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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

tsteele316;1450173; said:
all they really wanted him to do was to hold a rotation spot until westbrook came back. as terrible as sowers and laffey were this spring, there really wasn't much competition anyway.

Your starting pitcher tonight will be Laffey. I guess if they signed Pavano to hold a spot until Westbrook got off the DL Hoyas on the DL for Reyes.
JCOSU86;1450407; said:
It's having Spring Training in [censored]ing Arizona. They sucked out there, moved to Florida, made 2 WS and one ALCS, moved back to AZ and now suck ass again.

I think they had spring training in Arizona in 1948 but I couldn't read yet so I am not certain:) I know we were in Arizona in 1954 and at least made the WS.
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Bucky Katt;1448725; said:
Arroyo has as many wins as the entire Indian pitching staff. That trade would be a steal for the Indians. :sneaky:

Still true. Better strike while the iron is hot.

But WAIT! There's more! Call now and we'll throw in Mike Lincoln for FREE! (You pay only shipping and handling). That's right. You've got a a SUPERB starting pitcher (Arroyo's part German, you know the Germans make good stuff!!!) plus a GREAT reliever, all for the low, low price of one centerfielder plus shipping and handling.

And for today only, you can have Willy Tavares as an added bonus. You'll get Arroyo, Lincoln, and Tavares. That's a Cy Young candidate, a set-up man with closer-type stuff, and the best leadoff hitter in the game. (He's fast like a marsupial!!!). All for one measly player. Don't wait. Call TODAY!

NFBuck;1448732; said:
You had me convinced until you tacked this shady looking guy on at the end: :sneaky:

Makes me think you have something up your sleeve. :mad2:

Why, I never. I would never try to dupe a fellow Buckeye. :shake:
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