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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

did anyone hear Matt Underwood yesterday during the STO Broadcast?

He thought the mic was off between innings and says "this team is a fucking joke" when they were getting no hit by brian tallet.

well, they proved him wrong for all of 16 hours.
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tsteele316;1461916; said:
did anyone hear Matt Underwood yesterday during the STO Broadcast?

He thought the mic was off between innings and says "this team is a [censored]ing joke" when they were getting no hit by brian tallet.

well, they proved him wrong for all of 16 hours.

We could be on our way to such an historically bad season that you won't be able to tell the difference between Matt Underwood and Bob Ueker by the end.
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OH10;1461947; said:
We could be on our way to such an historically bad season that you won't be able to tell the difference between Matt Underwood and Bob Ueker by the end.
That's what we were all saying last May-June when they couldn't hit a beachball. I fully expect them to turn it on when they're mathamatically eliminated in July. Then again, one thing last years team had that this one sorely lacks is starting pitching, not to mention this years pigeon coop is actually worse than last years (and how they've managed that is beyond me).
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Hey, I know im in the wrong thread, Being a reds fan haha...But

Just bought some tickets for Red v Indians in Cleveland on Sunday June 28th, Going with my cousin (Hes an Indians fan :P), Both of us have never been to Progressive field. So I just had a question and I wanted to see if any of you can answer it...I know its kind of a stupid question but any of you who have been to the stadium or have even sat here can help me.

My two tickets are for Section 185, Row F, Seat 1 and 2


Now the seats say its bleachers...heres the stupid question. Is it actual bleachers like you would find on a football field...Haha told you it was stupid. Just curious.

Also do any of you know where I can find a seating chart of the stadium that has the row's included so I know where I am at exactly?
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Buckeye Chris;1462511; said:
Now the seats say its bleachers...heres the stupid question. Is it actual bleachers like you would find on a football field...Haha told you it was stupid. Just curious.
Nope, not real bleachers. The Jake (I refuse to call it Progressive Field) is one of the best parks in baseball...enjoy. And enjoy the easy Reds win...the Tribe is putrid this year.

Doesn't have a row breakdown, but still a good idea...click on your seating section and it gives you sightlines.
Progressive Field Seating Chart | indians.com: Ballpark

*Edit* for tonights game, if it comes down to the pen (doubtful with Pavano in Fenway), give me Betencourt as the gascan.
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So your saying its like say actual Booth Seats or whatever? Cause me and my cousin are excited. We have been at each others throats ever year about this game and we finally decided to go. I think the seats look decent. The view shown on the actual Indians website was amazing...right by the player in center field I was in awe.
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Buckeye Chris;1462519; said:
So your saying its like say actual Booth Seats or whatever? Cause me and my cousin are excited. We have been at each others throats ever year about this game and we finally decided to go. I think the seats look decent. The view shown on the actual Indians website was amazing...right by the player in center field I was in awe.

You know, actually I'm not real sure. I've only sat in that section once, vs. the Dodgers back in '03. I think they might be the bench style seats.
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Haven't been in about 2 years, but I'm almost positive all the seats in left field are bleachers, as in football style benches.

Great place to watch a game and I'm sure you'll have a chance at your fair share of homers (pray for Jensen Lewis to still be with the Indians).
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