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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)


Coach Jim Tressel talks football, life

by Bill Hammerstrom
Hudson -- "Nov. 27. That gives us 27 days in November," Ohio State University head football coach Jim Tressel told his No. 1 fan in Hudson during a reception at the high school March 8.
He then proceeded to count backward from October through March 8, coming up with a grand total of 264 days.
"I told you it was about 260 days" until the Buckeyes play Michigan, Tressel said.
The conversation showed that football and Ohio State's greatest rival are always near the top of Tressel's thoughts.
But his presentation to a sold-out crowd of 1,000 ticket-holders in the Hudson High School auditorium later that evening showed what is at the top of Tressel's values and priorities in life.
The coach of the 2009 Big Ten champions outlined the "Block 'O' Tressel's six core values of life," in his presentation while talking about life, football and eating bad eggs at a truck stop at 4:30 a.m.
The event was presented by Hudson Community First and sponsored by the Hudson Kiwanis Club.
Prior to speaking, Tressel attended a $100-a-ticket reception in the school's media center. He posed for pictures and signed at least one item for each ticket-holder.
Hudson High School varsity football coach Tom Narducci has known Tressel for years and helped arrange the visit. Narducci said the coach of the 2002 national champions chose to come to Hudson to benefit the community.
"It isn't like he's doing it to recruit any blue-chip player," Narducci said. "He's doing it because it's the right thing to do."
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Buckskin86;1670615; said:

This issue also reminded me of Coach Hayes. Woody was a staunch conservative (politically) who actively recruited minorities when other programs did not.

Woody Hayes was called a lot of things, but he was never called a hypocrite. Buckeye fans have a lot to be proud of when it comes to Coach Hayes and Coach Tressel.

Here's an excerpt from a nice piece on Woody Hayes from WOSU:

Although Hayes was a vocal supporter of U.S. foreign policy, on matters closer to home, he remained vehemently opposed racial discrimination and bigotry. Larry recalls "I don't think he saw his football players as being Afro-American or White, or whatever. He saw them as athletes. I mean, he was one of the first coaches around that had minorities on his team." Hayes also actively sought out and recruited minority players, many of whom went on to push Ohio State indelibly into football fame. Archie Griffin remembers his coach commenting that "'just like in music, beautiful music cannot be played without the black and white keys.' So he made us realize that in order for us to be the best that we could be, we need to be able to play together."

WOSU - Beyond the Gridiron - The Life and Times of Woody Hayes
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2 more years
Good news..JT will be around 2 more years..at least

Ohio State Football, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball, Wrestling, Softball, and More

Tressel's compensation package will not increase over the final two years of the deal, Smith said.
"Jim has never once come to me about compensation," Smith said. "Jim has indicated to me he is satisfied with his salary. He is aware of the financial situation we all face in athletics and I am thankful for his service and loyalty to the goals of the department."

Gotta love that about Tressel. Not that financial satisfaction doesn't happen elsewhere in the NCAA coaching community, but Tressel is in a good enough situation to ask for a raise. The fact he doesn't makes me happier.
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Diego-Bucks;1675103; said:
Gotta love that about Tressel. Not that financial satisfaction doesn't happen elsewhere in the NCAA coaching community, but Tressel is in a good enough situation to ask for a raise. The fact he doesn't makes me happier.

I agree. It portrays JT in a very positive light, and I dig that about him. I'm not so sure his agent is keen to it though. :slappy:
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Hmmm... Voinovich is up for re-election this year, Brown in 2012... So JT finishes after a Championship in early 2015, and starts his campaign for Class III senator in 2015-6?

He could pull [strike]75%[/strike] 85% of the OH vote as an I :biggrin:
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[quote='BusNative;167514;8]He could pull [strike]75%[/strike] 85% of the OH vote as an I :biggrin:[/quote]

Ohio definitely needs an "I".
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