25 schollies this year? Methinks that we'll get another top-10 (5?) recruiting class to go along with what we have now.

And lastly, the pieces are in place NOW for a great run at the National Championship. What a great way to blood some of the newbies, and let them see what they are playing for. The Buckeyes have some payback coming to them (to the SEC folk), so I hope we get Georgia in the big game, and hopefully this time we'll come out on top.

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FAMILY PORTRAIT The Tressel family includes (front, left to right) Carlee, Ellen, (back) Zak, Whitney, Eric and Jim. The dogs are Scarlett and Gracie.

Jobs keep getting bigger, but OSU Coach Jim Tressel isn't going to change
Sunday, March 23, 2008
BY Todd Porter

All Jim Tressel wants to do is make it to Mars.

The Ohio State head football coach is using a rare spare 30 minutes on an unusual mission: Find his home in Green bought 30 years ago.

There it is. A humble-looking blue house on the corner of Mars and East Caston, just past Venus, in front of Jupiter in the Solar Estates.

Tressel smiles at the memory.

One of the most successful college football coaches in the country has come a long way since. Still, he seems to be the man he was in 1978.

"I used to tell people, 'I live on Mars,' " Tressel said, laughing at the kind of cool, middle-aged-man joke his four college-aged kids poke fun at him about.

CantonRep.com - Canton and Stark County News
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BB73;1122273; said:
A very good read about JT in that Canton Rep story.

Brilliant article.

My favorite part...
Tressel doesn't yell or scream at practice. But last season, Poe overheard Tressel reading his players the riot act. She wondered what caused a man who seems to have no dander get so worked up.

This did: Six players left without putting their cafeteria trays away when they were finished with dinner that day.

Tressel yelled, "You think you're better than the people working in the cafeteria?"

The message was clear. Blessed? Yes. Better? No.
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