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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

buckeyemania11;1450091; said:
Wedge and Shapiro (the guy who actually thought it was a good idea to sign carl pavano and just hand him the #3 starter job)

get rid of both of them please

Eh, Pavano wasn't horrible tonight...probably the 2nd best performance by an Indians starter this year. The whole team sucks right now.
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NFBuck;1450098; said:
Eh, Pavano wasn't horrible tonight...probably the 2nd best performance by an Indians starter this year. The whole team sucks right now.

well, I guess he did "lower" his ERA from 81 to 16

but still the thought of even just signing a guy who had a one year wonder year and has since then not done shit and giving him the #3 starter spot without any competition is pure stupidity
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It figures. The longest schedule of all the major sports, and my team's already out of it after a week and a half.

Man, when the NBA Finals are over, the months leading to the start of football are going to flat out suck.
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buckeyemania11;1450100; said:
well, I guess he did "lower" his ERA from 81 to 16

but still the thought of even just signing a guy who had a one year wonder year and has since then not done shit and giving him the #3 starter spot without any competition is pure stupidity

all they really wanted him to do was to hold a rotation spot until westbrook came back. as terrible as sowers and laffey were this spring, there really wasn't much competition anyway.
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