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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

One thing I can say about this team is that they have the best closer we've had in a long time... provided he stays healthy. Wood looked flat out dominant yesterday, he hit 98 when he struck Rolen out and had some nasty breaking balls for the next 2 guys. It was a thing of beauty compared to Borowski and Wickman saves.
Problem is going to be getting to the point where he's even on the field.

Our starters aren't even giving the team a chance most days. It's 4/5/6-0 before the 5th inning.

But yes, Wood will be a relief (pun intended) considering what the Tribe have had lately. :)
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BuckeyeMac;1448733; said:
Thome and Kenny were my 2 favorite players growing up in the 90's...Still wish Kenny came back (was it last year??). But I would love to have Thome back. Move Garko to OF fulltime get rid of waste of space Fransisco (or bench him) and put Thome @ 1st just like old times. That would really make this lineup either a HR or K
Thome's old as fuck and starting to break down physically.
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fanaticbuckeye;1448706; said:
Can we have all-time pinch hitters? How about all-time pinch runner for Manny?

Manny scares the life out of me everywhere except for the batters box. He's liable to run to third base first and steal the pitchers mound.

But really, the amount of games Manny would lose due to baserunning & fielding gaffes would be nothing compared to how many games he would single-handedly win on his own.

NFBuck;1448716; said:
Other than Pujols, probably not. Problem is, he's a headcase and a locker room cancer.

define headcase and cancer? Cuz really, the only time he was a locker room cancer was when the RedSox wouldn't extend his deal and that was probable more his agent's fault versus manny being manny.

and really, Manny is a lovable locker room type. He cracks jokes, laughs and is sooooo aloof at times he probable helps locker room chemistry more than anything. Most of the Red Sox guys loved him.

NFBuck;1448780; said:
Thome's old as fuck and starting to break down physically.

Now this I agree with. Thome coming back as a part-time player to hit his 600th HR as an Indian would be a blast. But who would he replace? If Hafner is back to his former self there is no position for Thome here. Now if Hafner breaks down I can see Thome as a platoon DH. Cuz Thome might be good for 80-90 games at the most.

But the kicker for all of this is they both would have to take paycuts to come here. Thome not as much, but Manny would be have to be willing to take a contract only worth $10-$15 million a season. Cuz while they both can say they want to come back, I doubt Shapiro would be willing to pay them, especially with the amount of young OFs we have on this team.
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define headcase and cancer? Cuz really, the only time he was a locker room cancer was when the RedSox wouldn't extend his deal and that was probable more his agent's fault versus manny being manny.

and really, Manny is a lovable locker room type. He cracks jokes, laughs and is sooooo aloof at times he probable helps locker room chemistry more than anything. Most of the Red Sox guys loved him.

exactly, manny is just a goof ball

say what you want about him but he is a hell of a player
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1st and 3rd with 1 out to start the game. Of course they don't get a run in. Strike out by Hafner. Peralta is too slow to beat out a grounder as the Royals SS goes to his left and makes the play.

Carmona walks 2...gives up 3 runs in the bottom half.

These guys suck.
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