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Game Thread Illinois 0, at tOSU 30 (Sep 26, 3:30, ABC/ESPN)

I love when folks accuse Tress of running it up. 30 points is running it up, really c'mon....Florida is up 31-7 near the end of the half and calling timeouts to try to get the ball back to score more....and we are running it up....What did SC beat Wash. St. by last year....What did Texas just beat UTEP by.....

Fuck off Illini fans and anyone else accusing OSU of running it up....
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The improvement in the run game is great! With the worse pass defense in the country on the other side I expected an aerial barrage but got a typical Big Ten slug fest. The Illinois defense must be truly bad.
Pryor was more under control today which I liked to see. Boom looked good. Saine looked like a Heisman Trophy back in the first half. Hall is just fun to watch. The defense is as good as any in the country.
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buckeyebri;1551562; said:
I love when folks accuse Tress of running it up. 30 points is running it up, really c'mon....Florida is up 31-7 near the end of the half and calling timeouts to try to get the ball back to score more....and we are running it up....What did SC beat Wash. St. by last year....What did Texas just beat UTEP by.....

Fuck off Illini fans and anyone else accusing OSU of running it up....

On the bright side, maybe they've found a replacement for Chief Illiniwek.

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John Saunders can eat a big fat dick for his comments after the game!! I'm getting a little sick of all the dis-respect this '09 buckeye team has been getting. I don't expect them to be in the top 5 or anything but win a game 38-0 and drop in the rankings!?!?! Then get dogged for pasting an Illini team that stomp the block O after the '07 game...the same '07 game that they kept bringing up pre-game..then ranked #1 tOSU lost at home to the Illini. Well, you wanna dog the Big Ten dog tOSU and the bitch about not running it on two plays at the goal line?!?! FUCK YOU! but if they're held to a field goal or get stuffed on 4th down they just say that tOSU has redzone problems or some other fuckin BS.

What do I say?...message sent to the rest of the B10.

Fuck Zook.

Fuck the Media.

Fuck the whiny ass fans that can't take it.

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MondayAMGenius;1551527; said:
See y'all next week,

Thanks to all the fans for sitting in the rain!! You Rock!

Go Bucks

I was there and a bit upset with the A deckers... If it wasn't 3rd down they just sat there... and with 12 minutes left they started leaving... I was pissed at them. For the ones that stayed...KUDOS!!!! I stayed the whole game and thru Carmen Ohio... I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. C'Mon fans we can bring it strong for Minny!!!!
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NateG;1551597; said:
I was there and a bit upset with the A deckers... If it wasn't 3rd down they just sat there... and with 12 minutes left they started leaving... I was pissed at them. For the ones that stayed...KUDOS!!!! I stayed the whole game and thru Carmen Ohio... I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. C'Mon fans we can bring it strong for Minny!!!!
I'd say about 10-20% of the entire stadium was leaving between 8-12 min left.
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jwinslow;1551600; said:
I'd say about 10-20% of the entire stadium was leaving between 8-12 min left.

Maybe I'm too much on my soapbox but we need the stadium more like the USC game and less like NMSU is playing. I believe sunshine helps but still it was nice to sit with the students... they were jacked!!!
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I would say given the rain I was impressed with the Offense's ability to pound it out. The defense looked phenomenal.

The only thing I was displeased with was the return game, both punt and kick (though we only got 1 kick return). I think we should have "Flash" back there from now on, Small just isn't what he once was.
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OSU needs a big run game in the Big 10. Chris Wells was a huge reason we dominated the Big 10 while he was here.

Today was a great day for our RB's. I've been worried about them but am very impressed after theyre performance. It will be great to always have fresh legs to rotate with.

TS10HTW;1551590; said:
John Saunders can eat a big fat dick for his comments after the game!! I'm getting a little sick of all the dis-respect this '09 buckeye team has been getting. I don't expect them to be in the top 5 or anything but win a game 38-0 and drop in the rankings!?!?! Then get dogged for pasting an Illini team that stomp the block O after the '07 game...the same '07 game that they kept bringing up pre-game..then ranked #1 tOSU lost at home to the Illini. Well, you wanna dog the Big Ten dog tOSU and the bitch about not running it on two plays at the goal line?!?! [censored] YOU! but if they're held to a field goal or get stuffed on 4th down they just say that tOSU has redzone problems or some other [censored]in BS.

What do I say?...message sent to the rest of the B10.

[censored] Zook.

[censored] the Media.

[censored] the whiny ass fans that can't take it.


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What is really amusing to me over on the Illini board is the complaints about throwing. Somebody actually suggested that the non-douche move would have been to just run up the middle over-and-over.

Hello? I think Tressel was trying NOT to score, which is why he stopped running Saine up the middle (which Illinois clearly couldn't defend) and decided to have Pryor pass instead.

Meh. Whatever. OSU's red zone offense needs the work, Pettrey obviously doesn't, and at the rate OSU is going in the polls, JT needs to steal all the style points he can get.
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Dryden;1551662; said:
What is really amusing to me over on the Illini board is the complaints about throwing. Somebody actually suggested that the non-douche move would have been to just run up the middle over-and-over.

Hello? I think Tressel was trying NOT to score, which is why he stopped running Saine up the middle (which Illinois clearly couldn't defend) and decided to have Pryor pass instead.

Meh. Whatever. OSU's red zone offense needs the work, Pettrey obviously doesn't, and at the rate OSU is going in the polls, JT needs to steal all the style points he can get.

Will they drop us in the polls for winning, again? :confused:
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