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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

Top 2nd: Cleveland - S. Choo homered to deep left center, T. Hafner and J. Peralta scored
- A. Cabrera singled to center, B. Francisco scored
- M. DeRosa doubled to deep right, G. Sizemore and A. Cabrera scored
- V. Martinez singled to right, M. DeRosa scored
- J. Peralta doubled to deep center, T. Hafner and V. Martinez scored
- A. Cabrera homered to deep right, J. Peralta, S. Choo and R. Garko scored
- G. Sizemore homered to deep right center
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Here's how much I hate the Yankees...

In the 9th, with 2 on (or whatever)... here's what I'm thinking....

You know.... somewhere, there's some 8 year old Yankee fan thinking... if we can only get another guy on here... get a grandslam and then do that 3 more times, we'll only be down 2, and we'll have a shot.

Too bad, little Billy, Gehrig can hit you 2 dingers, it ain't gonna matter.
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Broke their new scoreboard in very nicely:) At least they know that most of the numbers are working.:biggrin:
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why the hell did Wedge take Pavano out after 6? he had only thrown 90 pitches and could have gone another inning. he was pitching well and Perez/Lewis have been terrible so far this year.

also, the new yankee stadium is a joke. how do you spend 1.5 billion yet overlook the fact the dimensions down the lines are more closely suited to high school ball than the major leagues. MLB should have some sort of minimum requirement on how deep a park must be.
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itownbuckeye;1452945; said:
also, the new yankee stadium is a joke. how do you spend 1.5 billion yet overlook the fact the dimensions down the lines are more closely suited to high school ball than the major leagues. MLB should have some sort of minimum requirement on how deep a park must be.
Same demensions as the old Yankee Stadium.

Funny, Perez and Lewis seem to have switched positions with Betencourt this season. Second straight solid outing from Pavano which is shocking.
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2 outs with nobody on for Betancourt. He gives up a double, an intentional walk, walks a batter, and then he gives up a bases clearing double to make it a 7-3 lead in the bottom of the 8th. The pitching is absolutely awful on this team.
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Those umps were terrified as they met on the field discussing Posada's homerun. Rick Manning called it when the umps left to go and review the play. NEVER going to get that call in Yankee stadium.

How was that not fan interference?? What the fuck were they looking at to call that a homerun?
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