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BuckeyeMike80;1921561; said:
Outside opinions have value, and certainly Gator has bought something to the table. But look at the VOLUME of the posts and it's not like he's really said anything really different after the initial posts per topic. Unless he's being paid by the word ( :p) then it looks just a tad obsessive.

BTW for the sake of accuracy, he has exactly 100 posts in this topic as of this post (more than double the next highest) and damned near as many as the next 3 highest COMBINED and in the Yahoo thread he ha 219 posts, which is nearly 90 posts more than the next highest poster, alexhortdoggiedog.

Well, you can either change your behavior or try and change his.
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BB73;1921578; said:
Since I'm making some attempt at being impartial, I just reviewed the 'Stand with' thread. It was dormant from March 16th until a couple weeks ago, when I merged the recently-created 'How Firm thy Friendship' thread into it (late one afternoon after my ISP being down for a few hours). Since the thread was reactivated at that point, I posted a pre-emptive warning post about that not being the place for dissenting opinions. Since then, I saw only one post in that thread which was commented on about not being in the proper thread. So that means that 1 post in the last 8 weeks in that thread received comments about not being in the proper place.

There is the possibility that posts were moved out of that thread, making the count of only 1 'strongly discouraged' post in the last 8 weeks inaccurate, but I don't remember moving posts out of there.

There is another possibility, though, that could make one believe what you stated. That being the fact that more positive comments have been posted in this 'not all in' thread, and have been allowed to remain here That's probably been the case, and part of that is because I've been taking a less active role in the threads over the past few weeks. Except when Gatorubet posts, of course, since I have to parse every phrase he utters to keep him in line. :wink2:

The original intent of having separate threads, as stated before, was an attempt to minimize posters getting into heated arguments on a volatile topic. BP's mods and admins should not be trying to suppress legitimate opinions on these issues, even though some of those opinions cast negatives on Buckeye players, coaches, and athletic/compliance department staff.

BP has always been a board that supports the Buckeyes. That doesn't mean that posters need to have scarlet blinders on and only make glowing comments about the program and those involved in it. But to me, it does mean that negative comments should to be made rationally and without hyperbole.

Recent posts makes a good point, though, This isn't the thread for posters who are still close to being 'all in' to disagree with those who are expressing concern over the issues. That belongs either in the 'stand with' thread, or in the 'yahoo, tattoos, cars' thread (where we've allowed more back-and-forth to occur recently).

I think this is what I was trying to get at, but in greater detail.
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BB73;1921578; said:
As I stated a while ago, I haven't been awarding those in this or any other similar thread in quite some time, and I can't see who has. But to use a phrase I read in this thread earlier today, people shouldn't get "butt-hurt" over which posts are and which posts aren't getting hit with GPAs.

The ESPN boards are easier, and don't have all of these rules about when your butt should hurt and when it shouldn't. :(

Plus, my Autopost? software integrates more smoothly...
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This thread should be titled "i'm not all in,but can't post an opinion because it might make people irritated". It's no different then whining about what's on ESPN. If you take the time to read it,then it's your fault.

This thread will turn into the same stories over and over about how it's anyone but JT's fault,and people doing their best to rationalize what's going on. There aren't many of those threads already existing. Keeping a discussion board completely one sided really limits what there is to discuss.

What's the point of having a civil discussion in a thread dedicated for those who share those thoughts if they aren't breaking any board rules? Anytime,anyone had anything to say that was negative in the other thread it was removed or someone was bringing up "go to the other thread"..So it's ok if people who don't share this particular thought can burn down this thread,but not the latter? Nobody is calling anyone the devil or degrading the players. Everything just isn't swell at OSU and that's reality.
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powerlifter;1921622; said:
This thread should be titled "i'm not all in,but can't post an opinion because it might make people irritated". It's no different then whining about what's on ESPN. If you take the time to read it,then it's your fault.

This thread will turn into the same stories over and over about how it's anyone but JT's fault,and people doing their best to rationalize what's going on. There aren't many of those threads already existing. Keeping a discussion board completely one sided really limits what there is to discuss.

What's the point of having a civil discussion in a thread dedicated for those who share those thoughts if they aren't breaking any board rules? Anytime,anyone had anything to say that was negative in the other thread it was removed or someone was bringing up "go to the other thread"..So it's ok if people who don't share this particular thought can burn down this thread,but not the latter? Nobody is calling anyone the devil or degrading the players. Everything just isn't swell at OSU and that's reality.

You're the devil!
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powerlifter;1921622; said:
This thread should be titled "i'm not all in,but can't post an opinion because it might make people irritated". It's no different then whining about what's on ESPN. If you take the time to read it,then it's your fault.

This thread will turn into the same stories over and over about how it's anyone but JT's fault,and people doing their best to rationalize what's going on. There aren't many of those threads already existing. Keeping a discussion board completely one sided really limits what there is to discuss.

What's the point of having a civil discussion in a thread dedicated for those who share those thoughts if they aren't breaking any board rules? Anytime,anyone had anything to say that was negative in the other thread it was removed or someone was bringing up "go to the other thread"..So it's ok if people who don't share this particular thought can burn down this thread,but not the latter? Nobody is calling anyone the devil or degrading the players. Everything just isn't swell at OSU and that's reality.

Well, that all fine, but what about the enormous problem with this board where copyright symbols in a post wind up looking like a question mark?????
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This thread has too many posts. So I'm having this guy remove some of them...

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