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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

I think it's already in this thread but ok:

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Nike had zero say in the design. We tell them what we want and they make it for us...simple as that.
I tend to agree with Mili on this.

Nike isn't going to lose the contract to sell Ohio State gear by pushing something the school doesn't want.

I sure hope 1460 was wrong when they were talking about grey stripes on the roadies... the helmet stripes actually work on that jersey.
I think it's already in this thread but ok:

God help me but I actually like that a bit.


Of course it would look like ass with the pants.
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God help me but I actually like that a bit.


Of course it would look like ass with the pants.
the (potential) new away jerseys are just fine (color wise), and there is an appeal in the grey... but there is not a good pant color to match with that alternate look. This new look clearly lends itself to alternate jerseys, which would be a travesty IMO. The grey jersey above would make a good jersey to buy, but would make for a meager overall uniform, and would screw with tradition.

Per mili's request in the graphic forum thread, I threw this together... obviously our new jersey has changed, but it gives you an idea of how they could have kept grey in our home jerseys. A helmet, number and pant combo in shiny grey would look outstanding imo...

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the (potential) new away jerseys are just fine (color wise), and there is an appeal in the grey... but there is not a good pant color to match with that alternate look. This new look clearly lends itself to alternate jerseys, which would be a travesty IMO. The grey jersey above would make a good jersey to buy, but would make for a meager overall uniform, and would screw with tradition.

Per mili's request in the graphic forum thread, I threw this together... obviously our new jersey has changed, but it gives you an idea of how they could have kept grey in our home jerseys. A helmet, number and pant combo in shiny grey would look outstanding imo...


I could VERY MUCH deal with silver numbers over the current stripe on the 'new' home jersey!

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the (potential) new away jerseys are just fine (color wise), and there is an appeal in the grey... but there is not a good pant color to match with that alternate look. This new look clearly lends itself to alternate jerseys, which would be a travesty IMO. The grey jersey above would make a good jersey to buy, but would make for a meager overall uniform, and would screw with tradition.

Per mili's request in the graphic forum thread, I threw this together... obviously our new jersey has changed, but it gives you an idea of how they could have kept grey in our home jerseys. A helmet, number and pant combo in shiny grey would look outstanding imo...

Agree pretty much 100%
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Wow, tell me that doesn't look sharp as hell...

Josh, when you get the time, see about tinkering with the stripes so they look like:


  • sleeve-stripes.bmp
    9.8 KB · Views: 48
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