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We're warming up from another stretch of single digit temps (wind chills in the -5 to -20 range) this afternoon. It's going to get in the 20s..........but start snowing for the next 20 hours.............and then drop back into the Arctic temp range.

I have a Muscovites appreciation for a good, cold and snowy Winter (helped by owning a Bernese Mountain Dog for ten years), but I am through with this fucking Winter.

I completely agree. This is getting a little ridiculous.
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At least this weather is good for something. The wind piled up about a foot-high snow drift on my patio. Scooped a big cupful of it, and made peach snow cream. (Couple spoonfuls of half & half, a drizzle of maple syrup, and a Dole peach fruit cup). Pretty yummy.
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I was able to drive faster today (behind cars, even) on snow covered roads, than yesterday when the only thing on the roads was all the dry salt stains.

No shit, I was stuck behind a driver yesterday doing 20 in a 35. I could only imagine the blistering pace they set for themselves today.
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My son and a neighborhood boy a couple houses down the street that's my sons age pulled down $50 each shoveling driveways this afternoon. Living on a lightly trafficked side-street with a ton of elderly people certainly pays dividends in the winter. Combined with his earnings since Jan 2, a couple more snows like this and my son will have earned enough to buy that iPad that Santa didn't bring him.
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If in the Midwest, are you shoveling today (Saturday), tomorrow (Sunday) or both?

I'm staring outside and it's coming down, but it'll also snow tomorrow. Stupid driveway is long and on a hill.

I'd rather spend 10 minutes every few hours clearing an inch deep dusting then spend an hour breaking my back trying to lift the snow out of the center of my driveway when it's six-inches deep. We try to keep our driveway clear as much as possible, especially because the end of the driveway has a bit of a dip so if we don't clear that as soon as the plows come by it'll freeze into an ice shelf, which causes a bit of an issue getting cars in and out without bottoming out the exhaust.
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If in the Midwest, are you shoveling today (Saturday), tomorrow (Sunday) or both?

I'm staring outside and it's coming down, but it'll also snow tomorrow. Stupid driveway is long and on a hill.
You're presenting a false choice. The question is whether you want to split it up or combine it into one gigantic drift to clear out all at once.

That said, I greatly prefer the snowy winters of the last few years over the ice belt nastiness of the last ten or so before this. I could live without the blizzards dominating the Christmas shopping months but overall it is much more pleasant to deal with and drive through.

If only the city were equipped to deal with the snow. Maybe they can brag more on the news about their 120 trucks for the central Ohio area. At least this year they have been pre treating some of the roads. During my first five years in Ohio (05-10), they waited until there was a solid 1-4 inches of packed powder/ice before putting down chemicals.
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Nobody likes a braggart, Dub.

Meanwhile, back in the real world...snowing, heavily, again.

The forecast calls for a "dusting to 1 inch" yet on current radar, the unbroken mass of darker blue stretches back to Illinois.
Yeah, we'll see about that so-called dusting.
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