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J.J. McCarthy (once a tCun, always a tCun)

I don't know how you could watch this dude after the sign-stealing came out and think he is the future of my team. Any QB could be good if they know what the defense is doing every play. If I was going to draft anyone from that offense it would have been Corum or the OL.
Or watched how he immediately turned into a barely capable game manager the moment Conor Stallions left the building.
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We all know he can't throw the ball very well. WTF is up with that hop, skip and jump he did after throwing the wild pitch?
Have you never met a frat boy douchebag? That's typical coping for when they don't live up to the "i'm the greatest at everything anybody has ever done" image they project into the world and have to play off even a minor fuckup as if they're so cool and goofy...you're the asshole for even noticing the fuckup. You asshole.
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Spin Pass hasn't signed his contract yet! Not a great plan when you subsequently perform like a lifetime clipboard holder at Summer camp.

McCarthy's agent Brian Ayrualt might be the key here. He reps Broncos quarterback Zach Wilson.

Absolute poetry. Two QB dinguses made for each other
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