Urban Meyer has 2 out clauses in his contract with UF after I believe 5 years. One is for the head coaching job at Notre Dame, and the other is to go back to where he grew up and coach for OSU.
That is from some contract insider websites that my roomate knows through Husker Power Hour.com
Here are details of his contract obtained via a FOIA request last May. There is no mention of specific schools he can go to, and it specifically states that there is no 'out clause' like his Utah contract had.
May 7, 2005 <!-- HEADLINE --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=600 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><MAP name=Maptools><AREA shape=RECT coords=2,2,84,16 href="javascript<b></b>:mailpage()"><AREA shape=RECT target=_blank coords=102,1,179,17 href="/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050507/SPORTS/505070331/1002&template=printart"><AREA shape=RECT coords=187,-1,311,17 href="http://www.floridatoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?Category=REGISTER01&ForceUserreg=1"><AREA shape=RECT coords=323,-1,424,17 href="https://ssl1.gmti.com/floridatoday/forms/icon/step0.html"><AREA shape=RECT coords=439,0,536,23 href="mailto:community@flatoday.net"></MAP>
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]
Gators to pay Meyer average of $2 million[/FONT]
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FLORIDA TODAY [/FONT]<!-- SIDEBAR --><!-- ARTICLE SIDEBAR --><TABLE cellPadding=0 width=300 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle><!-- TOPIX RELATED ARTICLES --><!-- Get Related Links from Topix --><SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!--// preset the variables to keep from getting js errors if the get content failsvar topixcats = [ ];var topixcrawled = 0;// Retrive js variables from topixvar topixcats = [{ 'node' : 'ncaa/florida-football', 'name' : 'Florida Gators NCAA Football'},{ 'node' : 'sports', 'name' : 'Sports'},{ 'node' : 'ncaa/florida', 'name' : 'University of Florida NCAA'},{ 'node' : 'ncaa', 'name' : 'NCAA Sports'},{ 'node' : 'ncaa/football', 'name' : 'NCAA Football'}];var topixcrawled = 1;//--></SCRIPT><!-- SCRIPT FOR PRESENTATION OF HEADLINES --><STYLE type=text/css><!--.topix-head { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000}.topix-affil { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 7pt; color: #ADABA8}--></STYLE><SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!--var topixID=7012;if ( topixcats.length > 0 ){ document.write('<table border="2" cellpadding="6" bordercolordark="#D9CDB3" bordercolorlight="#D9CDB3" width="300"><tr align="left" valign="top"><td bgcolor="white">
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</TD></TR><!-- MAIN FACT BOX --><TR><TD vAlign=top></TD></TR><TR><TD class=padleft vAlign=top bgColor=#efebe0>[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Meyer's deal[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Just for 2005</B> Base salary: $225,000
TV, radio: $300,000
Personal appearances: $200,000
Apparel: $500,000
Bonuses: $500,000 signing when hired
Investments: $100,000
Expense account: $60,000
Educational expenses for family: $100,000
Total: $1.985,000
Tickets: 12 complimentary to each home game and a similar block at other games on the road, plus can buy 40 more a game at face value.
Also: Two medium-priced cars, one for the head coach and his wife, with auto insurance.
Complete deal, 3D. </B>[/FONT]
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top></TD></TR><!-- ADDITIONAL PHOTOS --><TR><TD vAlign=top></TD></TR><TR><TD class=padleft vAlign=top bgColor=#efebe0>[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Meyer's deal, by the numbers[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2005 through 2007 Base salary: $225,000 in 2005; $231,750 in 2006; $238,702 in 2007.
TV, radio: $300,000 each year.
Appearances: $200,000 each year.
Apparel: $500,000 each year from Nike deal with UF.
Bonuses: $500,000 signing bonus in 2005.
Longevity incentives: $250,000 in 2006; $500,000 in 2007.
Investments: $100,000 annually deposited into account of Meyer's choice, but not redeemable unless he stays to 2012.
Expense account: $60,000 each year.
Educational expenses for family: $100,000 each year.
