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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

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Tressel doesn?t duck issue of gays in sports
By Dan Wetzel, Yahoo! Sports Mar 8

Jim Tressel is as conservative as his sweater vest. He?s a devout Christian who wrote a book about faith and leadership. He boasts a personality that, at least publicly, is more gray than scarlet; a multimillionaire who still mows his own lawn.

The buttoned-down Ohio State coach just took part in what is apparently a major college football first. He exchanged emails last month with Outlook Columbus magazine, the initial interview a big-time coach has done with a publication that serves the gay community.

Yes, Senator Sweater Vest is a progressive pioneer.

Tressel doesn't duck issue of gays in sports - College Football - Rivals.com
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Video: OSU's Tressel speaks at Luncheon Club - Canton, OH - CantonRep.com

Canton Rep said:
Video: OSU's Tressel speaks at Luncheon Club
By Todd Porter
CantonRep.com staff writer

For two dozen years, Jim Tressel has made his way to the Pro Football Hall of Fame Luncheon Club as a speaker. Only Bob Huggins has spoken more, but Tressel joked that some of those years Huggins was in the NAIA at Walsh University.

The Ohio State football coach’s speech is always full of good barbs with the audience, and it is a good-natured fun. Here is a sampling of what the Buckeyes head coach had to stay, including how he feels about coaching one of the teams favored to be among the top five in the country next season.


I absolutely love this guy. What a class act. And some of the quotes below the video are funny.
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