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knapplc;1921186; said:
Steve19 - I'm not sure where you're getting the impression I think you told Gator to shut up, or even stop posting. I know you're not "going after" him, if that's the concern.

I think your assessment of the situation is a little forgiving towards Tressel's actions. The terms you're using, "in the case of the coach, did not report the wrongdoing right away," and " There seems to be some dispute whether they told everything," appear to me to be minimizing the issue: That Coach Tressel knowingly lied to the NCAA, knowingly withheld information from them and knowingly played players who should have been ineligible.

Why would you do that? My answer is the answer to your question, 'So, what are we supposed to be "going through"?' If I have any ability to empathize at all, I would suggest you're going through a painful period wherein the coach you hold in high esteem of the school to which you are undyingly loyal appears to have put himself in a position for which there may be no alternative but to terminate him. This would bring disgrace on him, on the school, and vicariously to the fans, of which you are one.

Fans often include a measure of self-pride in the loyalty they have for a team, and you, seeing yourself as an honorable and good person, feel a measure of dismay over these actions. That's my guess of not only your reaction, but the reaction of many fans right now, and I base that on the feelings I and many Husker fans had during the 1990s when Nebraska was (justifiably, at times, others not) raked over the coals for their transgressions. It was terribly unpleasant, and I would not have enjoyed the discussions with other fans had message boards been as readily available then as they are now.

To finish, you asked, "...can there really be much more to say on this topic before the NCAA rules...?" The answer is no. But of course that doesn't mean the discussion will die. I am not joking when I say there are no bigger stories in college football right now than this. What else would we talk about? Boise's issues? Sure, they're worth a mention. Where Russell Wilson ends up? Not even remotely an issue. Instead, you have a great institution, one of the very pillars of college football, and one of the most well-respected coaches in all of football, and the big story is the scandal they're involved in.

It's not fair, it's not right, but it's reality.

Please don't think I'm coming down on you for your questioning of Gator. You have as much right to ask the questions you're asking as he has to post what he's posting. I suppose I stepped in the middle of it (perhaps unwisely) because I thought the answer was self-evident. It's not often I'm accused of having too much common sense.

Or of being concise, for that matter.


This is exactly the kind of twaddle that I wrote about. You draw all kinds of conclusions about my post due to your, very badly informed, understanding of social identification. Like I said, I don't think that this situation reflects on me at all and I am not going through anything. Those who know me know that I know a little something about the effects of social identification on human behavior. I might even publish on the topic in scientific journals. Furthermore, with all due respect, I don't really care what you think about me or my post. so, please don't feel that you offended me.


As for Gatorubet's response, really? You suggest that I am posting in the wrong thread. A thread designed for Buckeye fans who are not all in for Coach Tressel? Really? Did you think before you posted that? That's some pretty funny stuff...
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For what it's worth, I think the gator's posts over the last few pages have been perfectly appropriate for this thread.

I also feel like people who dissent in the "I Stand With..." thread are being more strongly discouraged than people who dissent in this thread.

It's perfectly reasonable for casual Buckeye fans, die-hard Buckeye fans and/or sympathetic fans from other programs to come down on either side of this issue at the moment. Can't we take people's views at face value rather than questioning their motivation for holding them?
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jlb1705;1921525; said:
For what it's worth, I think the gator's posts over the last few pages have been perfectly appropriate for this thread.

I also feel like people who dissent in the "I Stand With..." thread are being more strongly discouraged than people who dissent in this thread.

It's perfectly reasonable for casual Buckeye fans, die-hard Buckeye fans and/or sympathetic fans from other programs to come down on either side of this issue at the moment. Can't we take people's views at face value rather than questioning their motivation for holding them?
i don't think it's any particular post or any handful of posts that some finding bothersome. i think it's that one gator fan literally accounts for 10% of the posts about our mess. he considers the seemingly countless posts to be the product of intellectual stimulation. i call it schadenfreude.

edit: i'm not exactly stating that gator takes pleasure in our mess. i don't know about that. he may; he may not. i don't see him admitting it if he did. anyway, what i do think is that he takes pleasure in running a conversation about matters we find painful and potentially very damaging to our program.
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OSU_Buckguy;1921533; said:
i don't think it's any particular post or any handful of posts that some finding bothersome. i think it's that one gator fan literally accounts for 10% of the posts about our mess. he considers the seemingly countless posts to be the product of intellectual stimulation. i call it schadenfreude.

edit: i'm not exactly stating that gator takes pleasure in our mess. i don't know about that. he may; he may not. i don't see him admitting it if he did. anyway, what i do think is that he takes pleasure in running a conversation about matters we find painful and potentially very damaging to our program.

His posts-per-day rate (13.59) looks like it's 5th highest of all users who have been here for an extended period. I bet he has more than 10% of the posts in more threads than this one. I don't think it indicates anything beyond how much he likes to talk and how fucking awesome BP is.
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This is a discussion board. People discuss things.

Some folks thing that this topic been discussed to death, some folks think there is more to be said.

Some folks think that non-OSU posters should just STFU (and GTFO), some folks think outside opinions have value.

Several simple solutions present themselves for this seemingly irreconcilable conflict of opinion.
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Since most of you are me, I suppose it's appropriate for me to state the BKB official position regarding Gator and his posts....


