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J. Hall, C. (Pittsburgh) Brown, and T. Howard reinstated for Miami

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Wingate1217;1986233; said:
Playing devil's advocate here.....What if the players were not forthcoming and gave OSU the impression that it was just gift bags only for them to recant their story after additional investigation and pressure by OSU and the NCAA......then I could see the reason for the multiple changes in the press releases and the NCAA taking their time on this one....

Still sits on Gene's desk for his apparent inability to convince his #1 asset (the football program) to quit breaking the rules.
If there were an NCAA violation entitled "Disturbingly Inept Monitoring" we'd be staring it right in the mouth.
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sepia5;1986223; said:

I know people are going to laugh at this, but does the NCAA even have attorneys working these cases? It's as if the NCAA has no grasp of concepts like procedural and substantive due process, relevancy, equity, precedence, and transparency. It's like they've got a bunch of monkeys stowed away in a dark room in a hidden corner of South Dakota throwing throwing darts at a poster with various penalties scribbled on it...

No, Just one.

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Pheasant;1986237; said:
Still sits on Gene's desk for his apparent inability to convince his #1 asset (the football program) to quit breaking the rules.
If there were an NCAA violation entitled "Disturbingly Inept Monitoring" we'd be staring it right in the mouth.

Oh I am not saying ol' Gene boy is scott free on this, rather the contrary. I was commenting on the fact of the press releases OSU has made up to this point and why the story keeps changing...and why the NCAA keeps hanging around....
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There may be a point everyone is missing. At sometime in the (Mark May)storm that hit in May, NCAA investigators most likely talked to all of these young men. At that time they were most likely asked a question like "Is there any other time that you accepted improper benefits?" If at that time these three said "No sir" then they just made this issue bigger.

The extra games may not be related to the money, but lying to a NCAA investigator.
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sflbuck;1986248; said:
There may be a point everyone is missing. At sometime in the (Mark May)storm that hit in May, NCAA investigators most likely talked to all of these young men. At that time they were most likely asked a question like "Is there any other time that you accepted improper benefits?" If at that time these three said "No sir" then they just made this issue bigger.

The extra games may not be related to the money, but lying to a NCAA investigator.

While I hope this isn't the case it's my understanding that the discrepancies in their stories are the reason that flags have been raised.

If they were consistent in their stories, then supposedly there would be no need for extra investigation. Like your kids giving multiple accounts of the same event raises questions, this is the same thing I think.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no way to justify what would be a ridiculously inconsistent enforcement of the rules. The NCAA still sucks.

Go Bucks!!!
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sepia5;1986223; said:
I agree with all of this except the bolded part. The sins of the program shouldn't affect an individual player's punishment for his discrete violation of NCAA rules.
Then I worded it poorly. I was not going at the punishment aspect, just that the violation involved the receiving of improper benefits. While taking cash is different than selling gold pants - my understanding was that tOSU, as part of the Tat-5 resolution, agreed to give everyone re-instruction/education on what are impermissible benefits. I assume that they did not stop at "Don't sell your jersey or jewelry", but gave instruction on "impermissible benefits".

Maybe it is me assuming, but I thought that the three would have recently been given that specific instruction on what kind of swag they could take by tOSU compliance as a part of the tat-5 resolution.

Their penalty should be their own and stand on its own merits.
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Let's take a longer view

This may be a minority viewpoint, but I think OSU should suspend these guys for the year. Any player dumb enough to take cash from anyone, for any reason, after the Pryor posse's five game suspension should not be on the field. They were not only putting themselves at risk of NCAA penalties, but the team as well. Even if the NCAA doesn't give Miami the death penalty, we all know the rules are different for Big Ten teams.

It is clear to me now that Tressel brought to the team a lack of discipline similar to what we saw at the end of Cooper's tenure. I am concerned Fickell's reaction to this situation so far has been sympathetic to players because he is a former player. We need a coach who will lead the team in the right way. If these guys didn't know in 2011 that you can't take cash, from anyone, as a college football player, they are too stupid to play. If they did know better, then they should be gone, because accepting $200 at the risk of bringing more bad press to OSU, and possibly more sanctions, means they don't deserve the honor.
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Did they know what the outcome of going to the charity event would be? Evidently this very same event has been OK'd by compliance in the past, and if the boosters that handed them the cash were not originally involved in getting them to the event in the first place, the players wouldn't know anything is awry until they open the envelopes. Granted, at that point you go straight to compliance and come clean. But, perhaps that's what happened and they really were told conflicting things to cover the boosters' tracks? The booster(s) has to know this would get him/her black-listed by the University.

I know, that's on the conspiracy theory side of things, but considering it has been cleared in the past by compliance, this seems like an unusually odd occurrence.
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bucksfan3225;1986700; said:
This may be a minority viewpoint, but I think OSU should suspend these guys for the year. Any player dumb enough to take cash from anyone, for any reason, after the Pryor posse's five game suspension should not be on the field. They were not only putting themselves at risk of NCAA penalties, but the team as well. Even if the NCAA doesn't give Miami the death penalty, we all know the rules are different for Big Ten teams.

It is clear to me now that Tressel brought to the team a lack of discipline similar to what we saw at the end of Cooper's tenure. I am concerned Fickell's reaction to this situation so far has been sympathetic to players because he is a former player. We need a coach who will lead the team in the right way. If these guys didn't know in 2011 that you can't take cash, from anyone, as a college football player, they are too stupid to play. If they did know better, then they should be gone, because accepting $200 at the risk of bringing more bad press to OSU, and possibly more sanctions, means they don't deserve the honor.

They screwed up and are being punished for it. Let's not throw out the baby with the bath water.
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