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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

Athletes in Action to honor OSU coach Jim Tressel, Olympian Jennifer Johnson Jordan

Athletes in Action, a sport ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International, will honor Ohio State Buckeye football coach Jim Tressel and professional beach volleyball player and Olympian Jennifer Johnson Jordan with induction into the AIA Hall of Faith. The ceremony will take place at Night of Champions on May 6 at AIA World Headquarters at the Legacy Center in Xenia.

Athletes in Action honors modern day sport heroes who live a lifestyle of faith, leadership, and values. The Hall of Faith award is presented annually to one male and one female from the world of sport who best exemplifies outstanding character and integrity-whether on the field of competition, in the home, or in the community.

Previous inductees into the Hall of Faith are Anthony Mu?oz and the late Kay Yow (2006); John Wooden and Madeline Manning Mims (2007); Bart Starr and Leah O'Brien-Damico (2008); and John Peterson and Ruth Riley (2009). Tickets to the 2010 Night of Champions and VIP Reception are available for purchase by the public. A few corporate sponsorships are still available. Call 1-800-416-9473 for information. Proceeds from the evening benefit the construction of the John Wooden Family Athletic Center and the Sports Complex.

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There is a story in the Dispatch today regarding Jamel Turner and here is what Turner had to say about Jim Tressel.....

Suddenly, many of the dozens of schools that had once recruited Turner started getting back in touch. But just as Ohio State never pulled its scholarship offer when he got into trouble, Turner would not be swayed from his original choice.
"(Coach Jim) Tressel is a good man, and he stands by his word," Turner said. "So I'm going to stand by my word, and we're going to get it done."

Ohio State football: Recruit turns his life around away from home | BuckeyeXtra

Man that has to make you proud that we have the coach that we have......:oh:
and it says a lot about Mr. Turner too......
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I have said it before and I will say it again:

Tressel is the man. He is embodies all that is good in both a head football coach and a mentor to young men. I, for one, am glad that we have him at our university regardless of record.

Thank you Coach Tressel, just for being who you are.:osu:
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I think you guys are over doing it a bit. Tressel is a good coach, don't get me wrong, but I don't think he's elite. 2 things stand out to me as why he isn't:

1) Two HC jobs his entire career.

I know some will call it stability or whatever and yeah sure he's won like 5 NC's or whatever but when I see Lane Kiffin have 3 different gigs in 3 years without actually winning at any of them it really makes me wonder about JT. How good can a guy really be if he keeps the same job year after year and doesn't have his players do anything cool like take their shirts off and rub all over recruits?

2) God.

JT has never, to the best of my knowledge, been visited by God (be it in a dream or otherwise) and given unsolicited advice about his interior DL recruiting. Now seriously, take off the scarlet colored glasses for a second and ask yourself how big time your coach can be if God doesn't want to talk recruiting with him?
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Jaxbuck;1653487; said:
2) God.

JT has never, to the best of my knowledge, been visited by God (be it in a dream or otherwise) and given unsolicited advice about his interior DL recruiting. Now seriously, take off the scarlet colored glasses for a second and ask yourself how big time your coach can be if God doesn't want to talk recruiting with him?
Why would he talk to himself? That would just look foolish. :wink2:
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Jaxbuck;1653487; said:
2) God.

JT has never, to the best of my knowledge, been visited by God (be it in a dream or otherwise) and given unsolicited advice about his interior DL recruiting. Now seriously, take off the scarlet colored glasses for a second and ask yourself how big time your coach can be if God doesn't want to talk recruiting with him?

He baptized Alan so that we may all partake of Scarlet & Gray News for only $49.99 instead of $77. Are you saying that doesn't count?
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jlb1705;1653516; said:
He baptized Alan so that we may all partake of Scarlet & Gray News for only $49.99 instead of $77. Are you saying that doesn't count?

There is no middle ground here. God either cares about your recruiting or he does not. JT's inability to receive commitment inducing messages directly from God tells me all I need to know.
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The history buff in the middle put Ohio State football truly on the map.


I never thought that I might see another coach make me wonder if that history buff was the best coach Ohio State ever had. If this keeps up another decade, I think we will all need to ask ourselves that question.
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