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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

7-2 lead after DeRosa cranks a 2 run HR

hopefully the chicken coop can hold a 5 run lead with 3 innings to go

Laffey coming out of the pen with Sowers getting the start tommorow

Rafael Perez was sent to AAA as well and Matt Herges (lol) was called up
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NFBuck;1462635; said:
:lol: at Sowers' 13th chance. Hopefully Perez gets his head screwed on straight.

yea with Pavano being able to somehow survive multiple jams today

I doubt luck rolls the Indians way 2 days in a row so Sowers is bound to get jacked tomorrow

David Huff is pretty close to being ready so hopefully they dont give Sowers to long
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NFBuck;1462655; said:
Victor: .398-6-19

Methinks the move to 1B was a good one. Probably the lone bright spot on this dreadful team. Well, him and that gorilla fisting of the Yankees.

cabrera has also been a pretty bright spot for the team as well. outside of that, there isn't much to get excited about. perhaps laporta getting big league experience this year.
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OHSportsFan9;1462535; said:
Haven't been in about 2 years, but I'm almost positive all the seats in left field are bleachers, as in football style benches.

Great place to watch a game and I'm sure you'll have a chance at your fair share of homers (pray for Jensen Lewis to still be with the Indians).

The best part of the bleacher seating in left field is the fact you can roam down and just stand and watch the game from the 'Home Run Porch' right next to the left field foul pole.

Back in the mid 90s when we were selling out every game I loved buying the 'standing room only' tickets that let us stand on the home run porch. I would get there early and just stand right at the foul pole the whole game, great place to watch a game from (if you don't mind standing) And a better place to catch home run balls (I almost caught one, well, I did catch one but it bounced from my hand into the crowd of fans. Bare handing a 360 ft fly by doesn't work out well)

But now it is less crowded and you can walk down there mid-game if you suspect a home run barrage.
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An total great game by the Tribe last night. Timely hitting, timely pitching, good starting pitching, good relief pitching, defense, this game had it all.

You were right NF about the asskicking, just wrong about who was on what end

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Buckeye Chris;1462519; said:
So your saying its like say actual Booth Seats or whatever? Cause me and my cousin are excited. We have been at each others throats ever year about this game and we finally decided to go. I think the seats look decent. The view shown on the actual Indians website was amazing...right by the player in center field I was in awe.
Those two seats are usually behind two guys that are is 7'6":)
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