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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

exhawg;1447461; said:
Pronk with his second HR of the season. Doubters beware.

Trade him now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, I saw some of his AB's in the preseason... and... most (obviously) with bad outcomes, but, he looked much more balanced... compared to last year where he was clearly cheating just to protect the plate... saw him get to a lot of the inside (and down) stuff that he'd just squib to the 2B last year.

Anywho... good signs, driving the ball with authoury early, I'm sure there will be a few more hiccups along the way, but, dont' even care if he hits dingers, just drive the ball and he'll be fine.

But, seems like he's answering the questions about if he can physically do it (for the time being).
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ysubuck;1447100; said:
It is very early, but the performance of Pavano today was demoralizing to say the least.

I expected more from Derosa and so far he's 0 for 12. The bats got going today but Pavano put them in an impossible situation.

Again, it's early, but Christ.

DeRosa will be fine.


Uh... yeah...
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:slappy:anyone who thinks this team has a real shot at making the playoffs is beyond nuts

this team is probably even worse than the 06 team

tonights game was a circus

KEVIN MILLAR slipps out of the batters box and they still couldnt get him out at first because Peralta throws to second even though the runner was already way safe

then Rafael Perez balks :lol:

queue up the Benny Hill Music

they cant get anybody out, like I said there is a difference between a slow start and flat out suck, and these pitchers are flat out suck
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buckeyemania11;1447607; said:
:slappy:anyone who thinks this team has a real shot at making the playoffs is beyond nuts

this team is probably even worse than the 06 team

tonights game was a circus

KEVIN MILLAR slipps out of the batters box and they still couldnt get him out at first because Peralta throws to second even though the runner was already way safe

then Rafael Perez balks :lol:

queue up the Benny Hill Music

they cant get anybody out, like I said there is a difference between a slow start and flat out suck, and these pitchers are flat out suck

Like I said a few weeks ago, if this team blows, it is because the pitching is Little League level. Unfortunately I was correct, this team is a 90+ loss team unfortunately. Get rid of some of these bums that don't play (Dellucci, Barfield, etc) and pick up some decent pitching. Hint: PEDRO PEDRO (lol kidding)
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BuckeyeMac;1447609; said:
Like I said a few weeks ago, if this team blows, it is because the pitching is Little League level. Unfortunately I was correct, this team is a 90+ loss team unfortunately. Get rid of some of these bums that don't play (Dellucci, Barfield, etc) and pick up some decent pitching. Hint: PEDRO PEDRO (lol kidding)

even Jeremy Sowers sounds good right now compared to Carl Pavano
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Scott Lewis placed on DL; Vinnie Chulk added to roster
by Staff reports
Saturday April 11, 2009, 11:28 AM

CLEVELAND, OH --- Left-hander Scott Lewis has been placed on the 15-day disabled list because of an elbow strain. Right-hander Vinnie Chulk was recalled from Class AAA Columbus.

Lewis started yesterday's home-opening loss to the Toronto Blue Jays and was not involved in the decision. He gave up four runs on seven hits in 4 1/3 innings. He threw 94 pitches.

Lewis, 25, an Ohio State product, made his major-league debut Sept. 10, 2008. He went 4-0 with a 2.63 ERA in four starts with the Tribe.

Chulk, 30, was invited to major-league camp this spring after signing a minor-league free agent contract in February. He went 0-0 with one save and a 1.72 ERA in nine appearances. (15.2IP, 10H, 3R/ER, 3BB, 8K). He limited spring hitters to a .192 (10-52) average.

Chulk was assigned to AAA Columbus on April 1 and worked two scoreless innings in its organizational debut Thursday. He is a former Blue Jay.
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