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J. Hall, C. (Pittsburgh) Brown, and T. Howard reinstated for Miami

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Guys shouldn't have taken money, NCAA sucks. Seems like we've been here before.

The real question is how fucking hard is to keep your mouth shut. If someone gives you something you aren't supposed to take you do one of two things:

Take it and keep your mouth shut.
Refuse to take it.

There is no third option.

"Hey man, what's up?"
"Not much, just adding pictures to my facebook page."
"Oh yeah, any cheerleaders in there?"
"No, just some dude giving me $300 after I made an appearance at some event."

WTF? :smash:
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Why even bother making the comparisons to other schools. These guys know what they can and cannot take. Whether everyone thinks the NCAA rules are bull[Mark May] or not is irrelevant...they received improper benefits and now are paying the consequence. I am so tired of all of this [Mark May] just as everyone else is but maybe if we start having some more accountability these kids will start getting the message.
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BuckNut65;1985998; said:
Why even bother making the comparisons to other schools. These guys know what they can and cannot take. Whether everyone thinks the NCAA rules are bull[Mark May] or not is irrelevant...they received improper benefits and now are paying the consequence. I am so tired of all of this [Mark May] just as everyone else is but maybe if we start having some more accountability these kids will start getting the message.

It seems to me the kids are taking accountability for their actions. The NCAA just seems to hold Ohio State players more accountable than other players. Do you disagree?
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buchtelgrad04;1986001; said:
It seems to me the kids are taking accountability for their actions. The NCAA just seems to hold Ohio State players more accountable than other players. Do you disagree?

I think it is completely understandable that the NCAA is going to scrutinize this because of what has gone on with Tatoo-gate. I don't give a damn about Miami or Auburn, I care about OSU. If you don't take the money or gift or whatever none of this is an issue and we all would be talking about football instead of this continuous bull[Mark May].
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sooo...these guys take 200 bones...they get 2 games (at the least)....the guy from florida takes 2700 and gets only 4 games...what is wrong with that picture?

also the miami players get cleared in 4 days...now the NCAA isn't satisfied with osu's explanation? what a joke
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buckeyeinfla;1986023; said:
the guy from florida takes 2700 and gets only 4 games...what is wrong with that picture?
What's wrong is that the "guy from Florida" shouldn't have gotten any suspension whatever.

This "woe is us" bullshit pisses me off. The losers in this whole sordid game are the players, not the fans.
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MaxBuck;1986027; said:
What's wrong is that the "guy from Florida" shouldn't have gotten any suspension whatever.

This "woe is us" bullshit pisses me off. The losers in this whole sordid game are the players, not the fans.

No, the fans lose too. They may not lose as much as the players, but they do lose.
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At this point after Tat-5 et al.... How can we not have a Zero Tolerance policy? Offer up one week of clemency. Confess and take whatever punishment the NCAA gives and its over move on... don't fess up, get caught your kicked off the team. At this point, especially if this happen AFTER all the [Mark May] that went on... I struggle to understand how we didn't sit them down to send a message. I'm sick of our team looking like a buncha cheats that we aren't
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MaxBuck;1986027; said:
What's wrong is that the "guy from Florida" shouldn't have gotten any suspension whatever.

This "woe is us" bull[Mark May] [censored]es me off. The losers in this whole sordid game are the players, not the fans.
Yeah, God forbid some people voice some displeasure with the inconsistencies of cfb's governing body on a message board. :roll1:
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BuckNut65;1985998; said:
Why even bother making the comparisons to other schools.

Why? Because the NCAA should apply its rules consistently if it wants to be respected and viewed as fair. Here, it has fallen woefully short, acting quickly and suspending Miami players for 1 game, while dragging its feet and suspending OSU players for 2 games (at least) for the same transgression.

I think I speak for the vast majority when I say posters wouldn't be as upset if the Miami players were similarly suspended for 2 games. But the NCAA has made its own bed as an institution that arbitrarily and inconsistently applies the rules. They have lost respect among the masses for a reason.
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AuTX Buckeye;1986037; said:
At this point after Tat-5 et al.... How can we not have a Zero Tolerance policy? Offer up one week of clemency. Confess and take whatever punishment the NCAA gives and its over move on... don't fess up, get caught your kicked off the team. At this point, especially if this happen AFTER all the [Mark May] that went on... I struggle to understand how we didn't sit them down to send a message. I'm sick of our team looking like a buncha cheats that we aren't

The draconian reactions were a bad idea last week, and they're still a bad idea this week.

BTW, I find that not using "we" to refer to a team that I'm not on goes a long way toward preventing any kind of guilt or embarrassment that might be felt personally over a situation like this. I'm not trying to pile on - that's just a statement about fans in general that was triggered by reading the above post.

I'm almost numb to it at this point. I'll be at the game tomorrow and rooting like hell for whatever players happen to be there in Scarlet & Gray (or black).
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Buckeye Maniac;1985845; said:
I can't find anything about a press release from OSU from today...

From The-Ozone

September 9, 2011 6:30 PM
Football: The Ohio State Department of Athletics has issued the following statement.

"The three Ohio State University football players suspended for last week?s game have not been reinstated by the NCAA and will not participate in the game Saturday against the University of Toledo.

"The university continues to work with the NCAA on the reinstatement process and is hopeful that the student-athletes will be reinstated soon.

"The university will have no further comment."
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jlb1705;1986047; said:
The draconian reactions were a bad idea last week, and they're still a bad idea this week.

BTW, I find that not using "we" to refer to a team that I'm not on goes a long way toward preventing any kind of guilt or embarrassment that might be felt personally over a situation like this. I'm not trying to pile on - that's just a statement about fans in general that was triggered by reading the above post.

I'm almost numb to it at this point. I'll be at the game tomorrow and rooting like hell for whatever players happen to be there in Scarlet & Gray (or black).

Very true with regard to the use of "we" I agree completely, that was a poor choice of words on my part.

Still hate to see this happening and wish it would stop
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