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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

NFBuck;1452470; said:
Well, if you're paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars to watch the highest salaried players in MLB lay eggs like this two out of three days, you'd be pissed too. :tongue2:

Couldn't be happening to a nicer bunch. :biggrin2:
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20-2, top of the 5th and the Tribe is still batting. This game started almost 2 and a half hours ago and it's not even halfway over. :slappy:
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Also, clearly the pressure is off and the Yankees are now in "make my dinner reservation" mode, but, Fausto has cruised since the 1st.

Probalby a good thing to just let him get out there and throw strikes and have him reminded that his stuff is good enough to get away with that most of the time.
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NFBuck;1452499; said:
I want 30...sweep the leg...

The leg was swept a long time ago... that would be Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Anyway... not to be adding insult to Injury, but the Yankees pitchers are going to go well over 200 pitches today... If they Chase Burnett early tomorrow, look out again.
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