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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

buckeyemania11;1463179; said:
Vizaino is 34 year old journeymen with a 4.31 career ERA (5.28 ERA in 46 IP last season)

if we are counting on him to be a solution, we are in deep shit

Well, when they're already bringing up Matt Herges, I'd say they're already knee deep in the shit. This bullpen may end up being historically bad. Amazing that just two years ago it was one of the strengths of a team that was one win away from the world series.
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He moved Laffey, who was 2-0 with a 4.09 ERA as a starter and had been scheduled to start Thursday, into the bullpen. He sent left-handed Rafael Perez and his 15.19 ERA to Triple-A Columbus and called up left-hander Jeremy Sowers to start Thursday. And he released reliever Juan Salas, designated Vinny Chulk for assignment and called up veteran reliever Matt Herges.

"We still respect everything every guy has done here and we're still going to be always cognizant of that," Shapiro told reporters. "But we've reached a point now where we're going to make the moves that help us right our bullpen. And feelings are not going to get in the way of that. We're not going to look to disrespect anybody but we're going to look to get this thing turned around as quickly as we can.
Vinny we hardly got to know you but I guess enough was enough. Who is this Salas guy:huh: they must have had him hidden someplace in the minor league system because I certainly have never heard of him. Nice signing.

I guess I don't understand why Shapiro did not make the move to help correct the bullpen before the season started. That would have seemed to be the wiser decision before getting into the regular season where losses count.
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LitlBuck;1463192; said:
I guess I don't understand why Shapiro did not make the move to help correct the bullpen before the season started. That would have seemed to be the wiser decision before getting into the regular season where losses count.
I think he thought bringing in Smith and Wood would suffice. All the while ignoring the fact that Bettencourt is a one man rally-monkey, Kobayashi was mediocre at best. No one could have seen Perez tanking as spectacularly as he has or Lewis turning into a HR derby pitcher. I think they were supposed to be the "surest returning things".

Maybe it's just the rest of the dead weight rubbing off on him, but at this point, I hardly have more confidence in Wood to close games than I did Borowski. Smith, shock of shocks, is on the DL. The whole thing is/was just a recipe for disaster. Now they're signing journeyman castaways and calling up elderly minor leaguers. Just ugly, ugly, ugly...
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NFBuck;1463190; said:
Well, when they're already bringing up Matt Herges, I'd say they're already knee deep in the shit. This bullpen may end up being historically bad. Amazing that just two years ago it was one of the strengths of a team that was one win away from the world series.

sadly the Angels bullpen trumps the Indians for worst in the league

Angels pen- 79 IP 7.52 ERA .311 BAA
Indians Pen- 89 IP 6.27 ERA .289 BAA

and there are only 3 teams with a 6+ bullpen ERA the other being the Yankees at 6.17
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buckeyemania11;1463204; said:
sadly the Angels bullpen trumps the Indians for worst in the league

Angels pen- 79 IP 7.52 ERA .311 BAA
Indians Pen- 89 IP 6.27 ERA .289 BAA

and there are only 3 teams with a 6+ bullpen ERA the other being the Yankees at 6.17


I can't even comprehend a bullpen being worse than this lot...
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buckeyemania11;1463179; said:
Vizaino is 34 year old journeymen with a 4.31 career ERA (5.28 ERA in 46 IP last season)

if we are counting on him to be a solution, we are in deep shit

I don't think anyone's counting on Vizcaino to be the solution. However, it's possible he could be part of a solution. He was pretty good from 2004-2007. Yes he had a high ERA last year but he was pitching in Colorado and he did have a K/BB ratio of 49:19. Also, he did not give up a run in his 4 appearances this year(3.2 IP, 2 hits allowed, 3 K's, 0 walks). I believe he was cut by the Cubs because they needed a roster spot for the long-haired dude from notre dame. As I think they're getting him for the minimum, this is a good move by the Tribe in my opinion.
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itownbuckeye;1463209; said:
I don't think anyone's counting on Vizcaino to be the solution. However, it's possible he could be part of a solution. He was pretty good from 2004-2007. Yes he had a high ERA last year but he was pitching in Colorado and he did have a K/BB ratio of 49:19. Also, he did not give up a run in his 4 appearances this year(3.2 IP, 2 hits allowed, 3 K's, 0 walks). I believe he was cut by the Cubs because they needed a roster spot for the long-haired dude from notre dame. As I think they're getting him for the minimum, this is a good move by the Tribe in my opinion.
It sure as hell can't make the situation any worse...
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OSUsushichic;1463229; said:
I'll be at the game tonight. I'll be the chick in the Sox shirt on the third base side. :)

There'll be lots of chicks in sox shirts on the 3rd base side. To distinguish yourself from the rest, I recommend going shirtless.
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