Totals: $1,985,000 in 2005; $1,741,750 in 2006; $1,998,702 in 2007. 2008 through 2010Base salary: $245,863 in 2008; $253,238 in 2009; $260,835 in 2010. TV, radio: $425,000 each year. Appearances: $250,000 each year. Apparel: $500,000 each year from Nike deal with UF. Longevity incentives: $250,000 in 2008; $500,000 in 2009. Investments: $150,000 annually deposited into account of Meyer's choice, but not redeemable unless he stays to 2012. Expense account: $60,000 each year. Educational expenses for family: $100,000 each year. Totals: $1,980,863 in 2008; $2,238,238 in 2009; $1,745,835 in 2010. 2011Base salary: $268,660 TV, radio: $425,000 Appearances: $250,000 Apparel: $500,000 Longevity incentive: $600,000 Investment: $150,000 Expense account: $60,000 Educational expenses for family: $100,000 Total: $2,353,660 Bonuses (every year)Non-BCS bowl: $37,500 BCS bowl: $100,000 BCS national title bowl: $150,000 BCS national title: $250,000 SEC Championship Game: $37,500 Win SEC title: $75,000 AP national coach of year: $50,000 AP SEC coach of year: $25,000 Top 10 finish (AP or USA Today): $50,000 [/FONT]
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- ARTICLE BODY TEXT --><!--ARTICLE BODY TEXT-->[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]GAINESVILLE - It's nice to be wanted. Just ask Urban Meyer.
The new Florida football figures to become very wealthy with his new seven-year contract worth about $2 million annually and signed April 20. The longer he stays, the more he will be rewarded -- capped off by a package worth $2.35 million in 2011, including a $600,000 longevity incentive.
Meyer left Utah with five years left in a deal worth $500,000 per season.
Meyer, who also received a $500,000 signing bonus, will make $1.985 million this year.
The final season is his highest payout, but a clause could allow renegotiation after the 2007 season.
His Florida contract became available Friday through the state's open-records laws and was obtained by FLORIDA TODAY. It includes:
Base salaries ranging from $225,000 this year to $268,660 in 2011 -- the only state money in the deal.
Payments of $500,000 a year through the school's apparel contract with Nike.
Appearance fees totaling $200,000 a year through 2007, then $250,000 a year.
TV and radio deals of $300,000 a year, increasing to $425,000 a year in 2008.
Longevity incentives alternating between $250,000 and $500,000 from 2006-09, then $600,000 in 2011.
Two "medium-priced" cars, one for Meyer and his wife, with auto insurance paid, and an expense account of $60,000 a year ($5,000 a month).
Payments of $100,000 a year for the Meyer family's educational expenses. Meyer's three children range in age from 6 to 14.
Meyer's contract also includes bonues such as $250,000 for winning a national title, $75,000 for winning an SEC title and $50,000 for being named the Associated Press national coach of the year (which he was in 2004 at Utah before leaving for the Gators' program).
Most of the contract, also including $100,000 a year for investments, will be paid by the University Athletic Association.
While UF officials did not comment, Meyer has said that even though he will be one of the nation's highest-paid college coaches, taking the job wasn't about the money.
"It's the best conference in college football," Meyer said during a recent booster stop in Brevard County. "I thought that before I was involved in the SEC, and now that I'm here, there is no question. It's the best players, it's in my opinion the best coaching. It's the passion."
Florida State's Bobby Bowden, Bob Stoops of Oklahoma, Texas' Mack Brown and Phil Fulmer of Tennessee also have deals averaging more than $2 million a year. Fulmer will make $2.05 million through 2011 after a recent extension.
Fulmer receives $800,000 from radio-TV, $625,000 from the Vols' apparel deal and $300,000 from an appearances and endorsement agreement.
Meyer's deal dwarfs the contract of predecessor Ron Zook, who made just more than $1 million per season in his three years at Florida before being fired late in the 2004 season.
The new coach's appeal and expectations are obvious in his new contract. He is required to attend 20 Gator gatherings, although that number can be negotiated downward and is expected to decrease in the near future.
Zook received $400,000 in his first year for the apparel part of his contract, $200,000 for TV and radio and $100,000 for appearances -- all three portions considerably less than Meyer.
Similar to a clause in most of Steve Spurrier's years at Florida, Meyer's deal allows him to consider other jobs only after the regular season until Jan. 2 each year. Meyer does not have a buyout clause in his Florida deal. He had a $250,000 buyout at Utah.
Longevity could provide more incentive than any buyout demands. The $100,000 investment will be deposited in a fund of Meyer's choice. If he remains at Florida until Jan. 31, 2012, he collects the entire amount plus all interest accumulated.
Coupled with the $600,000 bonus in 2011, Meyer would collect a total of $2.1 million dollars in longevity bonuses if he stays the full seven years.