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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)


Today: Indians vs. Blue Jays
by Brett Huston, STATS writer
Sunday April 12, 2009, 10:57 AM

A loss Sunday afternoon would equal the Indians' worst start in 95 years, a distinction they try to avoid when they close a three-game home series against the scorching Blue Jays.

Cleveland (0-5) finished a disappointing 81-81 in 2008, but a 32-17 finish had it pegged as one of the favorites to win the AL Central coming into this season.

Yet, five games in, the Indians are the AL's lone winless team due largely to a league-worst 9.86 ERA from a pitching staff that's allowed opponents to hit .357.

Reigning Cy Young winner Cliff Lee, who didn't lose his second game last season until July 6, fell to 0-2 with a 9.90 ERA on Saturday after allowing four runs in five innings in a 5-4 loss.

"We're going to win plenty of ballgames this year. No one is going to panic," first baseman Ryan Garko said. "We've got to battle through this and keep our heads up. ... We have to fight through the perception that it's a big deal, because it's really not. We're going to be fine."

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I am on the verge:(
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RocketBuckeye;1448146; said:
I would really like the Tribe to still be in the division race when I go see them...at the end of May.
Good luck with that.

Well, to try to spin some positives...
- Pronk is at least putting the bat on the ball and showing some of his old power...that will be huge if it continues.
- Same for Victor.
- They are scoring runs, something that didn't start happening until late July last season.
-Um, yeah...that's it.

- 9.86, ugh.
- Cliff has looked awful since taking a ball off the arm. Is it physical or mental? Which would be worse?
- I'd be happy if Pavano never took the mound again. After reading Torre's book, which devoted a good bit of space to Pavano's worthless ass, my doubts grew. I was hoping he'd be a reasonable stop-gap until Jake came back, but he looks like as big a waste of a salary as ever. Thank God they got him for a small salary.

If, and that's a huge IF, the pitching staff can pull it together and just be average, I think we have the horses in the lineup to compete if the division winds up being as mediocre as it looks it might. That's a huge if, and it's hard to be too optimistic after what we've seen the first week. Fortunately, I came in with relatively low expectations. I thought with a few breaks this team could be competitive, but certainly wasn't expecting much. If they right the ship, maybe they're competitive. If they tank, at least there's some good young talent on the farm to look forward to.
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NFBuck;1448153; said:
Good luck with that.

Well, to try to spin some positives...
- Pronk is at least putting the bat on the ball and showing some of his old power...that will be huge if it continues.
- Same for Victor.
- They are scoring runs, something that didn't start happening until late July last season.
-Um, yeah...that's it.

- 9.86, ugh.
- Cliff has looked awful since taking a ball off the arm. Is it physical or mental? Which would be worse?
- I'd be happy if Pavano never took the mound again. After reading Torre's book, which devoted a good bit of space to Pavano's worthless ass, my doubts grew. I was hoping he'd be a reasonable stop-gap until Jake came back, but he looks like as big a waste of a salary as ever. Thank God they got him for a small salary.

If, and that's a huge IF, the pitching staff can pull it together and just be average, I think we have the horses in the lineup to compete if the division winds up being as mediocre as it looks it might. That's a huge if, and it's hard to be too optimistic after what we've seen the first week. Fortunately, I came in with relatively low expectations. I thought with a few breaks this team could be competitive, but certainly wasn't expecting much. If they right the ship, maybe they're competitive. If they tank, at least there's some good young talent on the farm to look forward to.

I agree... if Pavano tanks another couple starts I expect to see Huff get a shot.
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Finally off the schnide. Reyes gave 5 solid innings before getting roughed up a little in the 6th. Good job by the pen and Pronk hits his 3rd HR of the year. Hopefully the rest of the rotation will wake up now.
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