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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

ysubuck;1447751; said:
Cliff Lee is going against Halladay today.

Bad Cliff Lee or good Cliff Lee??
To be honest, I will be surprised if Cliff Lee wins 15 games this season. If he doesn't have his control, he is just like Laffey, Sowers and Lewis. Control means everything to those guys while some guys who are lacking control on certain days just can overpower hitters. Our guys can't.
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ysubuck;1447780; said:
Say it's early all you want...

this team looks like shit. All the way around.


Well, we got our answer...bad Cliff. I'm sure this team will improve as the season goes on (at least I hope they will), but they're on their way to digging a big, fat hole just like last year. At least them tanking early might mean we get to see some of the youngsters a little quicker this summer. Pitching is in very bad shape though, I never imagined it would be this bad. This team may end up making the '87 pitching staff look world class...
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buckeyemania11;1447881; said:
all you can do is laugh......

Pretty much. I'm sure it'll be a similar situation to last year where they sleepwalk through the first half, then turn it on after it's already too late. Hopefully nobody in the division starts off too hot. If that does indeed happen again, Wedge needs to be given his walking papers. He did a nice job turning it around last year, but there's no excuse for the way these guys are playing. It's a 162 game season.
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