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J. Hall, C. (Pittsburgh) Brown, and T. Howard reinstated for Miami

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MaxBuck;1987619; said:
Press releases have nothing to do with NCAA punishment decisions.

Thanks for that tidbit - I never meant to imply that they did.

Press releases, and the handling of negative situations, however, do matter in terms of public perception, and that affects both the team and the University.
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Then that would probably mean that this was the event in speculation:

Cornerstone Of Hope

billmac91;1987767; said:
Not official information, but what I've read...

The charity benefit was put on by an official booster named Bob Dia...something.

Bob has been known to be on OSU sidelines as an official booster. Bob is also extremely close to Neil Cornich who is an NFL agent. A lot of former
OSU players are now represented by Neil.

It is a bit coincidental that OSU players would be getting $200 handshakes at a charity event in Cleveland at a function of this Bob guy who is also best friends with an NFL agent.
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^ Yes, and it was publicized in Sun Newspapers and cleveland.com aka The Plain Dealer's online home. It's a pretty big gala to see/be seen at. I'm thinking this was an event (perhaps one of many) that was admissible in the past but was off-limits in 2011 due to the circumstances. Pryor and his boys decided to skirt the rules and here we are.
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MaliBuckeye;1988477; said:
Then that would probably mean that this was the event in speculation:

Cornerstone Of Hope

So if that's the event. it occurred after the Tat-5 were suspended, but before the discovery of JT's emails was made public in early March, and things really hit the fan.

Just so those that want to talk about the decision making of the players, based on what had happened to tOSU already, can place it in the proper timeline.
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BB73;1988680; said:
So if that's the event. it occurred after the Tat-5 were suspended, but before the discovery of JT's emails was made public in early March, and things really hit the fan.

The increased training by tOSU (and the players' knowledge of what constitutes improper benefits) would have occurred prior to Tressel's problems becoming known in early March.

But you are absolutely correct about the time line being relevant, in that the enormity of the press spotlight on the program had not yet occurred. IOW, the NCAA was not digging around in February, and the Dispatch and ESPN not looking for every little thing to publicize as "Bad tOSU did <fill in the blank allegation>". Like after the start of hunting season, when deer get skittish because of all the gunfire and intrusion into their territory, it would take someone truly brain dead to be doing this stuff after March.

Still, they would have already received the enhanced training on benefits. I doubt that anyone had a belief that taking cash was okey-doke.
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the difference seems to be the fact that in 2004, OSU self reported to NCAA by sending a detailed report that was accurate and complete. In 2011, OSU self reported but sent an inaccurate and incomplete report (contradictory).

either the kids lied or OSU misrepresented the facts in the report

could have been handled better and swifter

buckeyes_rock;1988753; said:
Quick question...didn't Troy Smith get a 2 game suspension back in the day for taking $500 from a booster? Shouldn't two games suffice for these 3 even if it was a booster they took the money from?
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BuckTwenty;1987639; said:
Marcus Fortson receives "more than $400" in benefits at Miami and gets one game. OSU has 3 players received $200, 2 game suspension. Fresno State has 2 dozen players commit welfare fraud, NCAA suspends Carlos Hyde, Dominic Clarke, and Johnny Simon for the year.

Anyone tell me how that works? Throw me a bone here.

Did I miss something???
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There's a very good chance that these guys lied to the NCAA in some way during their initial interviews. Something as simple as "did you guys take any illegal benefits" in a January interview can cause a ton of toruble now in September if they answered untruthfully.

BTW, I think there are a lot of former hanger-ons who aren't getting their cut anymore and are upset by it. If you were a former scum-bag involved in selling player autographs and memorabilia for thousands of dollars as yearly income and it were taken away, maybe you sit back and cut Ohio State to death bit by bit by releasing information.

From what I'm reading/seeing I don't think Ohio State is out of the woods like we initially thought.
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billmac91;1988816; said:
There's a very good chance that these guys lied to the NCAA in some way during their initial interviews.
There's a much better chance that these guys thought there was nothing wrong at all with what they'd done, that they answered in a way that they thought was accurate, but that their understanding was different one from the other as to what their compensation related to.

And if that's the case, that the inept NCAA will roast their testicles over hot coals because the NCAA has no [censored]ing clue how best to handle [Mark May] like this. And that God forbid any athlete get any cash for doing even hours of charity work, but it matters not a whit that some athletes live in a palatial football dormitory in Eugene OR that would cost the average student an extra $1,000 a month to live in if they only could, but they can't because they're not Duck football players.

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MaxBuck;1988997; said:
There's a much better chance that these guys thought there was nothing wrong at all with what they'd done
If a booster or somebody associated with a booster gives anyone in either of our programs a few hundred in cash and the player does not suspect that it might be improper, then we both [strike]deserve the death penalty[/strike] have problems.
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