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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

I blame the Cavs. The city of Cleveland clearly only has the capacity to have a certain level of athletic success at one time and currently the Cavs are taking all of it up. On the plus side, since the Indians are the worst team in baseball that leaves a lot of success for the Cavs to hoard. So you see, the Indians are just sucking to benefit the Cavaliers, once the basketball season is over they can start doing better. Once the fall rolls around I am confident that the Indians and Browns will both be borderline mediocre.
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we all know whats going to happen though

they will "rally" in August and only finish like 7 or 8 games out instead of 20

and wedge and crew will end up keeping their jobs because of the "great finish" :lol:
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buckeyemania11;1464960; said:
we all know whats going to happen though

they will "rally" in August and only finish like 7 or 8 games out instead of 20

and wedge and crew will end up keeping their jobs because of the "great finish" :lol:
If they continue playing like this and Wedge still has a job come August, I'm a Cubs fan.

buckeyemania11;1464980; said:
Monday's sports transactions -- baltimoresun.com

I hope this isnt shapiro's attempt at fixing the bullpen, trying to bring in career minor leaguers and hoping they come on strong

Eh, WTF else can they do? At this point, I think luring Kent Tekulve out of retirement would be an upgrade. When things are this bad, you throw shit against the wall and hope something sticks.
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