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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

jwinslow;1641296; said:
He's said frequently that he doesn't see himself chasing Paterno's win total. Most estimate another 10-12 years.

i've actually always thought it would be much earlier than that, like say 5-7 years. obviously nothing to really base that on, but Tressel just strikes me as the kind of person to always put his family first and i feel like he wants to enjoy it while he's still relatively young. not that you can't enjoy your family and coach football at the same time, but i can see Tressel making that kind of decision.
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Tressel won't leave without the program in great shape and a successor either already part of the program or waiting for the call. We can all be thankful that we won't be left in the lurch like so many other programs.
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Just want to say that in this day and age of D1A coaches being fired/leaving programs left and right for "wrong-doing", it is great to have a man such as Coach Tressel at the helm of The Ohio State University Buckeye Football Program.

Coach, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done for this great and storied program. You are a class act, a great father figure, a wonderful role model, and overall, a great person in general. Again, thank you for all the good that you have done while at The Ohio State University.:osu:

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Electron Boy;1641378; said:
i've actually always thought it would be much earlier than that, like say 5-7 years. obviously nothing to really base that on, but Tressel just strikes me as the kind of person to always put his family first and i feel like he wants to enjoy it while he's still relatively young. not that you can't enjoy your family and coach football at the same time, but i can see Tressel making that kind of decision.

I agree. The coach that reminds me of Tressel the most is Tony Dungy. And I think that, like Dungy, he will know when to hang up the towel. I give Tressel another 10 years, probably a year after winning another championship, and leaving at the height of his career - going down as the greatest coach in OSU history, if not the entire game for a coach under 20 years.

He'll probably wind up doing motivational speaking for another 10 years, and being part of Ohio State in some sort of associative role.
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buxfan4life;1641516; said:
Just want to say that in this day and age of D1A coaches being fired/leaving programs left and right for "wrong-doing", it is great to have a man such as Coach Tressel at the helm of The Ohio State University Buckeye Football Program.

Coach, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done for this great and storied program. You are a class act, a great father figure, a wonderful role model, and overall, a great person in general. Again, thank you for all the good that you have done while at The Ohio State University.:osu:



It is wonderful to praise this man at this stage in his life. Unfortunately too often these words are spoken only to eulogize.

I am thinking that if Tressell stays another 10-12 years, the head to head W-L record vs. TSUN will be so close to even, Jt will be motivated to stay until the foe is vanquished, the slate is cleared, and the rivalry evened.

Of course with the present win percentage that would only take 15-16 years, if RR stays it would only be 14.
If Joe Pa can coach in his 80's Tressell would certainly be effective coaching at 72-73 years old.
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gracelhink;1641660; said:

It is wonderful to praise this man at this stage in his life. Unfortunately too often these words are spoken only to eulogize.

I am thinking that if Tressell stays another 10-12 years, the head to head W-L record vs. TSUN will be so close to even, Jt will be motivated to stay until the foe is vanquished, the slate is cleared, and the rivalry evened.

Of course with the present win percentage that would only take 15-16 years, if RR stays it would only be 14.
If Joe Pa can coach in his 80's Tressell would certainly be effective coaching at 72-73 years old.

I looked at the data (posted the details in the TSUN Football thread at http://www.buckeyeplanet.com/forum/1635590-post4821.html), and thanks to Coach Tressel, we lead the series against scUM going back to every year since 1989, the start of the Cooper years. How neat is that? :oh:
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Coach of the year: Kirk Ferentz, Iowa. This guy is the best coach in the Big Ten, and he proved it again this season by leading the Hawkeyes to a 9-0 start and within an eyelash of the league title. The trip to the Orange Bowl was the program's sixth New Year's Day trip this decade.
Rivals.com College Football - Big Ten Breakdown: A season of redemption
Tom Dienhart
Rivals.com College Football Senior Writer

Can someone please tell me what Jim's got to do to get some recognition? Ferentz is 1-6 vs. Ohio State while at Iowa, and 1-4 vs. Tress.
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BuckeyePride;1642167; said:
:slappy: I tell ya... some of the thank yous should go to Mrs. Tressel. She's keeping him straight.
Now, now...no dirty talk in Tress' thread. :biggrin:

jenkins_( )_2;1641295; said:
To anyone's knowledge has JT ever tipped his hand as to when he may decide to hang it up? With the coaching carousel at other top programs it is certainly comforting knowing we have a true Buckeye at the helm who isn't using his current position as a launching pad to his next hire. Here's hoping that recruits notice this same trend.

jwinslow;1641296; said:
He's said frequently that he doesn't see himself chasing Paterno's win total. Most estimate another 10-12 years.

Electron Boy;1641378; said:
i've actually always thought it would be much earlier than that, like say 5-7 years. obviously nothing to really base that on, but Tressel just strikes me as the kind of person to always put his family first and i feel like he wants to enjoy it while he's still relatively young. not that you can't enjoy your family and coach football at the same time, but i can see Tressel making that kind of decision.

I read several times that he's said something along the lines of him having plenty of time left in his life to enjoy family and things outside of football, and he wants to teach at Ohio State (more than just his football class he's currently teaching). I'd guess that Electron Boy's pretty close in his guess. Tressel's about 56 or 57 (he graduated from high school in '71), so I'd guess he'll hang it up by the time he's 65...that would give him 8-9 more years max.
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Class'13;1643242; said:
Rivals.com College Football - Big Ten Breakdown: A season of redemption
Tom Dienhart
Rivals.com College Football Senior Writer

Can someone please tell me what Jim's got to do to get some recognition? Ferentz is 1-6 vs. Ohio State while at Iowa, and 1-4 vs. Tress.
I'm sure winning the Big Ten title, beating Michigan once again and winning the Rose Bowl are enough recognition for Jim. Though I do find it mildly funny he has been national COY but not Big Ten COY.
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