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J. Hall, C. (Pittsburgh) Brown, and T. Howard reinstated for Miami

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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio State must answer several questions from the NCAA before three players suspended for accepting $200 in cash at a charity event are allowed to return to the team.

Athletic Director Gene Smith said Saturday he did not know if the three — starting tailback Jordan Hall, cornerback Travis Howard and backup safety Corey "Pittsburgh" Brown — would be cleared to play at Miami on Sept. 17.
"No, I'm not confident," he told The Associated Press before the 15th-ranked Buckeyes hosted Toledo. "We do have to provide some more information to the NCAA. We'll start that process tomorrow. We've got some meetings tomorrow and Monday, and we'll get them the additional information they want and then go from there."

Ohio State interim coach Luke Fickell said earlier this week the three would be available to play against Toledo. But the university and NCAA issued statements on Friday saying the players had not been reinstated.
Smith said it was all a misunderstanding.

"Luke was just like me. We were both optimistic based upon precedents that they should be reinstated," he said. "But the NCAA felt that they deserved a (longer) penalty. We were surprised. We disagreed with them. But at the end of the day when I listened to them I kind of understood their rationale."

He said the NCAA would provide its questions on Monday about the case involving those three players.
Smith also said he did not believe the latest suspensions will add to the penalties Ohio State will receive for separate NCAA violations stemming from players trading memorabilia for cash and tattoos. That scandal led to several top players being suspended for the first five games this fall, the forced resignation of 10-year coach Jim Tressel and months of investigation and scrutiny of the Buckeyes' athletic program.

"No, it's kind of a separate issue," he said of the case, which the NCAA's committee on infractions heard on Aug. 12. "What we want to do is deal with this issue (involving the latest three suspended players), get it behind us, and move on and finish up the other issues."

Smith said in all of the suspensions, Ohio State and the compliance department were victimized by players who made mistakes on their own.

"We basically had individuals who stepped outside of our system and made individual decisions," he said.
Ohio State anticipates getting its final sanctions from the NCAA sometime this fall, any time from later this month to mid-November.

Smith said he remained troubled by the wild card in the Ohio State-NCAA situation. Due to violations which occurred in the men's basketball program under then-coach Jim O'Brien, the violations earlier this year came when Ohio State was already on NCAA probation.

Many observers have said the NCAA could hand down a postseason bowl ban in addition to Ohio State's self-imposed penalties (vacating the 2010 season, paying back bowl money and going on two years of probation).
"The thing that I've always shared and was a concern of mine (is) that if they did a postseason ban, and I don't think our case merits that," Smith said. "But because we're a repeat violator they can do anything they want."


I'm officially worried
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BB73;1986229; said:
Once again, it seems like the way tOSU handled this has made it worse. If they had said in the original press release that the guys had taken $200 cash, it could have been dealt with in one news cycle.
Press releases have nothing to do with NCAA punishment decisions.
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Gatorubet;1987624; said:
Are the two incidents separate - or can this get lumped in with the other stuff to come up with a FTM as a "package" of violations? I guess I mean, does anyone know what the rules are that tell them how to "separate" different violations by different offenders over different (but within a couple years) time frames?

My gut would be that this is a different deal entirely, and that they can't "add on" this new issue to the August hearing considerations.
I don't know why they couldn't. Violations are violations.

I don't expect this to end well for the Buckeyes.
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Marcus Fortson receives "more than $400" in benefits at Miami and gets one game. OSU has 3 players received $200, 2 game suspension. Fresno State has 2 dozen players commit welfare fraud, NCAA suspends Carlos Hyde, Dominic Clarke, and Johnny Simon for the year.

Anyone tell me how that works? Throw me a bone here.
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BuckTwenty;1987639; said:
Marcus Fortson receives "more than $400" in benefits at Miami and gets one game. OSU has 3 players received $200, 2 game suspension. Fresno State has 2 dozen players commit welfare fraud, NCAA suspends Carlos Hyde, Dominic Clarke, and Johnny Simon for the year.

Anyone tell me how that works? Throw me a bone here.

I'm guessing there's more to this whole situation than we know, prob more than $200
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bassbuckeye07;1987643; said:
actually I believe the question is if it was a booster that provided the 200

That shouldn't make a difference for the players. Sounds like the issue the NCAA is looking into is if the players are being upfront about how this happened and who the $$ was from.
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Bucknut24;1987640; said:
I'm guessing there's more to this whole situation than we know, prob more than $200

Not official information, but what I've read...

The charity benefit was put on by an official booster named Bob Dia...something.

Bob has been known to be on OSU sidelines as an official booster. Bob is also extremely close to Neil Cornich who is an NFL agent. A lot of former
OSU players are now represented by Neil.

It is a bit coincidental that OSU players would be getting $200 handshakes at a charity event in Cleveland at a function of this Bob guy who is also best friends with an NFL agent.
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billmac91;1987767; said:
Not official information, but what I've read...

The charity benefit was put on by an official booster named Bob Dia...something.

Bob has been known to be on OSU sidelines as an official booster. Bob is also extremely close to Neil Cornich who is an NFL agent. A lot of former
OSU players are now represented by Neil.

It is a bit coincidental that OSU players would be getting $200 handshakes at a charity event in Cleveland at a function of this Bob guy who is also best friends with an NFL agent.

Ughhhhhh. Will it ever end? Never good when agents are involved.

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