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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

Do they have black in their colors like we do? No.
Sure black is our 3rd and very under utilized color but it's a COLOR of ours.

What ever these uniforms are - tribute - game day - big game -
and whatever the merits are for wearing them - the athletes like them, it brings in money, it's fun - let's get one thing perfectly clear: black is not one of the colors of The Ohio State University. The closest the university came to black being a color was in the original meeting of the three member student committee created to select the school's colors in 1878. Their first choice was orange and black until they discovered that those colors were already in use by Princeton.

Nowhere in ANY official document, statement or policy manual will you find a statement that identifies black as an official color of the university. When you receive your diploma from the school there will not be a third, black, ribbon attached to it. If you obtain a Master's Degree hood it will not be outlined in three colors, just scarlet and gray. No one has proposed that the word 'black' be added to "Men of the scarlet and gray," in Buckeye Battlecry. No one.

Saturday night will not change that.

Over the years the shoes have been black, for a few years the leather helmets were black, and since 1968 the striping in the helmet and pants used black to highlight the scarlet and gray.

I don't like the use of gimmick uniforms and I certainly don't like this "black out" uniform, but I'll get over it.

What I won't get over is the belief that black, or white, or Buckeye leaf green bear any relationship whatsoever to the official colors of Ohio State.

So like the "black out" uniforms if you will, but spare me any discussion of black as the school's "underused" third color. That, sir, is an outright lie.
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TBDBITL to do Script Nike at the 'black out' game. Phil Knight will dot the i. Block O in the middle of the field will be repainted black and outlined in red and cancer awareness pink, our underused third and fourth colors.
Makes joke about black jerseys. Joke backfires when picture is posted of TBDBITL's uniforms.
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Ummmm... TBDBITL's uniforms are actually really really really really dark blue.
So you're saying the band has ZERO tradition. In fact are even treacherous bastards, wearing a color of our rival. Many people will not like hearing this. They're already going through too much of a shock with the black jerseys. In fact, maybe if you just pretend the black jerseys are really just very very very dark blue you won't have an issue since it will follow suit with one of the most traditional aspects of the University.
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So it's official! Black IS a traditional color of Ohio State's! Congrats for settling the discussion.
No navy blue is the color of the band's uniforms. It is not an "official color" of the school. It is simply the color of the uniform worn by the band.

So why a navy blue uniform?
This uniform was standard for all branches of ROTC. Since the OSUMB was under control of the ROTC department for much of its early existence, the band uniform was simply the ROTC uniform with more additions, such as plumes, gloves, and West-point style Cadet cross belts. The red and gray plumes took on more of an upright style that is still seen today.

In 1952, the OSUMB formally ended ties with the ROTC department. Around the same time, the Lily Ames Co., the last supplier of OSU-specific ROTC uniforms, closed its doors. OSU bought the remaining uniforms from Lily Ames. The band had custom patches sewn on to the jacket shoulders. Rank insignia was also removed from the band uniforms. The right shoulder held a gray circular patch with a red Buckeye leaf and around the edge of the patch read: The Ohio State University Buckeyes. The left shoulder patch was a miniature of The Ohio State University seal. The patch was red with the edge reading: The Ohio State University -Columbus-

Ergo, the band wears a military uniform and adorns it with the school's colors - scarlet and gray.
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No navy blue is the color of the band's uniforms. It is not an "official color" of the school. It is simply the color of the uniform worn by the band.

So why a navy blue uniform?
This uniform was standard for all branches of ROTC. Since the OSUMB was under control of the ROTC department for much of its early existence, the band uniform was simply the ROTC uniform with more additions, such as plumes, gloves, and West-point style Cadet cross belts. The red and gray plumes took on more of an upright style that is still seen today.

In 1952, the OSUMB formally ended ties with the ROTC department. Around the same time, the Lily Ames Co., the last supplier of OSU-specific ROTC uniforms, closed its doors. OSU bought the remaining uniforms from Lily Ames. The band had custom patches sewn on to the jacket shoulders. Rank insignia was also removed from the band uniforms. The right shoulder held a gray circular patch with a red Buckeye leaf and around the edge of the patch read: The Ohio State University Buckeyes. The left shoulder patch was a miniature of The Ohio State University seal. The patch was red with the edge reading: The Ohio State University -Columbus-

Ergo, the band wears a military uniform and adorns it with the school's colors - scarlet and gray.
@UpNorth_Buckeye, this should settle it for you...but somehow I doubt it.
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Oh for crying out loud. Then why are their black stripes on our jersey and pants? Sure the Ohio state may not list black but it sure as shit is a part of our color scheme just as white is. If it werent we wouldnt wear it. Spare me the history lesson I know all about tosu going back even to the orange original color. I also know of all the songs and the sayings related to the school so do not lecture me.

I hope we freaking pink next october. Would anyone complain then? It would be for a great cause so would anyone have the gull to bitch about that?

I'll take this to the uniform discussion. Sorry for derailing the thread boys.
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Cinci can throw out knowledge and History all he wants but those goddamn uniforms of TBDBITL are BLACK. If they're suppose to be blue then they should be freaking blue but I have a feeling none of you (yourself included cinci) would EVER want to see TBDBITL in blue. Particularly when playing a certain school from the North.
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