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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

Jaxbuck;1665846; said:
I've been thinking that since they have turned the B10 coach of the year award into the B10 coach who got his ass whupped less by Tress coach of the year award they need to make something for the B10 coach that actually just wins the damn league title. The trophy and all is nice but that's for the school, the coach needs something just for him.

My idea is to make a belt. Like a WWF big time wrestling kind of belt. That way JT could walk out into his presser every week with it slung over his shoulder, shades on, shirt unbuttoned down to his navel, hair dyed yellow and just start channeling Rick Flair.

I'd pay big money to watch Tress start his press conference with a "Rodriguez!! Rodriguez!! Get your ass out here boy!" and end it with a be the man/beat the man "Woo!" thing.

I dunno maybe its just me.

fucking brilliant!
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Jaxbuck;1665846; said:
I've been thinking that since they have turned the B10 coach of the year award into the B10 coach who got his ass whupped less by Tress coach of the year award they need to make something for the B10 coach that actually just wins the damn league title. The trophy and all is nice but that's for the school, the coach needs something just for him.

My idea is to make a belt. Like a WWF big time wrestling kind of belt. That way JT could walk out into his presser every week with it slung over his shoulder, shades on, shirt unbuttoned down to his navel, hair dyed yellow and just start channeling Rick Flair.

I'd pay big money to watch Tress start his press conference with a "Rodriguez!! Rodriguez!! Get your ass out here boy!" and end it with a be the man/beat the man "Woo!" thing.

I dunno maybe its just me.

be even funnier if he said: "I've got ALL the money, ALL the women, SPACE MOUNTAIN! WOOOOO!"
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Jaxbuck;1665846; said:
My idea is to make a belt. Like a WWF big time wrestling kind of belt. That way JT could walk out into his presser every week with it slung over his shoulder, shades on, shirt unbuttoned down to his navel, hair dyed yellow and just start channeling Rick Flair.

I'd pay big money to watch Tress start his press conference with a "Rodriguez!! Rodriguez!! Get your ass out here boy!" and end it with a be the man/beat the man "Woo!" thing.

I dunno maybe its just me.

"You'll be proud of me in the classroom, in the community, and most importantly, in 310 days in my steel cage match ... "
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It's hard not to like this guy. Great coach and a classy guy. My respect for Ohio St. has went up mainly because of him. Save the bad few apples associated with Ohio St that I experienced in 2000 when my dad took me to the game. I only hope Michigan can find a coach in the near future that comes close to his character and truly cares about the players, fellow coaches, and the university. Rich Rod probably doesn't care about any of those things. SMU you might be in luck. Michigan might be the 2nd university to get the death penalty if Rich Rod stays here for awhile.......it wouldn't shock me one bit.
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Buckeyes help tackle reading cause

Three Ohio State Buckeyes football players took off their helmets and pads and picked up a few books to read to children last week.
The players and head coach Jim Tressel's wife, Ellen Tressel, visited Goshen Lane Elementary School on Feb. 25 as part of the school's third Family Literacy Night. Students were divided into small groups, where they and their families listened while OSU's Andrew Moses, Anderson Russell and Jim Cordle read to them. They then all regrouped to hear Tressel read "Chester the Raccoon and the Big Bad Bully."

Buckeyes help tackle reading cause | ThisWeek Community Newspapers
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Good read. I encourage you click the link and read the whole thing ...

OSU's Tressel talks acceptance with GLBT publication - Big Ten Blog - ESPN

OSU's Tressel talks acceptance with GLBT publication
By Adam Rittenberg

Ohio State head coach Jim Tressel doesn't grant many exclusive interviews. He isn't the type to constantly seek out video cameras and tape recorders, even in a media environment where the loudest college football coaches (cough, Lane Kiffin, cough) often get the most attention, regardless of their win-loss total.

That's why I was surprised to see the interview Tressel recently gave to Outlook Columbus, which bills itself as "a lifestyle and advocacy publication" that serves Ohio's gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community (GLBT). Outlook Columbus's March 2010 issue is entitled "Queers & Sports," and features interviews with both Tressel and Ohio State athletics director Gene Smith, among others.

Cont'd ...
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Dryden;1668742; said:
Good read. I encourage you click the link and read the whole thing ...

OSU's Tressel talks acceptance with GLBT publication - Big Ten Blog - ESPN

Huge, HUGE props to JT for his thoughtful comments. It is so rare to see someone who "walks the walk" of his beliefs without wavering in his comments for fear of what others may think. And indeed, he was not endorsing any lifestyle or advocating anything other than the Golden Rule, and the very excellent call to look for the common and good in us all instead of the divisive and negative.

You are all so very, very fortunate to have a fine man like that as your head coach.
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BigWoof31;1668885; said:
Prepare to be showered with dildos or KY the next time you walk into an opposing stadium

Watching Sacha Cohen as Bruno go into Bryant Denny stadium and almost get his ass kicked by the Alabama fans, players, and cheerleaders was one the funniest things I have seen in a long time.
That said, this piece really shows what Tressel is about-developing and respecting every player's human dignity and potential. Just as someone like Fred Phelps displays almost none of those things, neither does someone like Perez Hilton. It's about acting w/ class and being a classy human being.
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