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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

maybe we can trade Kobayashi back to Japan for Tom Mastny?

maybe we can convince Scott Sauerbeck to come out of retirement?

anything would do, just get rid of these bums
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Verlander comes in with an ERA around 5.50, so guess what? Zero runs on one hit. :slappy:

These guys fucking suck. I feel bad for Manning and Underwood having to watch and call this shit everynight.

At least Cliff has shown up.
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wow, that sucked. Tribe with an error(scored a hit but should have been an error) to give up their only run. then Grady takes one deep for what would have been a game winning home run except it is brought back by Granderson. Tribe loses - seems nothing can go right this season
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the Indians are pretty much the sole reason that Verlanders ERA is not sky high

Against The Indians (2 starts)- 16 IP 4 H 1 R 1 ER

Against Everyone Else (5 starts)- 28 IP 34 H 24 R 21 ER
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buckeyemania11;1463962; said:
the Indians are pretty much the sole reason that Verlanders ERA is not sky high

Against The Indians (2 starts)- 16 IP 4 H 1 R 1 ER

Against Everyone Else (5 starts)- 28 IP 34 H 24 R 21 ER
those stats are kinda out of context. He had no control to start the season and has started to find his groove. His last 3 starts vs. Cleveland and NYY he has been nearly unhittable (ERA 0.36). Cleveland just ran into him at the wrong time.
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buckeyemania11;1463962; said:
the Indians are pretty much the sole reason that Verlanders ERA is not sky high

Against The Indians (2 starts)- 16 IP 4 H 1 R 1 ER

Against Everyone Else (5 starts)- 28 IP 34 H 24 R 21 ER


At this point, I'm hoping they lose 100 games so some house cleaning can get done. The current regime has run it's course and the organization is stale. The proof is in the pudding.
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The worst part about this is that in baseball there's really no immediate upside to having a horrible record. In the NBA and NFL you're going to get a high draft pick that can come in and make an impact right away. In the MLB you're going to draft some guy who will have to work in the minors for years before he's ready to see the field.
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At this point, I'm hoping they lose 100 games so some house cleaning can get done. The current regime has run it's course and the organization is stale. The proof is in the pudding.
Ship V-Mart out while we're at it.

Not because he's not good, but because he deserves better. One of the better hitters out there and he seems to be in his prime,all for nothing...possibly even less than nothing. :shake:

Time to stockpile even more talent and play the waiting game...
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The Indians closed the door to their locker room last night after being shut out two games in a row. This could be an improvement if someone could permanently keep the doors closed. I guess the only bright spot in the past two games is that the bullpen did not blow it for them.
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