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Saw31;1921964; said:
This thread has too many posts. So I'm having this guy remove some of them...



Black locust posts.
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"And I'll be honest: We don't want to see any 2010 gold pants on the market right now."

If one statement can kind of snap focus us all as to the perception of the program right now it's this one. Thank you Terrelle Pryor, DeVier Posey, Daniel Herron, Mike Adams, Solomon Thomas and Jordan Whiting.

I'm sure the other 94% of the current team and all the 100's of other players who have come before you really appreciate your contribution to the OSU football legacy. Hopefully, when Tressel is done catching his fair share of hell, you fine gentelmen are remembered for your part and treated accordingly.
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Jaxbuck;1922249; said:
If one statement can kind of snap focus us all as to the perception of the program right now it's this one. Thank you Terrelle Pryor, DeVier Posey, Daniel Herron, Mike Adams, Solomon Thomas and Jordan Whiting.

I'm sure the other 94% of the current team and all the 100's of other players who have come before you really appreciate your contribution to the OSU football legacy. Hopefully, when Tressel is done catching his fair share of hell, you fine gentelmen are remembered for your part and treated accordingly.

I thought Pryor was the only one that sold Gold Pants.
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Jaxbuck;1922249; said:
Thank you Terrelle Pryor, DeVier Posey, Daniel Herron, Mike Adams, Solomon Thomas and Jordan Whiting.

I'm sure the other 94% of the current team and all the 100's of other players who have come before you really appreciate your contribution to the OSU football legacy. Hopefully, when Tressel is done catching his fair share of hell, you fine gentelmen are remembered for your part and treated accordingly.
Pretty harsh. Not defending the young men, but I feel pretty sure they had no idea of the possible consequences when they undertook the actions they did. I, for one, plan to treat them like fine young athletes who had a serious lapse in judgment and paid a stern price for doing so.
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BUCKYLE;1922270; said:
I thought Pryor was the only one that sold Gold Pants.

Looks like TP and Solomon Thomas were the two that sold Gold Pants.


But Jax's point would be virtually the same for championship rings and game uniforms, which would include Adams (ring) Posey (ring) and Herron (jersey, game pants and shoes).

Whiting wasn't named as selling anything, just receiving an improper discount on tats.
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BUCKYLE;1922270; said:
I thought Pryor was the only one that sold Gold Pants.

Not sure of the exact breakdown on an item by item basis. These were the six salesmen though.

jwinslow;1922285; said:
one can dream :( I'm not sure I believe it.

I think it will follow him forever the same way Woody's punch followed him, especially if more comes out.

The front page stuff will end one way or another soon enough.
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MaxBuck;1922271; said:
Pretty harsh. Not defending the young men, but I feel pretty sure they had no idea of the possible consequences when they undertook the actions they did. I, for one, plan to treat them like fine young athletes who had a serious lapse in judgment and paid a stern price for doing so.

Just a reminder - this is the 'not all in' thread. Those voicing criticisms here don't want to see 'sunshine and lollipop' posts any more than those in the 'I stand with' thread want to see harsh criticisms.
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I don't think I've posted on the issue, but I've wondered over the last few months whether tOSU should implement a policy of holding all Gold Pants, team rings, MVP trophies, etc, until a player has completed his eligibility.

And perhaps keep track of all game uniform pieces (jerseyss pants gloves, socks, and shoes) in the same way. Maybe they could make it all uniform items except used jock straps. That way the only thing that the jock sniffers could get their hands on for an active player would justify the term.

In an ideal world, the players could be given the items right away. But the temptation may be too great, and the resulting downside to damaging to tOSU to let active players have that stuff in their possession.
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BB73;1922298; said:
I don't think I've posted on the issue, but I've wondered over the last few months whether tOSU should implement a policy of holding all Gold Pants, team rings, MVP trophies, etc, until a player has completed his eligibility.

What next, institute year-round curfew? Do inventories on each player's personal possessions? If a player has earned an award, then the award should be presented in a timely manner lest the value and meaning of the award gets watered down. Besides, part of going to college is to learn to be an adult and act responsibly...how can you expect them to do so if you treat them like a kid?
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BB73;1922289; said:
Looks like TP and Solomon Thomas were the two that sold Gold Pants.


But Jax's point would be virtually the same for championship rings and game uniforms, which would include Adams (ring) Posey (ring) and Herron (jersey, game pants and shoes).

If that's the case, then his point should be the same for the swag given to the players by the bowls. Just make sure all players recieve nothing until they leave school early.

In my view, Boom selling his uni, which he has four of, I assume, seems the least...offensive...for lack of a better term. He didn't part with any of the stuff that I would consider very important. I mean, of all the things sold, the stuff Boom got rid of could just be purchased later from the tOSU website. :lol:
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