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Game Thread Illinois 0, at tOSU 30 (Sep 26, 3:30, ABC/ESPN)

BuckeyeTillIDie;1551531; said:
The poor babies seem a bit upset about the last TD.

Also, I love when people say "they aren't even that good", even though your offense got completely shut down and you lost by 30 points.

The problem is, their too high on their team and they think Illinois should be competing with the top Big Ten teams every single season.
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Ass. Whoopin'. Shut out. 30-0. Beards and mohawks everywhere. If I have enough hair on top...I'll have a mohawk/skullet/beard combo for the TSUN game. Think Mr. T with spiral curls.

Saine ran possessed today. Boom...I can't help but LOVE how hard he runs.

I don't think the OL is getting enough credit. They played tough today. Far from perfect...but tough. Still gelling, imo. We'll see by the PSU game what they're made of. But for such a young OL that hasn't played together much...who also lost the only senior...I'm starting to get excited about this group.

DL...what else can be said? Thad "3 and Out" Gibson. He looks more and more like Vern every game. Just man handling people. Cam taking on two blockers consistently.

Great game.
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  • <LI class=username>NoloContendIllie <LI class=tpmemberstatus>
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Posted: Today 5:36 PM
Re: Fighting Illini VS tOSU Bucks !! Get it Done Illini !!!

After that display by Tressel, he has officially forfeited every scrap of respect I had for him. May karma's injury bug bite the Bucks hard and often for the rest of the season.

This is classless. Wishing injuries is totally classless. The best team won. End of story.
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Jake;1551455; said:
Illini fans whining about the late touchdown. Some vowing "revenge" next year. :cry:

Last time Illinois is in Ohio Stadium, they dance on the "O" logo. Funny that their fans think they should be treated with kid gloves the next time they play there. If you treat others with respect, you can expect to be treated with respect. Otherwise, you know what they say about payback.

Not to rub salt in the wounds but Illinois is not going to be in any position to avenge anything with OSU next year. (At least not on the scoreboard)
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TexasBuck;1551552; said:
Last time Illinois is in Ohio Stadium, they dance on the "O" logo. Funny that their fans think they should be treated with kid gloves the next time they play there. If you treat others with respect, you can expect to be treated with respect. Otherwise, you know what they say about payback.

Not to rub salt in the wounds but Illinois is not going to be in any position to avenge anything with OSU next year. (At least not on the scoreboard)

No more Juice Williams, and McGee doesn't look like the answer to the QB question for Illinois. It's going to be a long two seasons for Illinois.
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