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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

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Manny Ramirez wants to finish his career with the Cleveland Indians - and Jim Thome

by Starting Blocks, The Plain Dealer Monday April 13, 2009, 8:24 AM

John Kuntz / The Plain DealerManny Ramirez and Jim Thome congratulate Russell Branyan during a 2000 game at Jacobs Field.

deadspin.comManny Ramirez
Former Cleveland Indians star Manny Ramirez told USA Today that he is interested in finishing his career where it started --- with the Cleveland Indians.
Ramirez, now with the Los Angeles Dodgers, is one of the best right-handed hitters in baseball.
"I would like to play for Cleveland one more time, to go back where I started. I have so many good memories there, why not? I think to go back where you started is everyone's dream."
According to the article, Ramirez spoke with former Indians first baseman Jim Thome about the possibility of both of them ending their careers with the Indians. Thome may also consider the reunion. He said:
"Manny was very sincere when he brought that up to me. Manny was saying how special that would be for us to both go back together. He was very passionate. Baseball's such a weird thing. You never know what's going to happen."
Their return may all sound good to Ramirez and Thome but what about you? Would you like to see Ramirez and Thome return?
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I would love to have Manny back. I have always loved his approach to the game and his skillz. Unfortunately there is no position for Thome to play if Hafner is back in form.
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Can we have all-time pinch hitters? How about all-time pinch runner for Manny?

Manny scares the life out of me everywhere except for the batters box. He's liable to run to third base first and steal the pitchers mound.
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I think we all know that is Manny just being Manny but I don't think that there is a better hitter in baseball in the last 10 years. What surprised me in that article was a quote from Thome regarding what Manny said about wanting to return.
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LitlBuck;1448710; said:
I think we all know that is Manny just being Manny but I don't think that there is a better hitter in baseball in the last 10 years. What surprised me in that article was a quote from Thome regarding what Manny said about wanting to return.
Other than Pujols, probably not. Problem is, he's a headcase and a locker room cancer.
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Thome and Kenny were my 2 favorite players growing up in the 90's...Still wish Kenny came back (was it last year??). But I would love to have Thome back. Move Garko to OF fulltime get rid of waste of space Fransisco (or bench him) and put Thome @ 1st just like old times. That would really make this lineup either a HR or K
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BuckeyeMac;1448733; said:
Thome and Kenny were my 2 favorite players growing up in the 90's...Still wish Kenny came back (was it last year??). But I would love to have Thome back. Move Garko to OF fulltime get rid of waste of space Fransisco (or bench him) and put Thome @ 1st just like old times. That would really make this lineup either a HR or K
Lofton was 2 years ago, the playoff run.

I dont think I would be thrilled about Garko in the OF, has that even been tried? I know its been discussed on forums, but he doesn't seem like a great fit out there.
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BuckeyeMac;1448733; said:
Thome and Kenny were my 2 favorite players growing up in the 90's...Still wish Kenny came back (was it last year??). But I would love to have Thome back. Move Garko to OF fulltime get rid of waste of space Fransisco (or bench him) and put Thome @ 1st just like old times. That would really make this lineup either a HR or K
:shake: We have too many promising young outfielders to even think about bringing Thome back and speaking of back's his back is not a very good shape. We brought Lofton back the year before last.
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One thing I can say about this team is that they have the best closer we've had in a long time... provided he stays healthy. Wood looked flat out dominant yesterday, he hit 98 when he struck Rolen out and had some nasty breaking balls for the next 2 guys. It was a thing of beauty compared to Borowski and Wickman saves.
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