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Game Thread Illinois 0, at tOSU 30 (Sep 26, 3:30, ABC/ESPN)

Great game! It's always a great game when the Buckeyes win, but this has been the most satisfying game of the year so far.

I think if you said to most people that the Buckeyes wouldn't be able to pass the ball in the first half because of the weather, they would have told you the Buckeyes would be in a lot of trouble based on the way they had performed rushing the football so far this year. That was not the case at all though. The offensive line grabbed control of this game in the bad weather and delivered when everybody in the stadium knew that the Buckeyes were gonna run the football.

And I don't know why I'm even talking about the offense after what we just saw from the defense. There is no question right now - this is the best defense in the country. A lot of people are going to talk about Gibson and Rolle - and rightfully so. I especially proud of Lawrence Wilson though. He's had more than his share of bad luck, and he got the chance to make an absolutely outstanding individual play today. All 32 NFL teams are gonna have that on their film of him and that should be one of the first plays they show of him when his name gets called in the draft.

Two consecutive shutouts in this day and age is no small feat. It's already started (thanks, John Saunders) but there was nothing ugly about that 30-0 win.

Aaron Pettrey made two huge kicks early in the game when the game was very much in doubt. That was huge. I'll promise to stop doing this after today, but seeing that makes me think once more that the Buckeyes should have kicked the FG late against USC. Pettrey is a special kicker - especially from long distance.

I like the improvement we've seen in short yardage situations.

I also like the way the coaches managed the game on their final offensive possession. First of all, the first team offense - especially Pryor - needs the reps. Injuries are a valid concern, but they can happen anytime. Injuries are no less inconvenient if they happen with the game in doubt versus garbage time. I wanted no part of Joe Bauserman in that situation. We've also lamented at times Jim Tressel's stubbornness in the face of the idea that a few extra points on the scoreboard helps the way the team is perceived and could help them in the polls. I don't think he's necessarily changed his mind on that, but I like the result of his decision.

I mentioned that Pryor needs the reps - and it's because he needs to improve his decision making and footwork. I don't want to say that he's always bad - he's just not good often enough or consistently enough in those areas. I would like to see him do a better job with his feet to improve his accuracy as a passer, and I would like to see him make better decisions on when to run and how to run. While his raw ability gets him a lot of yards that lesser players cannot get, he also leaves a lot of yards and first downs out there that lesser players pick up. It looked to me like he didn't take what the defense was giving - trying to bounce it out or reverse his direction too much. It looks like on option plays he doesn't decide to pitch or keep in a timely enough manner. Overall I don't think he showed too much improvement over last week. Within this game though I think he did show some improvement as the game progressed (his fumble notwithstanding), and that was a bit encouraging.

All in all, it was great start to the Big Ten portion of the schedule.
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Smooth Olaf;1551502; said:
After Illinois' celebration in 2007, coupled with them trying to act tough before today's game, it was nice to see Tressel enter "**** You" mode and get that last touchdown.

I enjoyed that last TD immensely. Everyone know our offense needs work...might as well use every bit of the game to get better. Awesome ending.
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scarletngray;1551504; said:

So many positives to take from this game. Will post more later but kudos to Coach Tress and the rest of the coaching staff for calling a GREAT game on both sides of the ball. And kudos to the Offense, Defense and Special Teams. Finally, kudos to 105,000 screaming fans who stayed the entire game, though there was a pretty heavy rainfall through much of the game.




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OregonBuckeye;1551500; said:
IIRC, it was his shoulder not his head that he lead with and I don't think he was happy with himself. He was laughing it off because he knew he made a mistake.

We'll neither you nor I know exactly why he was laughing, but the fact of the matter was that he did come in late, gave the defense a 15 yard penalty - could have cost us a shut out win.

After giving up ANY penalty you should be getting off the field either upset or emotionless. You got smile take you helmet off and start laughing it up next to your buddy on the sideline.

While I agree that his hit wasn't as aggressive as the Illinois fans make it out to be, Colemans actions were very childish. It would be as if you saw a lineman laughing it up after giving up a big holding penalty.
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Buckeye89Fan;1551496; said:
Unnecessary hit after the play was blown dead late in the game... Nothing to be suspended for. But something that he will pay for in practice.

You can bet RichRod - Mall Cop is going to send the tape of that to the conference office. I hope Jim Delaney tells him where to stick it.

It was a dumb play by Coleman, but it was an aggressive football play, nothing more. He didn't punch a guy, he didn't stomp on somebody's head. No malice involved, just a brain fart.
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Buckeye89Fan;1551503; said:
Quoting what you quoted.. But how can they not be impressed by the holes the O-Line was creating in the 2nd quarter? Fatass Lendale White could fit through those holes!

I'm sorry, the passing game was very unimpressive. But the way they ran the ball today, instilled some confidence for me. Gave hope that even though we don't have a bruiser like Beanie.. We can still make some big time noise in the rushing game.

Oh, for sure! Plus it was fricking raining like hell. It's not going to be a pretty game for any offense. But we need that game for our running game.
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SEREbuckeye;1551509; said:
We'll neither you nor I know exactly why he was laughing, but the fact of the matter was that he did come in late, gave the defense a 15 yard penalty - could have cost us a shut out win.

After giving up ANY penalty you should be getting off the field either upset or emotionless. You got smile take you helmet off and start laughing it up next to your buddy on the sideline.

While I agree that his hit wasn't as aggressive as the Illinois fans make it out to be, Colemans actions were very childish. It would be as if you saw a lineman laughing it up after giving up a big holding penalty.

It was a blowout. He messed up. Considering his track record, I'd say he's allowed one.
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scarletngray;1551504; said:

So many positives to take from this game. Will post more later but kudos to Coach Tress and the rest of the coaching staff for calling a GREAT game on both sides of the ball. And kudos to the Offense, Defense and Special Teams. Finally, kudos to 105,000 screaming fans who stayed the entire game, though there was a pretty heavy rainfall through much of the game.




:io: Oh Yeah
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After that display by Tressel, he has officially forfeited every scrap of respect I had for him. May karma's injury bug bite the Bucks hard and often for the rest of the season.

Wahhhh!!! Didn't we hear this last year from Northwestern and Michigan State fans? Good lord, it's a broken record.
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