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J.J. McCarthy (once a tCun, always a tCun)

Vikings pass catcher raves about rookie QB J.J. McCarthy​

When you draft a quarterback highly in the draft, you want your players to believe in him. That is exactly what the Vikings have and tight end T.J. Hockenson is the latest to speak highly of McCarthy.

Hockenson was on the latest episode of the Bussin' With the Boys podcast and raved about the rookie signal caller.

"He's been incredible. He's grinding in the film room, he's grinding in the classroom. He's a baller on the field, obviously. But to have a guy, especially a rookie, come into a facility and to the league, you usually need to shut your mouth and go to work and that's exactly what he did. He's earned the respect of a lot of guys in there."

Just sayin': Remember, you can't always believe everything you read on the internet.......:lol:
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Vikings pass catcher raves about rookie QB J.J. McCarthy​

When you draft a quarterback highly in the draft, you want your players to believe in him. That is exactly what the Vikings have and tight end T.J. Hockenson is the latest to speak highly of McCarthy.

Hockenson was on the latest episode of the Bussin' With the Boys podcast and raved about the rookie signal caller.

Just sayin': Remember, you can't always believe everything you read on the internet.......:lol:
Translation: TEs are excited as they will catch the majority of passes, since McSpinPass can’t read defenses sufficiently to throw to the receivers.