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Game Thread Illinois 0, at tOSU 30 (Sep 26, 3:30, ABC/ESPN)

To anybody who is dogging this performance, you need to answer this question. When was the last time you saw an OSU team run the ball as effectively as they did today, when everybody in the stadium (becasue of the rain) knew they were going to run?

I don't remember anything since MoC left.
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Just in case you guys didn't catch the Illinois fan talk after the game:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F10INRdCWtk"]YouTube - Oh no we suck again![/ame]

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tsteele316;1551517; said:
not to mention hardeman talking trash to pryor while down 23-0 in the 4th quarter.
A few plays later, Hardeman tried to hit Pryor late out-of-bounds, but took out his own teammate instead. Smooth move....

BUCKYLE;1551534; said:
DL...what else can be said? Thad "3 and Out" Gibson. He looks more and more like Vern every game. Just man handling people. Cam taking on two blockers consistently.
Thad's playing better than Vern right now - the guy simply doesn't take any plays off. The rest of the DL is pretty sick as well - even players like Wilson and Rose, who seemed like non-factors at the beginning of the season, are tearing it up.

sflbuck;1551681; said:
To anybody who is dogging this performance needs to answer this question. When was the last time you saw an OSU team run the ball as effectively as they did today, when everybody in the stadium (becasue of the rain) knew they were going to run?

I don't remember anything since MoC left.
Michigan 2007, and in the same weather conditions. It's nice to know that this team CAN play Tresselball when they need to.

As far as Illini fans - screw 'em. Those whiny little brats would be peeing themselves with excitement if Juice and Regus ran up the score on somebody, and they'd be the first talk trash after scoring a late touchdown in a game that had already been decided. Illinois is a bush league program with bush league fans (with some exceptions like Orange Roughy), and they deserved a woodshed ass kicking.

I was rooting for a pick six on their last drive to rub the salt even deeper into the wound - maybe next year.
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A few plays later, Hardeman tried to hit Pryor late out-of-bounds, but took out his own teammate instead. Smooth move....
False. He realized he couldn't get to Pryor, so he tried to take out Pryor by using his teammate as a human missile.
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LordJeffBuck;1551702; said:
Thad's playing better than Vern right now - the guy simply doesn't take any plays off. The rest of the DL is pretty sick as well - even players like Wilson and Rose, who seemed like non-factors at the beginning of the season, are tearing it up.

Good point.

I believe Cam Heyward's role can't be overstated. On several of Thad's big plays, Cam ate up two blockers. That is EXACTLY what we need out of our interior with That on the edge.
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