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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

Both of Lee and Sabathia have pitched out of some jams...

Both well over 110 pitches now... one thing to ride your horses down the stretch, but, its April...

To the Pens, I imagine for both teams.

Edit: Had to step away, did not See CC get pulled for the last out of the 6th, my mistake.
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God, I love that the Tribe is ruining the opening of that fucking stadium. Fuck the Yankees, fuck Sabathia, fuck the new Yankee Stadium, fuck the Steinbrenners, fuck Jeter, etc., etc., etc...

We probably shouldn't be so quick to write off this season. If these bats can get going consistently like they have the potential to do, and the pitching can be just average, this team can be competitive.
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NFBuck;1451323; said:
God, I love that the Tribe is ruining the opening of that fucking stadium. Fuck the Yankees, fuck Sabathia, fuck the new Yankee Stadium, fuck the Steinbrenners, fuck Jeter, etc., etc., etc...

We probably shouldn't be so quick to write off this season. If these bats can get going consistently like they have the potential to do, and the pitching can be just average, this team can be competitive.

Nah, this can be a very good offense...

The pitchers have a way to go.
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MolGenBuckeye;1451966; said:
:lol: at Johnny Damon's "arm". Twice now the Tribe has scored from second on a sharp grounder to left, and once it was Hafner. He can barely get it to the cut off man from shallow left.

Edit - And now DeRosa tagged from second on a fly to left. :rofl:

:slappy: fuck the yankees

now hopefully the pitching can manage to hold on
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NFBuck;1451323; said:
We probably shouldn't be so quick to write off this season. If these bats can get going consistently like they have the potential to do, and the pitching can be just average, this team can be competitive.

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