I certainly understand Steve's frustration with the situation, and I certainly understand that Gator's posted a lot on these threads.


As far as I'm concerned he could post in this thread 1,000 more times.. in succession.... Each post could be 10,000 words long.

I. (we)

Argue with the points he's making. Fine. But... jesus... I think I've read enough "Gator posts too much" and "Gator's wall of text" for the next 10 goddamned years. If you've made your decision that Gator's got nothing new to add, skip the fucking post. We're all responsible for our own reps. If Gator's earned a rep of being a poster who posts too much, so be it. I guess BKB is just tired of him being called out all the damn time. He's a contributing member of this board.

Of course, I only say any of this because the motherfucker owes me a drink.
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SmoovP;1921557; said:
This is a discussion board. People discuss things.

Some folks thing that this topic been discussed to death, some folks think there is more to be said.

Some folks think that non-OSU posters should just STFU (and GTFO), some folks think outside opinions have value.

Several simple solutions present themselves for this seemingly irreconcilable conflict of opinion.

Outside opinions have value, and certainly Gator has bought something to the table. But look at the VOLUME of the posts and it's not like he's really said anything really different after the initial posts per topic. Unless he's being paid by the word ( :p) then it looks just a tad obsessive.

BTW for the sake of accuracy, he has exactly 100 posts in this topic as of this post (more than double the next highest) and damned near as many as the next 3 highest COMBINED and in the Yahoo thread he ha 219 posts, which is nearly 90 posts more than the next highest poster, alexhortdoggiedog.
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Steve19;1921518; said:
This is exactly the kind of twaddle that I wrote about. You draw all kinds of conclusions about my post due to your, very badly informed, understanding of social identification. Like I said, I don't think that this situation reflects on me at all and I am not going through anything. Those who know me know that I know a little something about the effects of social identification on human behavior. I might even publish on the topic in scientific journals. Furthermore, with all due respect, I don't really care what you think about me or my post. so, please don't feel that you offended me.

Ah, OK. My bad.
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jlb1705;1921525; said:
For what it's worth, I think the gator's posts over the last few pages have been perfectly appropriate for this thread.

I also feel like people who dissent in the "I Stand With..." thread are being more strongly discouraged than people who dissent in this thread.

It's perfectly reasonable for casual Buckeye fans, die-hard Buckeye fans and/or sympathetic fans from other programs to come down on either side of this issue at the moment. Can't we take people's views at face value rather than questioning their motivation for holding them?

I question your motivations for this post. :tongue2:
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[quote='BusNative;192156;5]To get a real sense, you've got to run a rate, I think. Try:

((Posts x Avg. Words) + (images.google search time x % posts with pics)) x ($ / hour rate) = economic impact of gradual Gator ---> Buckeye conversion[/quote]

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jlb1705;1921525; said:
For what it's worth, I think the gator's posts over the last few pages have been perfectly appropriate for this thread.

I also feel like people who dissent in the "I Stand With..." thread are being more strongly discouraged than people who dissent in this thread.

It's perfectly reasonable for casual Buckeye fans, die-hard Buckeye fans and/or sympathetic fans from other programs to come down on either side of this issue at the moment. Can't we take people's views at face value rather than questioning their motivation for holding them?

Since I'm making some attempt at being impartial, I just reviewed the 'Stand with' thread. It was dormant from March 16th until a couple weeks ago, when I merged the recently-created 'How Firm thy Friendship' thread into it (late one afternoon after my ISP being down for a few hours). Since the thread was reactivated at that point, I posted a pre-emptive warning post about that not being the place for dissenting opinions. Since then, I saw only one post in that thread which was commented on about not being in the proper thread. So that means that 1 post in the last 8 weeks in that thread received comments about not being in the proper place.

There is the possibility that posts were moved out of that thread, making the count of only 1 'strongly discouraged' post in the last 8 weeks inaccurate, but I don't remember moving posts out of there.

There is another possibility, though, that could make one believe what you stated. That being the fact that more positive comments have been posted in this 'not all in' thread, and have been allowed to remain here That's probably been the case, and part of that is because I've been taking a less active role in the threads over the past few weeks. Except when Gatorubet posts, of course, since I have to parse every phrase he utters to keep him in line. :wink2:

The original intent of having separate threads, as stated before, was an attempt to minimize posters getting into heated arguments on a volatile topic. BP's mods and admins should not be trying to suppress legitimate opinions on these issues, even though some of those opinions cast negatives on Buckeye players, coaches, and athletic/compliance department staff.

BP has always been a board that supports the Buckeyes. That doesn't mean that posters need to have scarlet blinders on and only make glowing comments about the program and those involved in it. But to me, it does mean that negative comments should be made rationally and without hyperbole.

Recent posts makes a good point, though, This isn't the thread for posters who are still close to being 'all in' to disagree with those who are expressing concern over the issues. That belongs either in the 'stand with' thread, or in the 'yahoo, tattoos, cars' thread (where we've allowed more back-and-forth to occur recently).

One last point, though. There have been several recent comments made about which posts have received GPAs lately. As I stated a while ago, I haven't been awarding those in this or any other similar thread in quite some time, and I can't see who has. But to use a phrase I read in this thread earlier today, people shouldn't get "butt-hurt" over which posts are and which posts aren't getting hit with GPAs.
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