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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

CookyPuss;1655230; said:

Inside Seantrel Henderson's Recruitment - Photos - SI.com

Why is he dressed like a priest?
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No sour grapes here, just stings to see the great JT in the Henderson home, thinking that his character eventually lost out to that of douchebag Kiffin. I know the coach is by no means the only reason a kid chooses a school, but it still stings to think Kiffin outsold Jimmy T.
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fanaticbuckeye;1655232; said:
Maybe I'm a bit perverted...but that is a strangely explicit picture, no?
Yeah, I saw the same thing and was wondering if it was just me with my mind in the gutter.

Ah well, looks like this story had a "happy ending" after all.
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OSU football: Tressel reflects on decade of success
Sunday, February 14, 2010
By Tim May

Another couple of wins in some key games, and the last decade of Ohio State football would have been one for the ages.

The past 10 years -- nine under coach Jim Tressel -- stack up favorably with any program's in the country, and stand head and shoulders above the rest of the Big Ten's.

Ohio State had 102 wins, tied for fourth nationally with Southern California behind Boise State (112), Oklahoma and Texas (110 each). The Buckeyes won the 2002 national championship and played for two other titles (2006 and '07); won six Big Ten titles (including the past five, the second-longest streak in conference history); and beat rival Michigan eight times, including a school-record six straight to end the decade.

The Buckeyes got the next decade off to a winning start against Oregon in the Rose Bowl. Some six weeks after that win, Tressel took a few moments with The Dispatch to reflect:

Question: After enduring three straight bowl losses, does winning the Rose Bowl give the team momentum headed into next season?

Answer: I think it does, but you have to make sure it is realistic momentum, because every play wasn't perfect. We have to get better at a lot of things. But I think it gives you momentum from the sense of we've got a chance. And hope is important.

The Columbus Dispatch - Local/State | The Columbus Dispatch
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just got a text from one of my best friends who attends the Air Force Academy. Apparently Tressel is over there giving them a speech, not sure on exactly what it was about, but he just told me Tressel said a lot of thanks to them and is very grateful for what they do.

I told him I was very jealous and he better send me a picture
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OSU?s Tressel lauds Wolford, Covelli
Published: Tue, February 23, 2010 @ 12:10 a.m.

The former Youngstown State coach tried to recruit the current Penguins coach when he was a senior at Ursuline in the 1980s.

Vindicator sports staff

AP Photo/Chris Carlson
Ohio State coach Jim Tressel

BOARDMAN ? In the late 1980s, YSU football coach Jim Tressel tried to recruit a standout offensive lineman from Ursuline High named Eric Wolford.
?Coach Tressel did a great job of making all the local players feel welcome at YSU,? said Wolford, who ended up going to Kansas State, where he was a four-year starter. ?He knew in the back of his mind that a certain percentage would go off to college and feel like they were misled in recruiting and want to transfer back home.
?Look at the transfers he got back. They were a part of some of the teams that had success.?
Twenty years later, the Penguins finally snagged their man when Wolford was hired to replace Jon Heacock as YSU?s head coach.
?He?s a passionate kid, he loves the game and he?s dying to be here at Youngstown State, which to me is huge,? said Tressel, who attended YSU?s scholarship/ring dinner at Mr. Anthony?s. ?I know he?ll work like crazy.?
Monday?s event honored Sam Covelli as YSU?S Penguin of the Year. Covelli, a Warren JFK High graduate who is the nation?s largest franchisee of Panera Bread LLC, was an early supporter of Tressel when he came to YSU. At the time, Covelli ran dozens of McDonald?s restaurants.
?When we first got here, we didn?t have much going for us and he was always there to step in,? Tressel said. ?He sponsored our football camp and we had the Golden Arches on the back of our camp T-shirts and he even helped our graduate students eat a little bit.
?He was always a great mentor, always willing to do anything.?
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Let's just get one thing straight, JT has my utmost respect and admiration as I attended Youngstown State from 1994-1997 so I maybe a bit bias...but if JT were to pull a Lane Kiffin in any regard, I don't know what I would think if I were a recruit's parent.

But no way in hell I let my son play for a Kiffin coached football team. No way in HELL!!! The fact that any parent would choose LK over JT just blows my friggin mind. No offense to anyone on this board, but personally, if a potential recruit is not on board with JT's program I'm OK with that. Seriously. God love coach Tressel.
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I've been thinking that since they have turned the B10 coach of the year award into the B10 coach who got his ass whupped less by Tress coach of the year award they need to make something for the B10 coach that actually just wins the damn league title. The trophy and all is nice but that's for the school, the coach needs something just for him.

My idea is to make a belt. Like a WWF big time wrestling kind of belt. That way JT could walk out into his presser every week with it slung over his shoulder, shades on, shirt unbuttoned down to his navel, hair dyed yellow and just start channeling Rick Flair.

I'd pay big money to watch Tress start his press conference with a "Rodriguez!! Rodriguez!! Get your ass out here boy!" and end it with a be the man/beat the man "Woo!" thing.

I dunno maybe its just me.
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